Section 22-A6330. LEVEL OF CARE 2.5: DAY TREATMENT  

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  • 6315  
















    6330.1 Level 2.5 Day Treatment providers shall be able to provide twenty (20) or more hours of treatment services per week. Day Treatment providers must also be certified as a mental health provider by the Department or have a psychiatrist on staff. Day Treatment is the appropriate LOC for individuals who are assessed as meeting the ASAM criteria for Level 2.5 and:


    (a)Have unstable medical or psychiatric co-occurring conditions; and


    (b)Have issues that require daily management or monitoring but can be addressed on an outpatient basis.


    6330.2  Level 2.5 Day Treatment generally lasts thirty (30) to sixty (60) days.


    6330.3  Unless clinically inappropriate or a client does not consent, all providers shall adhere to the service requirements for this level of care.


    6330.4  Level 2.5 Day Treatment includes the following mix of core services as indicated on the treatment plan and in accordance with this chapter:


    (a)Assessment/Diagnostic and Treatment Planning (in accordance with § 6336 of this chapter):


    (1) Comprehensive Assessment: Required if this is the individual’s first LOC in a single course of treatment; optional if the client has been transferred from another LOC;


    (2) Ongoing Assessment: Required within seven (7) days of admission if no comprehensive was performed at intake into Level 2.5. Cannot be billed more than twice within a sixty (60)-day period and cannot occur on the same day as a comprehensive assessment. An ongoing assessment with a corresponding treatment plan update must occur prior to a planned discharge from the LOC;


    (3) Brief Assessment: Cannot exceed four (4) occurrences within the period of time that the individual in in Level 2.5.


    (c) SUD Counseling (in accordance with § 6340 of this chapter): Counseling shall be provided as a clinically appropriate combination of Individual, Family, and Group Counseling, including Group Counseling-Psychoeducation, according to the client’s assessed needs. 


    (c)Clinical Care Coordination (CCC) (in accordance with § 6337 of this chapter): The Clinical Care Coordinator is responsible for establishing the frequency of the ongoing assessments and updates to the treatment plan. CCC shall be provided as clinically appropriate.


    (d)Case Management (in accordance with § 6338 of this chapter): For providers with a Human Care Agreement, a minimum of four (4) units (1 hour) of Case Management-HIV is required for the duration of the LOC; other Case Management per week is required in accordance with the treatment plan.


    (e)Drug Screening (in accordance with § 6341 of this chapter): Required at admission and as clinically indicated throughout the course of treatment.


    (f)Crisis Intervention: As required and in accordance with § 6339 of this chapter.


    6330.5  Level 2.5 providers may provide Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) per § 6343 of this chapter, if so certified.




Sections 5113, 5115, 5117 and 5118 of the Department of Behavioral Health Establishment Act of 2013, effective December 24, 2013 (D.C. Law 20-61; D.C. Official Code §§ 7-1141.02, 7-1141-04, 7-1141.06 and 7-1141.07 (2012 Repl.)).


Final Rulemaking published at 62 DCR 12056 (September 4, 2015).