September 20, 2016
To declare the month of October 2016 as “Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month” in the District of Columbia.
WHEREAS, domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior used to exert power and control over an intimate partner;
WHEREAS, the dignity, safety, and well-being of all residents is the foundation of a vibrant and healthy community;
WHEREAS, intimate partner violence is a public health crisis in the District of Columbia, which is injurious to all;
WHEREAS, domestic violence does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic status, or race;
WHEREAS, an estimated one out of 4 women will experience domestic violence at some point in her lifetime, and based on those numbers, there may be as many as 88,000 victims of domestic violence residing in the District;
WHEREAS, 34,966 domestic violence-related calls were made to the Metropolitan Police Department in 2015, which represents a 6 % percent increase over 2014;
WHEREAS, from January 1 to August 23, 2016, 8 individuals were murdered in the District of Columbia in cases related to intimate partner violence;
WHEREAS, from January 1 to August 23, 2016, 15 individuals were murdered in the District of Columbia in cases related to domestic violence;
WHEREAS, 5,867 people sought help in 2015 at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia’s Domestic Violence Intake Centers, which assist individuals in obtaining civil protection orders, safety planning, and referrals for legal assistance, housing, and social services;
WHEREAS, all forms of domestic violence, including physical, psychological, emotional, and economic abuse, have devastating long-term effects on victims and place a strain on the District’s legal, social services, and healthcare systems;
WHEREAS, many victims are forced to remain in dangerous situations due to their inability to access long-term affordable housing;
WHEREAS, according to the 2015 Homeless Point-in-Time Count Report, 27% of the District’s homeless families reported a history of domestic violence, and 15% were currently homeless as a direct result of a violent incident;
WHEREAS, domestic violence negatively affects employment, resulting in $3 to $5 billion annually in lost wages and reduced productivity;
WHEREAS, domestic violence has a major impact on children and teens, who must be taught to understand the building blocks of healthy relationships and the consequences of abuse; and
WHEREAS, the District has taken important steps to help victims of domestic violence, including by providing life-saving public emergency services, establishing 24-hour hotlines, and through the efforts of the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants, ensuring that high-quality services are available to every victim seeking help.
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month Recognition Resolution of 2016”.
Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia declares the month of October 2016 as “Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month” in the District of Columbia.
Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.