Latest version.

    704.1Every employee of the Department having custody of real property or improvements on the property shall protect the property from injury, defacement, or destruction. Any acts in this connection shall be promptly reported to the central office.


    704.2It shall be the duty of each recreation employee in the field to report immediately to his or her superior officer any unsanitary, unsafe, or hazardous conditions on the grounds, buildings, or equipment attached to the property.


    704.3If an unsanitary, hazardous, or unsafe condition constitutes an emergency, the condition shall be reported directly to the division head.


    704.4It is expected that any employee of the Department who has knowledge of a condition in the community which would constitute an attractive nuisance by drawing children to play in hazardous and unguarded places shall bring the circumstance to the attention of his or her immediate supervisor who shall ensure that a report is made to the division head.



15 DCRR § 1.8 (August 10, 1970 and December 23, 1970).