Latest version.

    514.1Representation will be determined by the majority of the valid ballots cast. Ballots shall be tallied in the presence of the parties observers. The count shall proceed as set forth in this section.


    514.2The Boards agent shall segregate the challenged ballots. The challenged ballots shall be opened and counted only if they have been resolved by the parties and they could be determinative of the outcome of the election.


    514.3If challenged ballots have not been resolved, and if the challenges could affect the outcome of the election, the Board shall treat the challenges in the same manner as objections to the election. (See § 515.)


    514.4When the election includes a vote on a combined professional/nonprofessional unit, the ballots on unit preference shall be tallied first. If a majority of the professional employees casting valid ballots votes for a combined unit, the ballots on choice of representative, if any, shall be tallied together. If the majority of professional employees voting fails to vote for a combined unit, the ballots on choice of representative, if any, shall be tallied separately.


    514.5The Board shall preserve all ballots until the conclusion of any related proceedings.


    514.6The participants in the tally are the Boards agents and official observers, in the numbers necessary. Members of the press and other interested persons may be present to the extent permitted by the physical facilities and the permission of the owner of the premises being used. The Board agent in charge of the election has discretion to limit the number of participants.




Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979, as amended (D.C. Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-605.02(11) (2014 Repl.)).


Final Rulemaking published at 37 DCR 5267 (August 10, 1990); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 62 DCR 12688 (September 25, 2015).