5676263 Notice of Intent to Act on New Legislation - Bills and Proposed Legislation



    The Council of the District of Columbia hereby gives notice of its intention to consider the following legislative matters for final Council action in not less than 15 days.

    Referrals of legislation to various committees of the Council are listed below and are subject to change at the legislative meeting immediately following or coinciding with the date of introduction. It is also noted that legislation may be co-sponsored by other Councilmembers after its introduction.


    Interested persons wishing to comment may do so in writing addressed to Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 5, Washington, D.C.

    20004. Copies of bills and proposed resolutions are available in the Legislative Services Division, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 10, Washington, D.C. 20004 Telephone: 724-8050 or online at www.dccouncil.us.





    B21-356             Public Access to Body-Worn Camera Video Amendments Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary




    B21-357             Public Safety and Criminal Code Revisions Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred sequentially to the Committee on Judiciary and Committee of the Whole


    B21-358             Revision  of Guardianship of Minors and Creation of Supplemental Needs Trusts Act of 2015

    Intro. 9-18-15 by Councilmember Evans and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-359             Ballpark Fee Overpayment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-18-15 by Councilmember Evans and referred to the Committee on Finance and Revenue





    B21-360             Neighborhood Engagement Achieves Results Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers McDuffie, Allen, Cheh, Silverman, Nadeau, Grosso, Bonds, May, Evans, and Orange, and Chairman Mendelson and referred sequentially as follows: title 2; to the Committee on Health and Human Services for 60 days then the entire bill to the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-361             Youth Suicide Prevention and School Climate Survey Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Grosso, Allen, McDuffie, Bonds, Cheh, Nadeau, May, Todd, and Silverman, and Chairman Mendelson and referred to the Committee on Education


    B21-362             Metropolitan Police Department Minimum Staffing Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmember Evans and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-363             Omnibus Health Regulation Rationalization Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Evans and Grosso and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services




    B21-364             Jobs for D.C. Residents Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Evans, Orange, Bonds, and Alexander and referred to the Committee of the Whole with comments from the Committee on Education and the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-365             Record Sealing for Victims of Sex Trafficking Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Cheh, Allen, Bonds, Nadeau, Grosso, and Alexander and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-366             Firehouse Parking Exception Regulation Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmember Cheh and Chairman Mendelson and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment with comments from the Committee on Judiciary






    B21-367             Women in Need Program Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmember Orange and referred sequentially to the Committee on Health and Human Services and Committee of the Whole with comments from the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-369             Commission on Climate Change and Resiliency Establishment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Allen and Cheh and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment


    B21-370             Unemployment Benefits Modernization Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Silverman, Bonds, May, Todd, McDuffie, Allen, Cheh, and Nadeau, and Chairman Mendelson and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs


    B21-371             Unused Prescription Drug Donation Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Alexander, Cheh, and Grosso and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services



    B21-372             Safe Sleep for Infants Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Alexander, Nadeau, Todd, May, Bonds, Orange, and Cheh, and Chairman Mendelson and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services


    B21-373             Justice for Ex-Spouses Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Todd, Silverman, May, Orange, Grosso, Bonds, Nadeau, and Evans and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-374             Emery Heights Community Center Designation Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmember Todd and referred to the Committee of the Whole






    B21-375             Language Access Compliance Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Nadeau, Orange, Silverman, and Allen and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-376             Advisory Neighborhood Commission Absenteeism Accountability Amendment Act of 2015

    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Nadeau, Silverman, and Bonds and referred to the Committee on Housing and Community Development


    B21-377             Repeal of Outdated and Unnecessary Audit Mandates Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Chairman Mendelson and referred to the Committee of the Whole


    B21-378             Mobile Hygiene Pilot Program Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmember Orange and referred sequentially to the Committee on Health and Human Services and Committee of the Whole



    B21-379             Citizen Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Amendment Act of 2015

    Intro. 9-18-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-380             Deferred Compensation Program Enrollment Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee of the Whole


    B21-381             Expanding Access to Juvenile Records Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-382             Bail Reform Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary




    B21-383             Vision Zero Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment with comments from the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-384             District of Columbia Good Time Credits Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-385             Citizens with Intellectual Disabilities Civil Rights Restoration Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred sequentially to the Committee on Health and Human Services and the Committee on Judiciary


    B21-386             Fisheries and Wildlife Omnibus Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred sequentially to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment and the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs with comments from the Committee on Judiciary and the Committee of the Whole



    B21-387             Health Care Benefits Lien Reduction Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Councilmember Orange and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs with comments from the Committee on Health and Human Services


    B21-388             Workers' Compensation Benefits Lien Reduction Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Councilmember Orange and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs


    B21-397             Procurement Practices Reform Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-22-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee of the Whole





    B21-399             Marion S. Barry Summer Youth Employment Expansion Amendment Act of 2015

    Intro. 9-22-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs


    B21-400             Closing of a portion of a public alley in Square 5197, S.O. 11-4822, Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-25-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee of the Whole


    B21-401             Omnibus Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-25-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs


    B21-402             Ingleside Presbyterian Retirement Community, Inc. Real Property Tax Exemption and Real Property Tax Relief Act of 2015

    Intro. 9-25-15 by Councilmember Todd and referred to the Committee on Finance and Revenue


    B21-403             Department of Motor Vehicles Reform Amendment Act of 2015


    Intro. 9-25-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment





    PR21-327           Metropolitan Police Department Body-Worn Cameras Approval Resolution of 2015

    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    PR21-328           Local Rent Supplement Program Contract No. 2014-LRSP-04 Approval Resolution of 2015

    Intro. 9-17-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the District of Columbia Housing Authority, and Retained by the Council with comments from the Committee on Housing and Community Development




    PR21-329           District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors Ana Recio Harvey Confirmation Resolution of 2015

    Intro. 9-18-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment


    PR21-330           District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors Matthew

    T. Brown Confirmation Resolution of 2015


    Intro. 9-18-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment


    PR21-331           District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors Joshua Lopez Confirmation Resolution of 2015

    Intro. 9-18-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment


    PR21-332           Sense of the Council Regarding Quick Payment Compliance Resolution of 2015

    Intro. 9-22-15 by Councilmembers Nadeau, Orange, Silverman, and Grosso and Retained by the Council


    PR21-335           Grimke School, N.W. Surplus Declaration and Approval Resolution of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment




    PR21-336           Grimke School, N.W., Disposition Approval Resolution of 2015


    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee of the Whole


    PR21-342           Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Nicholas S. Alberti Confirmation Resolution of 2015

    Intro. 9-21-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs




    PR21-345           Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Mike Silverstein Confirmation Resolution of 2015

    Intro. 9-24-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs


    PR21-346           Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Sanction Policy Amendment Approval Resolution of 2015

    Intro. 9-24-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services


    PR21-347           Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department Medical Director Jullette Saussy Confirmation Resolution of 2015

    Intro. 9-24-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    PR21-348           Police Compliance Board Patrick Burke Confirmation Resolution of 2015


    Intro. 9-25-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary



    PR21-349           Police Compliance Board Bobbi Strang Confirmation Resolution of 2015


    Intro. 9-25-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary


    PR21-350           Pre-k Enhancement and Expansion Funding Approval Resolution of 2015


    Intro. 9-25-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Education