Latest version.

    714.1It shall be unlawful for any person using a District incinerator to dispose of solid wastes which do not conform to the requirements of this section.


    714.2Solid wastes shall be readily combustible.


    714.3Solid wastes shall not contain hazardous wastes, except as approved.


    714.4Solid wastes shall not contain heavy timbers, logs, stumps, or large quantities of ashes, dirt, or rubble.


    714.5Solid wastes shall not contain large quantities of rubbish with a high moisture content.


    714.6Bulky combustible materials shall not exceed three feet (3 ft,) in length or two feet by two feet (2 ft.x 2 ft.) in cross-section.


    714.7Brush and tree debris shall not exceed three feet (3 ft.) in length or four inches (4 in.) in diameter.


    714.8Timbers shall not exceed three feet (3 ft.) in length, or four inches by four inches (4 in. x 4 in.), or two inches by twelve inches (2 in. x 12 in.) in cross-section.



Regulation No. 71-21, approved June 29, 1971, 18 DCR 16 (July 12, 1971), 8 DCRR §8.3:608(a): as amended by §2(f) of the Solid Waste Control Act of 1977, D.C. Law 2-69, §8-3:608(a), 24 DCR 6800, 6805 (February 17, 1978).