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    713.1A duly registered voter is a qualified elector under § 500.2, who resides at the residence address as that address appears on the Board’s records, and either:


    (a)Has registered to vote prior to the date that in-person absentee voting begins at the Board’s office; or


    (b)Registers after the date that in-person absentee voting begins at the Board’s office and has had their residence confirmed by the Board. 


    713.2Only duly registered voters shall be permitted to cast a regular ballot.


    713.3An elector shall be permitted to cast a regular ballot in the primary election of a political party if he or she:


    (a) Is a duly registered voter whose voter registration application indicates an affiliation with the party holding the primary election; and


    (b) Has not changed his or her party affiliation status during the thirty (30) days preceding a primary election.  A change in party affiliation status occurs when a voter:


    (1)  Changes his or her party registration from one political party to another;


    (2)  Changes his or her party registration from “no party (independent)” to a political party; or


    (3)  Changes his or her party registration from a political party to “No Party (independent).” 


    713.4On Election Day, each duly registered voter shall cast a regular ballot at the polling place serving the residence address of the registered voter, provided that a duly registered voter may cast a special ballot at a precinct that is not his or her precinct of residence. 


    713.5During the hours of voting, the Board shall place in each early voting center and polling place an alphabetical list (poll book) of all persons registered in that precinct and eligible to vote in the election.


    713.6A listing of the registrants contained in the poll book shall be available for public inspection.


    713.7The information printed on the poll book in each polling place shall include the name, address, party affiliation (where applicable), and ANC Single-Member District (where applicable) of each duly registered voter residing in the precinct.


    713.8When a duly registered voter appears to vote, the voter shall state aloud his or her name and address.  The designated election official shall then locate and verify the voter’s name, address, party affiliation, and ANC Single-Member District (where applicable) from the poll book.


    713.9The voter shall confirm the accuracy of the name, address, party affiliation, and ANC Single-Member District where applicable, before signing the poll book, or other record prescribed by the Board. Such signature shall be deemed confirmation that the voter’s information is correct as shown on the Board’s records.


    713.10 After signing, the polling place official shall perform the following duties:


    (a)Issue a Voter Card to the voter;


    (b)Require that the voter’s full name be printed on the Voter Card, and if applicable, party and ballot style; and


    (c)Direct the voter to the appropriate polling place official to obtain a ballot.


    713.11The designated polling place official shall be responsible for the following:


    (a)Receiving the Voter Card;


    (b)Announcing clearly and publicly the name and party on the Voter Card in a primary election, and the name and ANC Single-Member District on the Voter Card in a general election;


    (c)Ascertaining whether the voter will vote using the optical scan voting equipment (OSVE) or the direct recording electronic (DRE) voting equipment;


    (d)Issuing to each voter the ballot(s) to which he or she is entitled; and


    (e)Depositing the Voter Card in a container provided for that purpose.


    713.12The voter shall complete his or her ballot and submit such ballot according to instructions provided.


    713.13In the event that the OSVE becomes inoperable for any reason during the election process, voters shall place voted ballots into the auxiliary ballot box. All ballots deposited in this auxiliary box shall be tabulated after the polls close, either at the polling place if the machine regains operability or at a counting place.


    713.14In the event that the DRE voting equipment becomes inoperable for any reason during the election process, voters shall be directed to use the OSVE.  The Board shall make reasonable accommodations to voters, who by reason of disability or preference, wish to vote using the DRE equipment.


    713.15Any repairs conducted on either the OSVE or DRE equipment will be performed in the presence and view of:


    (a)An election official who shall note in writing all repair activity; and


    (b)Designated poll watchers and election observers, if any in that precinct, who will be provided with any available information pertaining to system activity.




The District of Columbia Election Code of 1955, approved August 12, 1955, as amended (69 Stat. 699; D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.05(a)(14) (2014 Repl.)).


Final Rulemaking published at 39 DCR 2467, 2489-90 (April 10, 1992); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 51 DCR 7414 (July 30, 2004); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 51 DCR 2718 (March 12, 2004); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 56 DCR 5753, 5756 (July 17, 2009); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 57 DCR 4245, 4259 (May 14, 2010); as amended by Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 10752 (December 16, 2012)[EXPIRED]; as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 941, 957 (February 10, 2012); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 62 DCR 14744 (November 13, 2015).