4158213 Resolution 20-18, “Sense of the Council on Displaying the Phrase ‘Taxation Without Representation’ on the Presidential Limousine’s License Plates Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2013”
January 8, 2013
To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to declare the sense of the Council that President Obama should display the phrase “Taxation Without Representation” on the license plates of the Presidential limousine.
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Sense of the Council on Displaying the Phrase ‘Taxation Without Representation’ on the Presidential Limousine’s License Plates Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2013”.
Sec. 2. (a) On January 21, 2013, President Barack Obama will be inaugurated for his second term. Following his inauguration, President Obama will lead a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue with his motorcade. This parade will be watched by millions of Americans and people around the world on television and on the Internet.
(b) In 2000, the District, under the leadership of then-Council Chairman Linda Cropp, added the phrase “Taxation Without Representation” to District license plates. President Bill Clinton displayed license plates bearing this phrase on his limousine. President George W. Bush omitted this phrase from the license plates of his limousine. President Obama has continued that practice.
(c) Displaying license plates bearing the phrase “Taxation Without Representation” raises awareness about the District’s lack of representation in Congress and supports the District’s efforts to achieve statehood.
(d) There is an immediate need for the Presidential limousine to display license plates bearing the phrase “Taxation Without Representation” so that they can be seen by the millions of Americans and people around the world who will be watching the parade.
Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the Sense of the Council on Displaying the Phrase ‘Taxation Without Representation’ on the Presidential Limousine’s License Plates Emergency Resolution of 2013 be adopted on an emergency basis.
Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.