Latest version.

    3416.1The community residence facility shall provide each resident with a means for keeping his or her medications secure and separate from those of other persons.


    3416.2Pharmaceuticals requiring refrigeration shall be stored in a locked refrigerator or in a secure container within a refrigerator.


    3416.3Narcotics shall be kept in locked containers or cabinets and the Residence Director shall keep a record of the kind and amount of narcotics in the possession of each resident.


    3416.4Medications of each resident shall be stored in their original containers and shall not be transferred to other containers.


    3416.5The Mayor shall prescribe procedures for community residence facilities to follow for the proper disposition and disposal of all medicines and narcotics on the discharge or death of the resident and when the medicines and narcotics are no longer in use.



Regulation No. 74-15 (June 14, 1974); as amended by the Community Residence Facilities Act of 1977 § 101(e), D.C. Law 2-35, 24 DCR 1458, 1489 (August 19, 1977); as amended by ERRATA published at 51 DCR 9308 (October 1, 2004).