Vol. 57, No. 41 (10/08/2010)
1. Council Issues
- 546321 ACR 18-101, "Senator Charles H. Percy Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 546418 ACR 18-104, "Kenneth Barnes, Sr. Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 546515 ACR 18-105, "800th Anniversary of the Franciscan Rule of Life Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 546612 ACR18-108, "Ida C. Robinson Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 546709 ACR 18-110, "Lamont Peterson Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 546806 ACR 18-111, "Malik King Williams Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 546903 ACR 18-112, "Loeb's Delicatessan 50th Anniversary Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 547000 ACR 18-113, "Aaron E. Whitaker Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 547194 ACR 18-114, "Reverend Carl F. Dianda Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 547291 ACR 18-115, "Irene Valentine Jefferson Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 547388 ACR 18-116, "Leon T. Scales Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 547485 ACR 18-117, "DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation 10-Year Anniversary Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 547582 ACR 18-118, "Nothing But Nets Week Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 547679 ACR 18-119, "Langston Legacy Golf Course 70th Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 547776 ACR 18-120, "Takoma Park Baptist Church Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 547873 ACR 18-121, "Newell Family Tenth Biannual Family Reunion Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 547970 ACR 18-122, "National HIV Testing Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 548067 ACR 18-123, "Foster Care Month Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 548164 ACR 18-124, "Spring 2009 Youth Intern Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 548261 ACR 18-125, "Sikh Heritage Week Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 548358 ACR 18-126, "Jeanette Ousley 100th Birthday Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 548455 ACR 18-127, "Jerry N. Johnson Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 548552 ACR 18-128, "The Honorable Dave Bing Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 548649 ACR 18-129, "United Black Fund Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 548746 ACR 18-130, "Donald G. Murray Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 548843 ACR 18-131, "Pastor Franklin G. Senger, III Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 548940 ACR 18-132, "Elnora B. Smith Posthumous Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 549037 ACR 18-133, "Captain James M. Thompson, USPHS, Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 549134 ACR 18-134, "Lafayette Elementary School Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 549231 ACR 18-135, "Vargas Fine Art, Inc. Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 549328 ACR 18-136, "William A. Hanbury Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 549425 ACR 18-137, "Gus DiMillo Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 549522 ACR 18-138, "Letha M. Blount and 9th Anniversary Celebration of the District of Columbia American Classic Woman of the Year Pageant Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 549619 ACR 18-139, "Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns Posthumous Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 549716 ACR 18-140, "District of Columbia Historic Courthouse Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 549813 ACR 18-141, "H Street Community Development Corporation John A. Wilson Scholarship Fund Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 549910 ACR 18-142, "National Partnership for Community Leadership Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 550007 ACR 18-143, "Washington Capitals' 2008-2009 Season Celebration Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 550104 ACR 18-144, "DC Media Basketball Team Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 550201 ACR 18-145, "Brown Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 550298 ACR 18-146, "Lionel Taylor Recognition Resolution of 2009"
- 550395 ACR 18-147, "Harvey G. Armstrong Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 550492 ACR 18-148, "Joseph K. E. Ansah Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 550589 ACR 18-149, "Paul J. Cook Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 550686 ACR 18-150, "Austen O. Iduwe Day Declaration Resolution of 2009"
- 550783 Public Hearing Notice on B18-990, "Closing of Public Streets, Dedication of Land for Street Purposes; and Elimination of Highway Plan Encumbrances, in and Abutting Squares 3655, 3656, and 3657, S.O. 09-10589, Act of 2010"
- 551268 Act 18-535, "Office of Cable Television Property Acquisition and Special Purpose Revenue Reprogramming Emergency Act of 2010"
- 551365 Act 18-536, "Automated Traffic Enforcement Fund Emergency Amendment Act of 2010"
- 551753 Notice of Intent to Act on New Legislation - Bills and Proposed Resolutions
- 551850 Consideration of Temporary Legislation - B18-1015, B18-1030, B18-1032, B18-1034 and B18-1036
- 551947 Notice of Reprogramming Request - 18-146
- 552044 Notice of Public Hearing on B18-1003, "Long-Term Care Ombudsman Amendment Act of 2010"
2. Agency Issues
- 531868 To establish the reimbursement requirements and rate for qualified providers who provide supported employment services pursuant to a contract with the Department of Mental Health.
- 532838 Reimbursement to Nursing Facilities
- 536427 Amendments to the Parking Management Regulations
- 538852 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order 18118 - 1711 Florida Avenue, Property LLC - ANC 1C
- 541956 Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order No. 10-09/10-10: Case Nos. 10-09 & 10-10 (Increases to Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment Fees)
- 542053 Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order No. 10-09/10-10: Case Nos. 10-09 & 10-10 (Increases to Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment Fees)
- 542441 Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order No. 10-05: Case No. 10-05 (Map Amendment - Revisions and Additions to Wards 7 & 8 R-5-A Zoning Consistency Map Amendments Made in Z.C. Order Nos. 07-30, 08-12 and 08-22)
- 542538 Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order No. 10-05: Case No. 10-05 (Map Amendment - Revisions and Additions to Wards 7 & 8 R-5-A Zoning Consistency Map Amendments Made in Z.C. Order Nos. 07-30, 08-12 and 08-22)
- 542635 Zoning Commission Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Case No. 10-15 (Text Amendment to 11 DCMR, Chapter 30, § 3004, Minutes and Transcripts)
- 543120 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order 18106 - Danica Petroshius - ANC 6A
- 543217 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order - 17816-A - Michael D. Sendar - ANC 2C
- 543314 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order 17809-A - Jamal's Uline LLC - ANC 6C
- 543411 " Board of Zoning Adjustment Public Hearing Notice for December 7, 2010"
- 543605 2010-157: Delegation of Rulemaking Authority under the District's Opportunity to Purchase Amendment Act of 2008
- 543702 2010-158: Appointment - Interim State Superintendent of Education, Office of the State Superintendent of Education
- 543799 2010-159: Appointment - Director, D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation
- 543993 Reimbursement for Physican Rates
- 544090 Notice of Intent to Issue an Air Quality Permit to Howard University to Construct and Operate a 100 kW Diesel Emergency Generator at the Howard University Pharmacy Building Located at 2300 4th Street NW, Washington DC
- 544187 Solicitation for Offers (SFO) for the development of 421 61st Street, NE
- 544575 Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order No. 10-08: Text amendments related to the expiration of special exception and non-conforming uses, and the effective date of special uses for which a term has been established
- 544672 Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order No. 10-08: Text amendments related to the expiration of special exception and non-conforming uses, and the effective date of special uses for which a term has been established
- 544769 Zoning Commission Notice of Public Hearing: Case No. 09-21 (Text and Map Amendment to Create and Implement the Union Station North (USN) District)
- 544866 " Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order 18078 - PMDP-GA LLC, on behalf of Central Union Mission - ANC 1A"
- 544963 Changes to Disability Compensation Program Procedures and Compensation Hearing Procedures
- 545060 2010-160: Allocation of Spending (FY 2011)
- 545157 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Yegna - ANC 1B - Substantial Change
- 545254 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Pica Taco - ANC 1B
- 545351 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Sam and Harry's - ANC 2B - Substantial Change
- 545448 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Ollie's Trolley - ANC 2C
- 545545 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Mayur Kebab House - ANC 2F
- 545642 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Boomerang Boat - ANC 6D
- 545739 Notice of Funding, Charter School Teacher Compensation Grants
- 545836 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Renewal -Class CN, CT - DN, DT ABC Licenses
- 545933 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Renewal - CN, CT - DN, DT Correction
- 546030 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - The Meeting Place - ANC 2B - Substantial Change
- 546224 Request for Proposals for Educational Consultant and Temporary Services.
- 547097 Zoning Commission Corrected Notice of Filing: Case No. 10-23 (Jemal's Babe's, LLC)
- 551559 Notice of Availability of Application Guidelines & Application Review Process Timeline
- 551656 Extension of public comment period for Proposed Pre-k Education Rules
- 552141 Errata Notice: Licensing Fees for Athlete Agents
- 552432 Historic landmarks designation by the Historic Preservation Review Board
- 552529 Final Rules for Certificates of Approval For Nonpublic Special Education Schools and Programs
- 552820 E.L. Haynes Public Charter School - Request for Qualifications - IT Services Provider
- 552917 Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation's Proposed Procurement Rules
- 553208 New Housing Regulation Administration, Rental Conversion and Sale Division Fee Schedule
- 555245 Final Rules for Certificates of Approval For Nonpublic Special EducationSchools and Programs
Recent Issues
- Vol. 57, No. 51 (12/17/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 50 (12/10/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 49 (12/03/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 48 (11/26/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 47 (11/19/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 46 (11/12/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 45 (11/05/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 44 (10/29/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 43 (10/22/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 42 (10/15/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 41 (10/08/2010) (Selected)
- Vol. 57, No. 40 (10/01/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 39 (09/24/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 38 (09/17/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 37 (09/10/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 36 (09/03/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 35 (08/27/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 34 (08/20/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 33 (08/13/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 32 (08/06/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 31 (07/30/2010)