666698 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Komi - ANC 2B - Rescind  








    Posting Date:    December 24, 2010

    Petition Date:    February 7, 2011

    Hearing Date:   February 22, 2011  


    License No.:     ABRA-006765

    Licensee:          Pizzetti 824, Inc.                        

    Trade Name:    Komi

    License Class:  Retail Class “C” Restaurant

    Address:           1509 17th Street NW

    Contact:           Terry Brennan (202) 686-7600



                  WARD 2                   ANC 2B                      SMD 2B07


    Notice is hereby given that this licensee has applied for a substantial change to his license under the D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Act and that the objectors are entitled to be heard before the granting of such on the hearing date at 10:00 am, 2nd Floor, Suite 2000, 1250 U Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20009.  Petition and/or request to appear before the Board must be filed on or before the petition date.


    The licensee requests the following substantial change of an Expansion of the premises for the space below and adjacent to the current premises.  This will include an additional 6 seats adjacent and 26 seats below for a total increase to 74 seats.  There is an additional expansion to increase the Sidewalk Café seating by 20 seats.