The Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, pursuant to the authority set forth in Section 1825 of the Department of Motor Vehicles Establishment Act of 1998, effective March 26, 1999 (D.C. Law 12-175; D.C. Official Code § 50-904); § 6 of the District of Columbia Traffic Act of 1925, effective March 3, 1925 (43 Stat. 1121; D.C. Official Code § 50-2201.03); § 105 of the District of Columbia Traffic Adjudication Act of 1978, effective September 12, 1978 (D.C. Law. 2-104; D.C. Official Code § 50-2301.05); and Mayor’s Order 2007-168, dated July 23, 2007, hereby gives notice of the intent to adopt the following rulemaking that will amend Chapter 26 of Title 18, “Vehicles and Traffic,” of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) modifying fines for moving violations.
Pursuant to § 105 of the District of Columbia Traffic Adjudication Act of 1978, effective September 12, 1978 (D.C. Law 2-104; D.C. Official Code § 50-2301.05) the proposed rules were transmitted to the Council of the District of Columbia (Council) for a forty-five (45) day period of review (excluding weekends, holidays and days of Council recess). The forty-five (45) day period of review expired on November 10, 2010, and the Council has taken no action. Therefore, the rules are deemed approved.
No comments were received and no changes were made to the text of the emergency and proposed rules, as published in the D.C. Register at 57 DCR 4665 on May 28, 2010, or the renewal of the emergency rulemaking as published on October 1, 2010, in the D.C. Register at 57 DCR 9206, except that on June 11, 2010, an Errata Notice was published in the D.C. Register at 57 DCR 5058 which gave notice of a correction to the Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking pertaining to the fine for Improper Riding on an Automobile. The final rules will be effective upon publication of this notice in the D.C. Register.
Section 2600 of Chapter 26 of Title 18 of the DCMR is amended by amending Subsection 2600.1 to read as follows:
2600.1 The following civil infractions and their respective fine amounts set forth in this section do not include those major moving violations for which jurisdiction remains in the Superior Court:
Failure to stop when emerging from [§ 2207.1]
Attention, full time and
Failure to give full time and attention to
operation of vehicle [§ 2213.4]
Improper riding on [§ 2213.6]
Permitting passenger to ride on [§ 2213.5]
Operating with door(s) open [§ 2214.3]
Without caution [§ 2206.3]
Barricaded or closed street
Driving through [§ 2217.2]
Bad foot brakes [§ 720]
Bad hand brakes [§ 720]
Load limit violation [§ 2510.2]
See: "Weight Regulations"
Improper bumper on ice cream, soft
drink, or other vending vehicle [§ 733.3]
No front bumper or rear bumper [§§ 733.1, 733.2]
Unsafe bumper [§§ 733.5, 733.6]
Child Restraint Act
Violation of [D.C. Code §§ 50-1703, 1706]
Gears unmeshed or in neutral [§ 2212]
Failure to control speed to avoid [§ 2200.4]
With pedestrian [§ 2300.2]
With fixed object [§ 2220.4]
Commercial vehicle
Spilling load [§ 2503.2]
Covering tags [§ 422.8]
Interfere with moving traffic
when pulling from [§ 2206.1]
Emergency vehicle
Failure to pull to curb for [§ 2210.1]
Failure to yield right-of-way [§ 2210.1]
Operating with torn fender(s) [§ 733.5]
No fender(s) [§ 733.4]
Fire apparatus
Entering same block with [§ 2210.4]
Following within 500 feet of [§ 2210.4]
Passing or approaching within prohibited distance of [§ 2210.4]
Fire hose
Driving over [2210.5]
Following another vehicle too closely [§ 2201.9]
Funeral or other procession
Driving through [§ 2218.2]
Failure to keep right while driving in [§ 2218.3]
Operating vehicle of greater height than permitted [§§ 2500, 2501, 2511]
Failure to have on vehicle [§730.1]
Inaudible [§730.1]
Unnecessarily noisy or loud [§730.2]
Failure to display current sticker [§§ 601.1, 602, 607]
Failure to replace lost or mutilated sticker [§ 608.1]
Failure to report for [§ 601.1]
Operating with condemned sticker [§ 606.3]
Operating with expired sticker or expired rejection (red) sticker [§§ 602.4; 604.3]
International Registration Plan [D.C. Official Code § 50-1507.03]
Failure to register
Failure to obtain trip permit
Exceeding registered gross weight
Failure to slow down for [§ 2200.5]
Failure to clear (including crosswalks) [§ 2201.11]
Lane or course
Changing without caution [§ 2201.6]
Failure to stay in proper [§ 2201.6]
Improper use of restricted [§ 2220]
Lawful order or direction of a Police Officer
Failure or refusal to comply with [§ 2000.2]
Operating vehicle of greater length than permitted by law [§ 2502]
License or permit
Address, failure to change [§§ 109.3, 109.4]
Allowing unauthorized person to drive [§ 1100.12]
Allowing unlawful use [§ 1100.7]
Displaying, cancelled, suspended, revoked, or fraudulently altered [§ 1100.2]
Displaying or use another person's [§ 1100.4]
Failure to display upon demand [D.C. Code § 50-1401.01 (c)]
Failure to have license [§ 1100]
Learner's permit; allowing more than one passenger while operating with [§ 102.9]
Loaning or allowing use by another person [§ 1100.3]
Restriction, driving in violation of [§ 1100.9]
Illegal headlight device [§ 718]
Improper lights [§§ 703-711]
No lights running [§ 703.1]
No rear light(s) [§ 705.1]
No stop light(s) [§ 706.1]
One light running [§ 704.1]
Operating with high beams [§ 715.4]
From a vehicle upon public or private property [§ 2221.6]
Extending beyond body of vehicle [§ 2503.1]
Failure to keep open load tightly covered [§ 2503.4]
Failure to secure load [§ 2503.4]
More than eight feet (8 ft.) wide [§ 2501.1]
No red flag on end of long load, or other load violation [§§ 703, 2503]
Mechanical condition unsafe
Operating or permitting operation while [§ 600.2]
Median strip, channelizing island or safety zone (raised with curb), driving on or over [§ 2201.8]
Motorized bicycles (See also violations for other
vehicles) Operating unregistered minibike or
motorized bicycle [§ 411.1]
No rear view mirror [§ 731.6]
Motorcycles (see also violations for other vehicles)
Failure to wear protective helmet or have goggles, safety glasses, or have windshield while riding a motorcycle. [§ 2215]
Improper riding on [§ 2215]
No bus streets
Driving through [§ 2217.8]
Unnecessary or disturbing [§ 2221.1]
One-way street violation [§ 2201.5]
Opening door or permitting door to open on traffic side [§ 2214.4]
Open container of alcohol
Operating with motor vehicle with [§ 2224.4]
Parade or procession without a permit [§ 2218]
Failure to back into space [§ 2221.2]
At intersection [§ 2202.3]
Improper [§ 2202]
Increasing speed to prevent [§ 2202.4]
On curve [§ 2202.3]
On right [§ 2202.4]
View obstructed [§ 2202.7]
Registration certificate
Failure to change address on [§ 414]
Failure to exhibit on demand [§ 421]
Right side of roadway
Failure to keep to [§ 2201.1]
Right turn on red
Failure to come to a complete stop before
turning [§ 2103.7]
Failure to yield right-of-way to vehicle or pedestrian [§ 2103.7]
Violation of "No Turn on Red" sign [§ 4013]
Failure to stop and give right-of-way to pedestrian in roadway [§ 2208]
Failure to yield to another vehicle [§§ 2207, 2208]
Failure to yield to pedestrian in the sidewalk [§ 2207.2]
Overtaking another vehicle stopped at a crosswalk or intersection for a pedestrian [§ 2221.5]
Stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle in a bicycle lane [§ 2405.1]
Safety zone
Driving though [§ 2211.6]
School bus
Passing a stopped bus when light flashing [§ 2209]
Driving on or over [§ 2221.3]
Signal for turn or stop
Failure to give either hand
or mechanical signal [§ 2205]
Signal device
Disobeying green arrow [§ 2103.4]
Disobeying official signal [§ 2000.4]
Passing flashing red light [§ 2104]
Passing red light [§ 2103]
Passing steady yellow light [§ 2103]
Unauthorized use of or possession of [§§ 712.4, 730.4]
Excessive [§ 750.3]
Snow tires or chains
Operating without effective [§ 2219.1]
Snow emergency regulations
Violation of [§ 2219]
Up to 10 mph in excess of limit [§ 2200]
11 to 15 mph in excess of limit [§ 2200]
16 to 20 mph in excess of limit [§ 2200]
21 to 25 mph in excess of limit [§ 2200]
Over 25 mph in excess of limit [§ 2200]
Minimum; driving too slowly [§ 2200.10]
Unreasonable [§ 2200.3]
Defective [§ 735]
Failure to have on vehicle [§ 735]
Minibike violation [§ 735]
Sticker Regulation
Sign or other unauthorized item attached to the mirror, window, or window frame [§ 2213.7]
Stop sign
Passing [§ 2208.3]
Driving on wrong side [§ 2201.1]
Altering tag(s) [§ 1104.2]
Covering [§ 422.8]
Dead or expired tags [§ 1101]
Fail to secure D.C. tags [§§ 422, 429.1]
Fail to turn in tags when required [§§ 415, 2706]
Fail to properly affix validation stickers [§ 422.7]
Failure to have or display current tags [§1101]
Illegible tag(s) [§ 422.5]
Improper display of [§ 422.4]
Improper use of dealer's tags [§ 1101]
Inadequate illumination of tag(s) [§ 705.4]
Loaning license tags [§ 1101.1]
No front tag [§§ 422.1; 422.3]
No rear tag [§§ 422.1; 422.3]
Obstructed tag(s) [§ 422.6]
Permitting use of dead tags [§ 1101]
Television visible to operator [§ 735.2]
Unsafe or other violation [§ 732]
Failure to transfer D.C. [§ 402]
Violation of regulations [§ 2504]
Traffic control device
Interference with [§ 2101.1]
Unauthorized [§ 2102]
Truck restriction or route
Driving a truck through a restricted street [§ 2505.6]
Violation of permit conditions [§ 2508.6]
Violation of tunnel restrictions [§ 2509]
From wrong lane [§§ 2203, 2204]
Improper [§§ 2203, 2204]
Violation of turn restriction [§§ 4012-4018]
Front or side; obstructed [§ 2213]
Objects hanging so as to obstruct [§ 2213]
Weight Regulations
Up to 5,000 lbs. over limit [§ 2500.1]
In excess of 5,000 lbs. over limit [§ 2500.1]
$100 plus $16 for each additional 100 lbs. over 5,000 lbs.
Operating vehicle of greater width than permitted [§§ 2500, 2501, 2511]
Defective or obstructed [§ 731]
Windshield wipers
Failure to have [§ 731]
Not in operating condition [§ 731]
Additional traffic regulations for all District of Columbia areas under the jurisdiction of the U.S. National Park Service are set forth in Part 50 of Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Penalties for violation of federal traffic regulations in park areas are set forth in 36 CFR § 50.5, and in other specific sections.
District of Columbia traffic laws and regulations, and the penalties applicable to violations of District laws and regulations set forth in this title and the D.C. Code, are also applicable in park areas located within the District of Columbia. [36 CFR § 50.3].