1824587 Notice of Public Hearing on DCPS FY13 Budget  





    Wednesday, November 30, 2011; 6pm-8:30 pm

    Langley Education Campus

    101 T Street NE

    Washington, DC 20002



    The District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) will convene a public hearing on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 from 6:00PM – 8:30PM in the auditorium of Langley Education Campus located at 101 T Street NE Washington, DC 20002. The purpose of the hearing is to gather feedback from the public about the upcoming Fiscal Year 2013 budget.


    Members of the public are invited to provide testimony at the hearing. Individuals or groups wishing to testify should register on the DCPS website at dcps.dc.gov/DCPS/fy13budget. Testimony will be limited to five minutes during the hearing. Individuals or groups with additional feedback may submit written documentation to supplement their testimony.


    If an individual or group is unable to register online, please contact Mr. Bryant Sewell, at (202) 442-5438.


    The registration deadline is 3:00PM on Tuesday, November 29, 2011.


    Witnesses should bring five (5) copies of their documentation, including a written copy of their testimony and any supplemental information. All documents will be included as part of the official record.


    The official record of this hearing will be transmitted to the Mayor of the District of Columbia and to the Council of the District of Columbia pursuant to DC Official Code § 38-917(1).


    Interpretation services are available upon request. Please include any requests for interpretation services during the registration process.


    Any additional questions or concerns should be directed to Mr. Bryant Sewell, at (202) 442-5438 or Bryant.sewell@dc.gov.