4645929 Public Hearing Notice on PR20-378, PR20-445, PR20-499, PR20-486. PR20-487, PR20-488, PR20-489, PR20-490, PR20-491, and PR20-525
Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20004
Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety
PR 20-0378, the “District Of Columbia Corrections Information Council Reverend Samuel W. Whitaker Confirmation Resolution Of 2013”
PR 20-0445, the “Child Fatality Review Committee Jelani A. Freeman Confirmation Resolution Of 2013”
PR 20-499, the “District of Columbia Sentencing and Criminal Code Revision Commission Marvin Turner Confirmation Resolution of 2013”
PR 20-486, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Jonathan Y. O’Reilly Confirmation Resolution of 2013”
PR 20-487, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Erin S. Larkin Confirmation Resolution of 2013”
PR 20-488, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Varina Jane Winder Confirmation Resolution of 2013”
PR 20-489, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Lisa V. Martin Confirmation Resolution of 2013”
PR 20-490, The “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Laurie S. Kohn Confirmation Resolution of 2013”
PR 20-491, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Dianne M. Hampton Confirmation Resolution of 2013”
PR 20-525, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Sharlene J. Kranz Confirmation Resolution of 2013”
Thursday, January 16, 2014, 11 a.m.
Room 412
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20004
Councilmember Tommy Wells, Chairperson of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, will convene a public hearing on Thursday, January 16, 2014, beginning at 11 a.m. in Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment on the Mayor’s nominations to the District of Columbia Corrections Information Council, Child Fatality Review Committee, District of Columbia Sentencing and Criminal Code Revision Commission, and the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board.
PR 20-378, the “District of Columbia Corrections Information Council Reverend Samuel W. Whitaker Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the reappointment of Reverend Whitaker for a two-year term to end June 7, 2015. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20131113102844.pdf.
PR 20-445, the “Child Fatality Review Committee Jelani A. Freeman Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the appointment of Mr. Freeman for a term to end three years from the date of appointment. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20130924113644.pdf.
PR 20-499, the “District of Columbia Sentencing and Criminal Code Revision Commission Marvin Turner Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the appointment of Mr. Turner for a term to end December 4, 2015. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20131010132742.pdf.
PR 20-486, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Jonathan Y. O’Reilly Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the appointment of Mr. O’Reilly to complete the remainder of an unexpired vacant term to end July 20, 2016. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20131007134723.pdf.
PR 20-487, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Erin S. Larkin Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the appointment of Ms. Larkin to complete the remainder of an unexpired vacant term to end July 20, 2016. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20131007134928.pdf.
PR 20-488, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Varina Jane Winder Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the appointment of Ms. Winder to complete the remainder of an unexpired vacant term to end July 20, 2016. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20131007135113.pdf.
PR 20-489, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Lisa V. Martin Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the appointment of Ms. Martin to complete the remainder of an unexpired vacant term to end July 20, 2016. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20131007135246.pdf.
PR 20-490, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Laurie S. Kohn Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the appointment of Ms. Kohn for a term to end July 20, 2016. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20131007135640.pdf.
PR 20-491, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Dianne M. Hampton Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the appointment of Ms. Hampton for a term to end July 20, 2016. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20131007135832.pdf
PR 20-525, the “Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board Sharlene J. Kranz Confirmation Resolution of 2013” would confirm the appointment of Ms. Kranz to complete the remainder of an unexpired vacant term to end July 20, 2016. The resolution may be viewed online at http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/images/00001/20131104170942.pdf.
The Committee invites the public to testify. Those who wish to testify should contact Tawanna Shuford at 724-7808 or tshuford@dccouncil.us, and furnish their name, address, telephone number, and organizational affiliation, if any, by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14, 2014. Testimony may be limited to 3 minutes for individuals and 5 minutes for those representing organizations or groups. Witnesses should bring 15 copies of their testimony. Those unable to testify at the public hearing are encouraged to submit written statements for the official record. Written statements should be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2014 to Ms. Shuford, Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, Room 109, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C., 20004, or via email at tshuford@dccouncil.us.