The D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board has received from the Reed-Cooke Neighborhood Association and Historic Mount Pleasant to designate the following properties as a historic district in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites. The application has been co-sponsored by the D.C. Historic Preservation Office. The Board will hold a public hearing to consider the application and will also consider the nomination of the properties to the National Register of Historic Places as a historic district:
Case No. 14-01: Meridian Hill Historic District
Including the following addresses:
2201, 2203, 2301, 2307, 2311, 2313, 2315, 2317, 2319, 2325, 2327, 2331, 2401, 2407, 2437, 2445, 2535, 2633, 2634, 2650 and 2656 15th Street NW;
2101, 2400, 2420, 2434, 2440, 2460, 2480, 2600, 2601, 2620, 2622, 2630, 2631, 2633, 2635, 2637, 2639, 2640, 2651, 2700, 2800, 2801, 2810, 2827, 2829, 2835, 2901, 3029, 3033, 3039, 3055 and 3060 16th Street NW and west side of the 2100-2200 block (stone retaining wall);
1476 Belmont Street NW;
1501, 1610, 1629 and 1630 Columbia Road NW;
1624, 1630, 1661 and 1685 Crescent Place NW;
1475 and 1630 Euclid Street NW;
1601 and 1620 Fuller Street NW;
1500 and 1613 Harvard Street NW;
3010, 3055, 3059 and 3069 Mount Pleasant Street NW;
2517 Mozart Place NW;
2100 and 2112 New Hampshire Avenue NW;
1511 V Street NW; and
Federal Reservations 309B, 309C (Rabaut Park), 309D, 327 (Meridian Hill Park) and 565
Also currently known as:
Reservations 309B and 309C (Rabaut Park) and 309 D and 327 (Meridian Hill Park) and 565; and Square 188, Lots 72, 73 and 802; Square 2567, part of Lot 79 (stone retaining wall); Square 2568, Lots 806, 808 and 809; Square 2570, Lot 809; Square 2571, Lots 11, 50, 101, 104, 816, 954, 960 and 2001-2142; Square 2572, Lot 815; Square 2574, Lots 29, 32-34, 808, 829, 831, 832 and 2001-2025; Square 2575, Lots 23, 30-32, 818, 834, 843, 844; Square 2577, Lots 38, 39, 43, 821 and 2001-2023; Square 2578, Lots 25, 26, 830; Square 2589, Lot 476; Square 2591, Lots 1058, 2010-2086, 2088-2095 and 2097-2099; Square 2594, Lots 175, 803, and 2001, 2003, 2005-2007, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022-2025, 2027-2029, 2031, 2032, 2034, 2036-2038, 2040-2042, 2044-2047, 2049, 2050, 2053-2055, 2057, 2058, 2060, 2062, 2065-2067, 2069-2072, 2074, 2077, 2078, 2080, 2081, 2083-2092; Square 2660, Lots 8, 219-222, 233, 883, 2015-2023, and 2110-2128; Square 2661, Lots 217, 218 and 862; Square 2662, Lots 210, 871 and 872; Square 2663, Lots 843 and 845; Square 2666, Lots 202 and 832; Square 2671, Lots 804, 817, 819, 1055, 1056 and 2001-2014
The hearing will take place at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2014, at 441 Fourth Street, NW (One Judiciary Square), in Room 220 South. It will be conducted in accordance with the Review Board’s Rules of Procedure (10C DCMR 2). A copy of the rules can be obtained from the Historic Preservation Office at 1100 4th Street, SW, Suite E650, Washington, DC 20024, or by phone at (202) 442-8800, and they are included in the preservation regulations which can be found on the Historic Preservation Office website.
The Board’s hearing is open to all interested parties or persons. Public and governmental agencies, Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, property owners, and interested organizations or individuals are invited to testify before the Board. Written testimony may also be submitted prior to the hearing. All submissions should be sent to the address above.
A copy of the historic district application is currently on file and available for inspection by the public at the Historic Preservation Office. The nomination and proposed design guidelines for the district are posted on the Historic Preservation Office website at http://tinyurl.com/9jvoeaa. It can also be emailed or mailed to interested parties. A copy of the staff report and recommendation will be available at the office five days prior to the hearing. The office also provides information on the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites, the National Register of Historic Places, and Federal tax provisions affecting historic property.
If the Historic Preservation Review Board designates the proposed district, it will be included in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites, and will be protected by the D.C. Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act of 1978. The Review Board will simultaneously consider its nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. The National Register is the Federal government's official list of prehistoric and historic properties worthy of preservation. Listing in the National Register provides recognition and assists in preserving our nation's heritage. Listing provides recognition of the historic importance of properties and assures review of Federal undertakings that might affect the character of such properties. If a property is listed in the Register, certain Federal rehabilitation tax credits for rehabilitation and other provisions may apply. Public visitation rights are not required of owners. The results of listing in the National Register are as follows:
Consideration in Planning for Federal, Federally Licensed, and Federally Assisted Projects: Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires that Federal agencies allow the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation an opportunity to comment on all projects affecting historic properties listed in the National Register. For further information, please refer to 36 CFR 800.
Eligibility for Federal Tax Provisions: If a property is listed in the National Register, certain Federal tax provisions may apply. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 (which revised the historic preservation tax incentives authorized by Congress in the Tax Reform Act of 1976, the Revenue Act of 1978, the Tax Treatment Extension Act of 1980, the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, and the Tax Reform Act of 1984) provides, as of January 1, 1987, for a 20% investment tax credit with a full adjustment to basis for rehabilitating historic commercial, industrial, and rental residential buildings. The former 15% and 20% Investment Tax Credits (ITCs) for rehabilitation of older commercial buildings are combined into a single 10% ITC for commercial and industrial buildings built before 1936. The Tax Treatment Extension Act of 1980 provides Federal tax deductions for charitable contributions for conservation purposes of partial interests in historically important land areas or structures. Whether these provisions are advantageous to a property owner is dependent upon the particular circumstances of the property and the owner. Because the tax aspects outlined above are complex, individuals should consult legal counsel or the appropriate local Internal Revenue Service office for assistance in determining the tax consequences of the above provisions. For further information on certification requirements, please refer to 36 CFR 67.
Qualification for Federal Grants for Historic Preservation When Funds Are Available: The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to grant matching funds to the States (and the District or Columbia) for, among other things, the preservation and protection of properties listed in the National Register.
Owners of private properties nominated to the National Register have an opportunity to concur with or object to listing in accord with the National Historic Preservation Act and 36 CFR 60. Any owner or partial owner of private property who chooses to object to listing must submit to the State Historic Preservation Officer a notarized statement certifying that the party is the sole or partial owner of the private property, and objects to the listing. Each owner or partial owner of private property has one vote regardless of the portion of the property that the party owns. If a majority of private property owners object, a property will not be listed. However, the State Historic Preservation Officer shall submit the nomination to the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places for a determination of eligibility for listing in the National Register. If the property is then determined eligible for listing, although not formally listed, Federal agencies will be required to allow the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation an opportunity to comment before the agency may fund, license, or assist a project which will affect the property. If an owner chooses to object to the listing of the property, the notarized objection must be submitted to the above address by the date of the Review Board meeting.
For further information, contact Tim Dennee, Landmarks Coordinator, at 202-442-8847.