Latest version.

    4908.1DCHA encourages owners of decent, safe, and sanitary housing units to lease to Housing Choice Voucher families by encouraging program participation by owners of units located outside areas of poverty or minority concentration.


    4908.2DCHA encourages program participation by owners of units in low poverty areas by initiating personal contact with owners and managers by conducting formal and informal discussions and meetings to encourage participation of owners of units located outside areas of poverty or minority concentration. 


    4908.3  DCHA shall periodically evaluate the geographic distribution of assisted families to identify areas within the jurisdiction where owner outreach should be targeted.  The purpose of these activities is to provide more choices and better housing opportunities to families.  DCHA shall hold briefings for those owners who were identified as owners of units within these targeted areas. 




Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 6-203 (2008 Repl.)


Final Rulemaking published at 59 DCR 7856, 7864 (June 29, 2012).