D.C. Municipal Regulations (Last Updated: September 13, 2017) |
10405.1The Director will complete the investigation of a complaint as quickly as possible.
10405.2The Director may transmit a complaint to the Public Body complained of. The Public Body shall, in good faith, make every effort to respond within thirty (30) days. If the Public Body does not respond within thirty (30) days, the Director may issue an Advisory Opinion based on the information available from the complaint and any other relevant sources. In the case of Prospective Complaints, the Director may request a reasonable earlier deadline for a response from the Public Body.
10405.3The Director may grant the Public Body one extension of up to five (5) business days in which to respond to the complaint. Any subsequent extensions may only be granted with the agreement of the complainant.
10405.4The response from the Public Body must address the complaint and any other questions raised by the Director. A response that denies one or more violations of the Open Meetings Act should include an explanation. A response that admits one or more violations of the Open Meetings Act should include a plan of corrective action. The response must be signed by an individual (officer, counsel, staff) authorized to represent the Public Body.
10405.5The Director will maintain the confidentiality of records of a closed meeting of a Public Body, providing they are submitted with clear markings of the portions to be kept sealed.
10405.6The Public Body must provide a copy of its response at the same time to the Director and the complainant. The complainant’s copy may omit records of a closed meeting.
10405.7The Director may request further information from either the Public Body or the complainant, to be provided within a reasonable time, and in no event less than five (5) business days. The Director may request representatives of the Public Body and the complainant to attend an informal conference to discuss the complaint.
10405.8The Director may dismiss a complaint for lack of cooperation in the investigation of the complaint by the complainant.