D.C. Municipal Regulations (Last Updated: September 13, 2017) |
SubTilte 11-C. GENERAL RULES |
Chapter 11-C9. LOADING |
909.1 This section provides flexibility from the loading requirements when providing the number of spaces required is impractical or contrary to other District regulations.
909.2 The Board of Zoning Adjustment may grant, as a special exception, a full or partial reduction of the number of loading berths or service/delivery spaces required by Subtitle C § 901.1 if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of Subtitle X, Chapter 9, the applicant demonstrates that:
(a) The only means by which a motor vehicle could access the lot is from a public street, and provision of a curb cut or driveway on the street would violate any regulation in this chapter, or in Chapters 6 or 11 of Title 24 DCMR; or
(b) The loading berths or service/delivery spaces are required for an addition to a historic resource, and providing the required loading facilities would result in significant architectural or structural difficulty in maintaining the integrity and appearance of the historic resource.
909.3 The Board of Zoning Adjustment may grant, as a special exception, a waiver of the access requirements of Subtitle C §§ 904.2 and 904.3 if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of Subtitle X, the applicant demonstrates:
(a) The lot has unusual topography, grades, shape, size, or dimensions; or
(b) Alternate access arrangements would improve site design, landscaping, or traffic patterns or provide safer ingress or egress.
909.4 The Board of Zoning Adjustment may grant, as a special exception, modifications, or waivers of the screening requirements of Subtitle C § 908 if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of Subtitle X, the applicant demonstrates that:
(a) Existing protective and screening walls on the lot or on adjacent property are adequate to prevent adverse impacts on adjacent property; or
(b) Provision of protective screening walls would result in the removal of healthy trees or other landscaping, or architectural features determined by the Board of Zoning Adjustment to be worthy of protection or to provide equal screening benefits.
909.5 When granting a special exception under this section, the Board of Zoning Adjustment may impose conditions as to screening, lighting, coping, setbacks, fences, location of entrances and exits, widening of abutting alleys, loading management or transportation demand management practices, or any other requirement it deems necessary to protect adjacent or nearby property and promote the public health, safety, and welfare.