Latest version.

    2303.1Proper maintenance and repair of historic windows is the most appropriate historic preservation approach, since it promotes the long-term preservation of the physical fabric, historic integrity, and appearance of historic buildings and districts. Historic windows should be repaired where possible.


    2303.2A permit is not required to undertake the following maintenance work:


    (a)Replacement of broken glass, together with associated replacement of glazing compound and, if necessary, of damaged moldings and muntins with material of matching characteristics.


    (b)Scraping, priming and repainting of window sash or frames.


    (c)Caulking around frames and sill.


    (d)Repair and replacement of window hardware, including pulley chains.


    (e)Installation of weather-stripping.


    (f)Rebuilding portions of sills, sash, molding, and other window members, using the same material and to the same configuration, size, shape, and profile.


    (g)Consolidating wood members with epoxy or other wood fillers.


    2303.3A permit is required for repair work that involves any change in configuration, shape, size or profile of any component of the total window assembly, or any change in the type of material used for replacement work, or in wholesale replacement of any window element.



Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 51 DCR 7447 (July 30, 2004).