Latest version.

    6804.1A general license shall be granted to own, receive, acquire, possess, and use tritium or promethium 147 contained in luminous safety devices for use in aircraft; Provided that the requirements of this section are met.


    6804.2Each device shall contain not more than ten (10) curies of tritium or three hundred (300) millicuries of promethium 147.


    6804.3Each device shall have been manufactured, assembled, or imported in accordance with a specific license issued by the NRC, or each device shall have been manufactured or assembled in accordance with the specifications contained in a specific license or equivalent licensing document issued by the Director or any agreement state to the manufacturer or assembler of the device pursuant to licensing requirements equivalent to those in §32.53 of 10 C.F.R., Part 32.


    6804.4The general license provided in this section shall not authorize the manufacture, assembly, or repair of luminous safety devices containing tritium or promethium 147.



Regulation No. 70-33 (July 10, 1970), 17 DCR 39 (July 27, 1970); 6A DCRR §8-2:1018(d); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 53 DCR 3721 (May 5, 2006).