Latest version.
  • 904.1 All loading berths and service/delivery spaces shall be accessible at all times from a driveway meeting the requirements of Subtitle C §§ 904.2 and 904.3.

    904.2 A driveway or access aisle leading to a loading berth or service/delivery space shall have a minimum width of twelve feet (12 ft.), a maximum width of twenty-four (24) feet, and a maximum slope of twelve percent (12%).

    904.3 No driveway providing access to a loading berth or service/delivery space shall be located in such a way that a vehicle entering or exiting from the loading berth blocks any street intersection.

    904.4 A loading berth or service/delivery space shall be designed so that it is usable and accessible by the vehicles that it is intended to serve.

    904.5 All loading berth or service/delivery space shall be located to be accessed from a public alley, where an open and improved alley of fifteen feet (15 ft.) width exists.




§ 1 of the Zoning Act of 1938, approved June 20, 1938 (52 Stat. 797, as amended; D.C. Official Code § 6-641.01 (2012 Repl.)).


Final Rulemaking published at 63 DCR 2447, 2712 (March 4, 2016 – Part 2).