130579 Amendments to Chapter 9, section 900, "Filling Vacancies," and section 904, "Vacancy in the Office of Elected Member of the Board of Education."  






    The District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics pursuant to the authority set forth in D.C. Code § 1-1001.05(a)(14) hereby gives notice of action to adopt the following amendments to 3 DCMR Chapter 9, “Filling Vacancies.”


    The amendments: (1) reflect changes to the names of federal and District of Columbia agencies and agency guidelines; and (2) correct typographical errors made as a result of the District-wide electronic regulation updating process.


    A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking with respect to these amendments was published in the D.C. Register on October 23, 2009 at 56 D.C.R. 8440.  No comments were received concerning these rules.  These amendments will be effective upon publication of this notice in the D.C. Register.


    Section 900 of Chapter 9 of 3 DCMR, “Filling Vacancies,” shall be amended to read as follows:


    900                  FILLING VACANCIES


    900.1               This chapter governs the procedures of the District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics in the event a vacancy occurs in any of the following offices prior to the expiration of the term of office:


    a)        The Mayor of the District of Columbia;


    b)            The Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia;


    c)             At-large and Ward members of the Council of the District of Columbia;


    d)            At-large and Ward members of the State Board of Education; and


    e)        Delegate to the House of Representatives.


    900.2               A vacancy shall exist in the offices enumerated in § 900.1 when any of the following occurs during the public official’s term of office:


    a)        Resignation;


    b)       Death; or


    c)        Declaration of vacancy by a court.


    900.3               A vacancy shall also exist in the offices of Mayor, Member of the Council of the District of Columbia, or Member of the District of Columbia Board of Education whenever a recall election is conducted and, as a result of that recall election, an elected officer is removed from office.”



    Section 904 of Chapter 9 of 3 DCMR, “Vacancy in the Office of Elected Member of the Board of Education,” shall be amended to read as follows:


    904                  VACANCY IN THE OFFICE OF ELECTED MEMBER OF THE                                               STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION


    904.1               When a member of the State Board of Education resigns his or her office                           prior to expiration of the term, the resignation shall be in writing and in                           duplicate.


    904.2               The resigning member of the State Board of Education shall forward one                           duplicate original of the resignation to the Mayor and one duplicate                                    original to the Chairperson of the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics.


    904.3               Within five (5) working days of receipt of the duplicate resignation, the                              Board shall certify the seat vacant, effective as provided by the                                           resignation, and issue the appropriate notification as provided by § 906


    904.4               When a member of the State Board of Education dies while still serving                             his or her term of office, the Board shall, within five (5) working days of                         notice of the death of the member of the State Board of Education, certify                              the seat vacant and issue the appropriate notification as provided by § 906.


    904.5               When a vacancy in the office of Member of the State Board of Education                          is declared by court order, the Board shall, as soon as practicable after the                              court declaration, notify the President of the State Board of Education of                               the vacancy by registered mail.


    904.6               When a vacancy in the office of Member of the State Board of Education                          occurs as a result of a recall election, the Board shall, as soon as                                           practicable after certification of the election results, do the following:


    a)        Certify the seat vacant;


    b)       Notify the State Board of Education; and


    c)             Issue the appropriate notification as provided by § 906.


    904.7               When the office of the President becomes vacant, the State Board of Education shall select one of the members of the Board to serve as the President pursuant to the by-laws of the State Board of Education.”