Latest version.

    6201.1A responsible party shall take immediate action to contain and clean up any spill or overfill of a regulated substance from an UST system.


    6201.2A responsible party shall immediately report any spill or overfill to the Director and to the Fire Chief where there is any danger of fire or explosion.


    6201.3A responsible party shall immediately contain and clean up a spill or overfill of petroleum that is less than twenty-five (25) gallons. If the clean up cannot be completed within twenty-four (24) hours, the responsible party shall immediately notify the Director.


    6201.4If a spill or overfill of petroleum results in a release to the environment of more than twenty-five (25) gallons or causes a sheen on nearby surface water (lakes, ponds, streams, rivers or creeks), a responsible party shall report the release to the Director within twenty-four (24) hours of the occurrence. The responsible party shall begin corrective action in accordance with the applicable provisions of §§ 6203.9 through 6212 of this chapter.


    6201.5A responsible party for a hazardous substance UST system shall immediately report to the Director, the Fire Chief and the D.C. Office of Emergency Management any spill or overfill of a hazardous substance, and the owner or operator shall immediately contain and clean up any such spill or overfill. If the clean up cannot be completed within twenty-four (24) hours, the responsible party shall begin corrective action in accordance with the applicable provisions of §§ 6203.9 through 6212 of this chapter.


    6201.6If a spill or overfill of a hazardous substance results in a release to the environment that equals or exceeds its reportable quantity under CERCLA (40 CFR Part 302), in addition to the requirements of § 6201.5, a responsible party shall also report the release to the federal government's National Response Center and begin corrective action in accordance with the applicable provisions of §§ 6202 through 6212 of this chapter.



Final Rulemaking published at 40 DCR 7835, 7884 (November 12, 1993); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 46 DCR 7699 (October 1, 1999).