Section 23-1203. WHOLESALER'S INVOICES  

Latest version.

    1203.1With each sale of a beverage, the holder of a Wholesaler's license shall cause to be made in duplicate an invoice of each sale showing the following information:


    (a)The date of each sale;


    (b)The names, addresses, and license numbers of both the vendor and the vendee;


    (c)The quantity in gallons of each character and brand of beverage in each sale;


    (d)The price of each character and brand of beverage in each sale with the total price; and


    (e)A true, accurate, and complete statement of the terms and conditions on which the sale is made.


    1203.2With each sale, the invoice shall be prepared in duplicate, and shall be consecutively numbered.


    1203.3The original of the invoice shall be delivered to the vendee and the duplicate invoice shall be retained by the vendor.



Final Rulemaking published at 51 DCR 4309 (April 30, 2004); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 55 DCR 12991 (December 26, 2008).