6246817 Resolution 21-619, Contract No. DCKA-2012-C-0110 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2016  







    October 11, 2016        



    To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to approve multiyear Contract No. DCKA-2012-C-0110 with Outfront Media VW Communications LLC for advertising for the Capital Bikeshare Program, and to authorize payment in the total amount of $3,050,000 for the goods and services received and to be received under the contract. 


                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Contract No. DCKA-2012-C-0110 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2016”.


    Sec. 2. (a)  There exists a need to approve Contract No. DCKA-2012-C-0110 with Outfront Media VW Communications LLC for advertising for the Capital Bikeshare Program and to authorize payment for the goods and services received and to be received under that contract. 

    (b) The Office of Contracting and Procurement (“OCP”), on behalf of the District Department of Transportation, entered into a letter contract on April 8, 2014, with Van Wagner Communications, LLC for advertising for the Capital Bikeshare Program for 60 days.

    (c)  By Modification No. 1, dated June 8, 2014, OCP extended the letter contract for 30 days until July 8, 2014, at no additional cost.

                (d)  By Modification No. 3, dated July 9, 2014, OCP extended the letter contract until October 31, 2014, at no additional cost.

                (e)  By Modification No. 5, dated October 31, 2014, OCP extended the letter contract until December 31, 2014, at no additional cost.

                (f)  By unsigned Modification No. 7, OCP extended the letter contract until February 27, 2015, at no additional cost.

                (g)   By Modification No. 8, dated February 26, 2015, OCP extended the letter contract until March 27, 2015, at no additional cost.

                (h)  On March 23, 2015, Van Wagner Communications, LLC notified OCP that it changed its name to Outfront Media VW Communications LLC.

                (i)  By Modification No. 9, dated March 27, 2015, OCP extended the letter contract until May 29, 2015, at no additional cost.

                (j)  By Modification No. 11, dated May 29, 2015, OCP extended the letter contract until June 19, 2015, at no additional cost.

                (k)  By Modification No. 12, dated June 19, 2015, OCP extended the letter contract until July 31, 2015, at no additional cost.

                (l)  By Modification No. 13, dated July 31, 2015, OCP extended the letter contract until October 31, 2015, at no additional cost.

                (m)  By unsigned Modification No. 15, OCP extended the letter contract until December 31, 2015, at no additional cost.

                (n)  By Modification No. 16, dated December 23, 2015, OCP extended the letter contract until February 29, 2016, at no additional cost.

                (o)  By Modification No. 17, dated February 29, 2016, OCP extended the letter contract until April 30, 2016, at no additional cost.

                (p)  By Modification No. 18, dated April 30, 2016, OCP extended the letter contract until June 30, 2016, at no additional cost.

                (q)  OCP now desires to definitize multiyear Contract No. DCKA-2012-C-0110.

    (r) The estimated total expenditures for the 5-year base term of this multiyear contract with Outfront Media VW Communications LLC is in the amount of $3,050,000.  In addition, Outfront Media VW Communications LLC will pay the District a lump sum payment of $1,000,001.   

    (s)  Council approval is necessary to allow the District to receive and continue to receive the benefit of the vital services that Outfront Media VW Communications LLC provides and to receive the lump sum payment.

    (t)  These critical services can only be obtained through an award of the multiyear contract to Outfront Media VW Communications LLC.


    Sec. 3.   The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the Contract No. DCKA-2012-C-0110 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2016 be adopted after a single reading.


    Sec. 4.   This resolution shall take effect immediately.