Latest version.

    711.1Following approval by the Board of Education for the use of school facilities, an authorized representative of the Department shall confer with the principal of the particular school or school ground involved on the details of Department operation and custodial services necessary for maintenance and protection.


    711.2When a school building is to be operated by the Department, preference in custodial responsibility shall be given to the regular custodial staff of that school building.


    711.3If the regular custodial staff is not available, adjustments may be made by the Department subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Schools.


    711.4A schedule of custodial and engineering services needed in each school during community use shall be established.


    711.5The schedule required by § 711.4 shall be subject to any adjustments by the school and recreation officers as may be found necessary or desirable.


    711.6When a building is used by more than one (1) agency, the cost of the custodial and engineering services shall be apportioned to the respective agencies according to the approved schedule.


    711.7Employees of the Board of Education, while employed by and on duty with the Department, shall be responsible to the Department representative in charge of that activity.



15 DCRR § 3.2(c)-(g) (August 10, 1970 and December 23, 1970).