Latest version.

    4605.1A prospective contractor must: 


    (a)Be responsible; and


    (b)Not be disqualified on the basis of conflicts of interest (either personal or organizational) or related ethical concerns. 


    4605.2The issues of responsibility and conflicts of interests/disqualification are addressed in sections 4606 and 4607, respectively.



The Board of Directors of the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation (Board), pursuant to authority granted by sections 105(a), 106(6), and 111 of the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation Establishment Emergency Amendment Act of 2010 (Act), effective July 7, 2010 (D.C. Act 18-476; 57 DCR 6937 (August 6, 2010), and applicable sections of any subsequent substantially identical emergency, temporary, or permanent legislation.


Notice of Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking published at 57 DCR 8507 (October 8, 2010)[EXPIRED]; as amended by Notice of Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 3086 (April 18, 2011)[EXPIRED]; as amended by Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 4565, 4569 (May 27, 2011).