Latest version.

    417.1If identification tags issued by the Director for use on a vehicle are lost or stolen, the person suffering the loss or theft shall report that fact to a Metropolitan Police Department precinct within twenty-four (24) hours after discovery of the loss or theft.


    417.2If the person desires to replace lost or stolen identification tags, he or she shall, within five (5) business days after discovery of the loss, surrender any remaining identification tag and the registration card and make application to the Director for a new registration card and new identification tags.


    417.3The application shall be accompanied by the registration card for the lost or stolen tags or a statement explaining the loss.


    417.4If the applicant’s tags were stolen, the application shall also be accompanied by a statement over the signature of a duly authorized member of the Metropolitan Police Department Auto Theft Section that a report of the theft has been received by the Auto Theft Section.


    417.5If the applicant’s tags were lost, the application shall be accompanied by a written statement filed with the Director explaining the circumstances surrounding the loss of the tags.


    417.6If the identification tags issued by the Director for use on a motor vehicle or trailer become mutilated, and the person whose name appeared on the registration card which accompanied the tags at the time of issue desires new tags, he or she shall, within five (5) business days after the tags become mutilated, make application to the Director for a new registration card and new identification tags.


    417.7The application shall contain the facts relating to the mutilation and other information required by the Director. The application shall be accompanied by the registration card for the mutilated tags or a written statement explaining its absence), and the mutilated tags. The Director, upon demand, will issue a receipt for the mutilated tags.



Final Rulemaking published at 51 DCR 5029 (May 14, 2004).