5126079 Resolution 20-621, "Long-Term Care Stabilization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2014"  







    September 23, 2014


    To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to amend the Health Services Planning Program Re-establishment Act of 1996 to exempt from the certificate of need requirements a change in ownership of the Specialty Hospital of Washington; and to provide the authority for the appointment of a receiver of a hospital.


    RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Long-Term Care Stabilization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2014”.


    Sec. 2.  (a) The Specialty Hospital of Washington is in financial difficulty that may result in bankruptcy protection while it reorganizes, possible sale to another owner, or dissolution.

    (b)  Enactment of the Long-Term Care Stabilization Emergency Amendment Act of 2014, passed on an emergency basis on September 23, 2014 (Enrolled version of Bill 20-859) will protect fragile long-term care patients from disruption of their care.

    (c)  Enactment of the Long-Term Care Stabilization Emergency Amendment Act of 2014 will expedite the transfer of ownership of the Specialty Hospital of Washington to another owner with minimal impact on patient care.


    Sec. 3.  The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the Long-Term Care Stabilization Emergency Amendment Act of 2014 be adopted after a single reading.


    Sec. 4.  This resolution shall take effect immediately.