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  • 200.1 The Southeast Federal Center (SEFC) zones (SEFC-1 through SEFC-4) provide for the development of a vibrant, urban, mixed-use, waterfront neighborhood, offering a combination of uses that will attract residents, office workers, and visitors from across the District of Columbia and beyond.

    200.2 The purposes of the SEFC zones are to:

    (a) Assure development of the area with a mixture of residential and commercial uses and a suitable height, bulk, and design of buildings, as generally identified in the Comprehensive Plan, and in recognition of the objectives of the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative and the Near Southeast Urban Design Framework Plan;

    (b) Encourage high-density residential development with a pedestrian-oriented streetscape through flexible zoning parameters;

    (c) Encourage a variety of support and visitor-related uses, such as retail, service, entertainment, cultural, and hotel or inn uses;

    (d) Provide for a reduced height and bulk of buildings along the Anacostia riverfront in the interest of ensuring views over and around waterfront buildings, and provide for continuous publicly-accessible open space along the waterfront;  

    (e) Require suitable ground-floor level retail and service uses near the Navy Yard Metrorail station, along M Street, S.E., near the SEFC-4 zone, and at other key pedestrian locations;

    (f) Encourage the design and development of properties in a manner that is sensitive to the adjacent Navy Yard and the historically significant buildings within the SEFC zones; and

    (g) Establish zoning incentives and restrictions to provide for the development of a publicly-accessible park along the Anacostia River and encourage uses in that park as permitted in the SEFC-4 zone.

    200.3 The SEFC-1 zone provides for high-density mixed-use development with ground floor retail, and review of the relationship of new buildings to the M Street, S.E. corridor and the adjacent Washington Navy Yard.

    200.4 The SEFC-2 zone provides for high-density residential development with limited ground floor retail, and the review of the relationship of new buildings to the SEFC waterfront park open space area. 

    200.5 The SEFC-3 zone provides for medium-density residential development with limited ground floor retail, and the review of the relationship of new buildings to the SEFC waterfront park open space area.

    200.6 The SEFC-4 zone provides for a five (5) acre minimum public park along the Anacostia River, with a defined retail area to serve residents of the neighborhood and the District of Columbia. 

    200.7 Additional objectives for the SEFC-4 zones are to:

    (a) Encourage open space;

    (b) Promote a lively, interactive waterfront environment;

    (c) Discourage parking;

    (d) Provide a development area for retail and cultural uses;

    (e) Provide an open space area, intended to be the site of open space recreation use as well as limited uses that are directly waterfront dependent; and

    (f) Allow for a continuous publicly-accessible pedestrian and bicycle trail along and adjacent to the waterfront as part of the Anacostia Waterfront Trail system.

    200.8 The SEFC-4 zone is divided into two geographic areas: 

    (a) SEFC-4 development area, consisting of the northeastern portion of the SEFC-4zone, specifically the existing Building 173 and that portion of the SEFC-4 zone located directly to the east of Building 173, north of a line extending east from the south elevation of Building 173; and

    (b) SEFC-4 open space area, consisting of all property within the SEFC-4 zone that is located outside of the development area. 

    200.9 Notwithstanding the subdivision requirements of Subtitle C § 302, two (2) or more principal buildings or structures may be erected as a matter-of-right on a single subdivided lot within the SEFC-4 zone provided that such principal buildings or structures comply with all other theoretical lot subdivision requirements of Subtitle C § 305. 

    200.10 The parking requirements are as follows:

    (a) The provision of vehicular parking spaces shall not be required. Any parking spaces and access provided shall conform to the requirements of Subtitle C, Chapter 7;

    (b) Bicycle parking spaces shall be required, in accordance with the standards of Subtitle C, Chapter 8; and

    (c) Parking for marine and parks and recreation uses, including any accessory uses, shall be located in accordance with the provisions of Subtitle C §1102.

    200.11 Penthouses shall be subject to the regulations of Subtitle C, Chapter 15 and the height and story limitations specified in each zone of this chapter.

    200.12 The provisions of Subtitle C § 1500.11 governing the application of Subtitle C, Chapter 10 shall apply to penthouses in the SEFC zones, except that this provision shall not apply to residential rental buildings. 

    200.13 The matter-of-right height, penthouse height, and floor area ratio limits shall serve as the maximums permitted building height, penthouse height, and floor area ratio for a planned unit development (PUD) for each SEFC zone.




§ 1 of the Zoning Act of 1938, approved June 20, 1938 (52 Stat. 797, as amended; D.C. Official Code § 6-641.01 (2012 Repl.)).


Final Rulemaking published at 63 DCR 2447, 3176 (March 4, 2016 – Part 2).