4611397 Formal Case No. 1085- In the Matter of the Investigation of a Purchase of Receivables Program in the District of Columbia
1. The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (Commission) hereby gives notice, pursuant to Sections 34-802 and 2-505 of the District of Columbia Official Code,[1] and pursuant to Order No. 17052 directing the Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco or the Company) to implement a Purchase of Receivables (POR) program in the District of Columbia,[2] of our intent to act upon Pepco’s tariff filings implementing POR.[3] The Commission shall act upon Pepco’s Application in not less than 30 days from the date of publication of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) in the D.C. Register.
2. In its Application, Pepco states its intent to modify and provide additional language to the Company’s Electric Supplier Coordination Tariff, in order to conform the existing tariff language to allow for the introduction of POR and to detail the components and derivation of the POR Supplier Discount Rates, including the Proposed Discount Factors.[4] Specifically, Pepco proposes to revise the current tariff pages:
Electricity Supplier Coordination Tariff, P.S.C. of D.C. No.1
First Revised Page No. i
First Revised Page No. ii
First Revised Page No. iii
First Revised Page No. iv
First Revised Page No. v
Original Page No. 27
Original Page No. 28
Original Page No. 29
First Revised Page No. 38
Original Page No. 39
Original Page No. 41
and Original Page No. 42
3. In addition to the above tariff modifications, Pepco included in its filing the Company’s transition plan to implement POR in the District of Columbia (Attachment B); a description of how the Discount Rates are derived using Standard Offer Service (“SOS”) data for the period between June 2012 and May 2013, including a summary by customer group of the Write-Offs, the Program Development Cost, and the Discount Rates expressed as a percentage of SOS Procurement Revenues (Attachment C); the details by month and customer type of the SOS Procurement Revenues, Write-Offs, the Program Development Costs, and each of the components expressed as a percentage of Procurement Revenues (Attachment D); the detailed calculation for the estimated Program Development and Operation Costs by contractor labor hour and contractor rate per hour (Attachment E); and the three-year amortization for the Program Development Cost (Attachment F).
4. Pepco proposes to apply a discount rate of 1.3737% on the receivables associated with Residential customers, schedules R, AE, and R-TM; 1.7598% on receivables associated with Residential customers, Rider RAD and RAD-AE; 1.3296% on receivables associated with Small Commercial customers, Schedules GS-LV ND, T, SL, TS and TN; 0.2083% on the receivables associated with Large Commercial customers, Schedules GS-LV, GS 3A, GT LV, GT 3A, GT 3B and RT; and finally, 0.0130% on the receivables associated with Market Priced Customers, Schedules GSLV-ND, GS-LV, GS 3A, GT LV, GT 3A, T, SL, and TS.
5. The original and proposed tariff pages and attachments are on file with the Commission. They may be reviewed at the Office of the Commission Secretary, Second Floor, West Tower, 1333 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, as well as on the Commission’s Website at www.dcpsc.org. Copies of the tariff pages and attachments are available, upon request, at a per page reproduction fee.
6. Comments and reply comments on the Application must be made in writing to Brinda Westbrook-Sedgwick, Commission Secretary, at the above address. All comments and reply comments must be received within thirty (30) days and forty-five (45) days, respectively, from the date of publication of this NOPR in the D.C. Register. Once the comment period has expired, the Commission will take final rulemaking action on Pepco’s Application.
[1] D.C. Official Code §§ 34-802 (2001) and 2-505 (2012 Repl.).
[2] Formal Case No. 1085, In the Matter of the Investigation of a Purchase of Receivables Program in the District of Columbia (Formal Case. No. 1085), Order No. 17052, issued January 18, 2013.
[3] Formal Case No. 1085, Purchase of Receivables Tariff Application, filed September 20, 2013 and September 27, 2013 (Application).
[4] Application at 1.