4050543 District-Wide Visitor Parking Pilot Program  





    The Director of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), pursuant to the authority set forth in sections 5(3)(D) (allocating and regulating on-street parking) and 6(b) (transferring to the Department the parking management function previously delegated to the Department of Public Works under section III (H) of Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1983) of the Department of Transportation Establishment Act of 2002, effective May 21, 2002 (D.C. Law 14-137; D.C. Official Code §§ 50-921.04(3)(D) and 50-921.05(b) (2009 Repl. & 2012 Supp.)), and coupled with the signed approval of the Director of the District Department of Public Works, as required in D.C. Official Code § 50-921.04(3)(D); and sections 2(l)(1) and 2(m)(1) of the Residential Permit Parking Regulation Amendment Act of 1984, effective March 16, 1985 (D.C. Law 5-185; 18 DCMR §§ 2414.1 and 2415.1), hereby gives notice of this final action to adopt the following rules to amend Chapter 24, “Stopping, Standing, Parking, and Other Non-Moving Violations,” of Title 18, “Vehicles and Traffic,” of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR).


    The rulemaking allows the DDOT Director to issue a District-wide visitor parking permit pilot program to households eligible for a residential permit parking sticker. 


    Proposed Regulations were published in a Notice of Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking on August 10, 2012, in the D.C. Register at 59 DCR 9577.  DDOT received no comments in response to this rulemaking.  No substantive changes were made to the text of the proposed rulemaking.


    DDOT adopted the rules as final on November 23, 2012.  The rules will go into effect upon the date of publication of this Notice of Final Rulemaking in the D.C. Register.


    Title 18 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the DCMR is amended as follows:


    Chapter 24 (Stopping, Standing, Parking, and Other Non-Moving Violations) is amended as follows:


    Section 2414 is amended as follows:



    Three new subsections 2414.9 through 2414.11 are added to read as follows:


    2414.9             Subject to the availability of funds, the Director shall implement a visitor parking pilot program within all residential parking permit areas in the District.


    2414.10           The Director may phase in the District-wide visitor parking pilot program referenced in section 2414.9, beginning with those areas that are participating in a current visitor parking pilot program or have participated in a previous visitor parking pilot program.


    2414.11           The visitor parking pilot program listed in subsection 2414.9 shall expire September 30, 2013.  Any visitor parking pilot permits issued prior to September 30, 2013 shall expire on September 30, 2013.


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