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  • 909.1 The following design requirements apply to all new construction for which a building permit is required in the H Street Northeast Neighborhood Mixed-Use zones:

    (a) Buildings shall be designed and built so that not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the streetwall(s) to a height of not less than twenty-five feet (25 ft.) shall be constructed to the property line abutting the street right-of-way. Buildings on corner lots shall be constructed to both property lines abutting public streets;

    (b) For the purposes of Subtitle H § 903.1, "residential uses" include single dwelling units, flats, multiple dwelling unit developments, and rooming and boarding houses;

    (c) Parking structures with frontage on H Street, N.E., Florida Avenue, N.E., Maryland Avenue, N.E., 13th Street, N.E., 14th Street N.E., or 15th Street N.E. shall provide not less than sixty-five percent (65%) of the ground level frontage as commercial space;

    (d) Each new building on a lot that fronts on H Street N.E., Florida Avenue, N.E., Maryland Avenue N.E., 13th Street, N.E., 14th Street N.E., or 15th Street N.E. shall devote not less than fifty percent (50%) of the surface area of the streetwall(s) at the ground level of each building to display windows having clear or clear/low-emissivity glass, except for decorative or architectural accent, and to entrances to commercial uses or to the building;

    (e) Security grilles shall have no less than seventy percent (70%) transparency;

    (f) Each commercial use with frontage on H Street N.E., Florida Avenue N.E., Maryland Avenue N.E., 13th Street N.E., 14th Street N.E., or 15th Street N.E. shall have an individual public entrance directly accessible from the public sidewalk. Multiple dwellings unit developments shall have at least one (1) primary entrance on H Street directly accessible from the sidewalk;

    (g) Buildings shall be designed so as not to preclude an entrance every forty feet (40 ft.), on average, for the linear frontage of the building, excluding vehicular entrances, but including entrances to ground floor uses and the main lobby;

    (h) The ground floor level of each new building or building addition shall have a uniform minimum clear floor-to-ceiling height of fourteen feet (14 ft.) if the building:

    (a) Fronts H Street N.E.; or

    (b) Fronts Florida Avenue N.E., Maryland Avenue N.E., 13th Street N.E., 14th Street N.E., or 15th Street N.E., and would have ground floor space occupied by one (1) or more service, retail, or office uses permitted as a matter-of-right in the underlying zone;

    (i) Buildings subject to Subtitle H § 909.1(h)  shall be permitted an additional five feet (5 ft.) of building height over that permitted in the zone;

    (j) Projection signs shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet (8 ft.) above a sidewalk and fourteen feet (14 ft.) above a driveway, project no more than three feet, six inches (3 ft., 6 in.) from the face of the building, and end a minimum of one foot (1 ft.) behind the curbline or extension of the curbline;

    (k) Façade panel signs shall not be placed so as to interrupt windows or doors and shall project no more than twelve inches (12 in.) from the face of the building; and

    (l) Roof signs are prohibited.




§ 1 of the Zoning Act of 1938, approved June 20, 1938 (52 Stat. 797, as amended; D.C. Official Code § 6-641.01 (2012 Repl.)).


Final Rulemaking published at 63 DCR 2447, 2987 (March 4, 2016 – Part 2); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 63 DCR 10620 (August 19, 2016).