Notice of Reprogramming Requests
Pursuant to DC Official Code Sec 47-361 et seq. of the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1990, the Council of the District of Columbia gives notice that the Mayor has transmitted the following reprogramming request(s).
A reprogramming will become effective on the 15th day after official receipt unless a Member of the Council files a notice of disapproval of the request which extends the Council’s review period to 30 days. If such notice is given, a reprogramming will become effective on the 31st day after its official receipt unless a resolution of approval or disapproval is adopted by the Council prior to that time.
Comments should be addressed to the Secretary to the Council, John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 5 Washington, D.C. 20004. Copies of reprogrammings are available in Legislative Services, Room 10.
Telephone: 724-8050
Reprog. 21-114: Request to reprogram $26,000,000 of Fiscal Year 2015 Local funds budget authority from the Department of General Services (DGS), the Department of Employment Services (DOES), the Unemployment Compensation Fund (UCF), the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF), the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), the Workforce Investments Fund (WIF), and the District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) Subsidy, to the Pay-As-You-Go (Paygo) Capital Fund to support various capital projects. In addition this request to reprogram $21,000,000 of Capital funds budget authority from DGS to various capital projects was filed in the Office of the Secretary on October 15, 2015.
RECEIVED: 14 day review begins October 16, 2015
Reprog. 21-115: Request to reprogram $1,439,572 of Fiscal Year 2015 Local funds budget authority from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to the Pay-As-You-Go (Paygo) Capital Fund was filed in the Office of the Secretary on October 19, 2015. This reprogramming is needed to advance the redesign of the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE and Malcolm X Avenue, SE in Ward 8.
RECEIVED: 14 day review begins October 20, 2015
Reprog. 21-116: Request to reprogram $1,424,922 of Fiscal Year 2015 Local funds budget authority from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to the Pay-As-You-Go (Paygo) Capital Fund was filed in the Office of the Secretary on October 19, 2015. This reprogramming is needed to advance the Metropolitan Branch Trail project from Brookland to the northern boundary of the District, creating a connected trail from Union Station to Silver Spring, Maryland.
RECEIVED: 14 day review begins October 20, 2015
Reprog. 21-117: Request to reprogram $2,255,469 of Fiscal Year 2015 Special Purpose Revenue funds budget authority from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to the Pay-As-You-Go (Paygo) Capital Fund was filed in the Office of Secretary on October 19, 2015. This reprogramming ensures that DDOT is able to procure awarded, capital-eligible community projects in performance parking zones.
RECEIVED: 14 day review begins October 20, 2015
Reprog. 21-118: Request to reprogram $1,100,000 of Fiscal Year 2015 Special Purpose Revenue funds budget authority from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to the Department of Public Works (DPW) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on October 19, 2015. This reprogramming ensures that DPW will be able to relieve a spending pressure in the personal services and to replenish road salt supplies for the D.C. Snow Program.
RECEIVED: 14 day review begins October 20, 2015
Reprog. 21-119: Request to reprogram $1,602,791 of Fiscal Year 2015 Local funds budget authority from the Department of General Services (DGS) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on October 19, 2015. This reprogramming ensures that there is adequate funding for projected increases primarily in overtime costs due to increased maintenance issues within the facility Operations division.
RECEIVED: 14 day review begins October 20, 2015
Reprog. 21-120: Request to reprogram $570,000 of Fiscal Year 2015 Local funds budget authority within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on October 19, 2015. This reprogramming covers higher-than anticipated salaries in certain program areas.
RECEIVED: 14 day review begins October 20, 2015