Latest version.

    6402.1All monies collected or received in tank registration fees, inspection fees, licensure or certification fees, or other tank fees shall be deposited in the District UST Trust Fund.


    6402.2All civil penalties and costs recovered from responsible parties shall be deposited in the District UST Trust Fund.


    6402.3Costs recovered from responsible parties after the expenditure of federal grant dollars for the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program (Federal LUST Trust Monies), shall be deposited into the Fund as program income, but shall be accounted for in compliance with applicable federal law.


    6402.4Any grants or contributions received, or monies received as reimbursement for expenditures related to the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program, shall be deposited in the District UST Trust Fund, except as provided in § 6402.5.


    6402.5Federal LUST Trust Monies (which are drawn down pursuant to a cooperative agreement with EPA and replace the expenditure of District appropriated monies) shall be maintained separate and apart from the District UST Trust Fund.


    6402.6Any interest earned on monies in the District UST Trust Fund shall be credited to the Fund.


    6402.7If, at any time, the monies in the Fund shall reach the sum of three million dollars ($ 3,000,000), collection of the annual registration fee from tank owners pursuant to § 5601, shall be suspended until the non-obligated balance in the Fund falls to two million seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($ 2,750,000), at which time the fee shall be reinstated.


    6402.8All other monies required to be deposited into the Fund pursuant to this section, shall continue to be deposited in the Fund without limitation, and funds in excess of three million dollars ($ 3,000,000) at the end of the fiscal year shall remain in the Fund.



Final Rulemaking published at 40 DCR 7835, 7906 (November 12, 1993); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 46 DCR 7699 (October 1, 1999).