Latest version.

    305.1Except when the symptom is from a noninfectious condition, the person in charge shall exclude a food employee from a food establishment, if the food employee is:


    (a)     Symptomatic with vomiting or diarrhea; P or


    (b)Symptomatic with vomiting or diarrhea and diagnosed with an infection    from Norovirus, Shigella spp., or Enterohemorrhagic or Shiga Toxin-   Producing Escherichia coli. P


    305.2             The person in charge shall exclude a food employee who is: 


    (a) Jaundiced and the onset of jaundice occurred within the last seven     (7) calendar days, unless the food employee provides the person in charge    with written medical documentation from a licensed physician or     physician’s assistant specifying that the jaundice is not caused by hepatitis   A virus or other fecal-orally transmitted infection; P


    (b)     Diagnosed with an infection from hepatitis A virus within fourteen  (14)  calendar days after the onset of any illness symptoms, or within seven (7)  calendar days after the onset of jaundice; P or


    (c)Diagnosed with an infection from hepatitis A virus without developing    symptoms. P 


    305.3            The person in charge shall exclude a food employee who is diagnosed with an infection from Salmonella Typhi, or reports a previous infection with Salmonella Typhi within the past three (3) months without having received antibiotic therapy. P 



Sections 4 and 10 of An Act Relating to the adulteration of foods and drugs in the District of Columbia, approved February 17, 1898 (30 Stat. 246: D.C. Official Code §§ 48-104 and 48-110 (2009 Repl.)); Section 7 of An Act Making Appropriations to provide for the expenses for the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other purposes (32 Stat.627: D.C. Official Code § 47-2834(a)(1), (a)(2), and (b) (2005 Repl.)); and Mayor’s Order 2002-103, dated June 18, 2002 and Mayor’s Order 98-139, dated August 20, 1998.


Final Rulemaking published at 50 DCR 4394 (June 6, 2003), incorporating by reference the text of Proposed Rulemaking published at 49 DCR 6184, 6208 (July 5, 2002) ; as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 59 DCR 13690 (November 30, 2012).