610632 Errata Notice: Physical Therapy Assistants  









    The Administrator of the Office of Documents and Administrative Issuances, pursuant to the authority set forth in section 309 of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1203; D.C. Official Code § 2-559) ,and the  Director of the Department of Health, pursuant to the authority set forth under § 302 (14) of the District of Columbia Health Occupation Revision Act of 1985, effective March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-99; D.C. Official Code § 3-1203.02 (14)) (Act), and Mayor’s Order 98-140, dated August 20, 1998, hereby gives notice of the following corrections to the text of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) which was amended by a Notice of Final Rulemaking published in the D.C. Register and issued by the Department of Health on August 15, 2008 at 55 DCR 8802.  The purpose of the amendments was to establish licensure and practice regulations for the profession of physical therapy assistants, which was established pursuant to the Physical Therapy Assistant Licensure amendment Act of 2006, effective March 6, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-220; D.C. Official Code § 3-1201.02(12)(B)).


    The Notice of Final Rulemaking created a new Chapter 82, “Physical Therapist Assistants,” of Title 17 of the DCMR.  This errata notice corrects the incorrect titling of the chapter by changing it to “Physical Therapy Assistants” as used in the Act, as well as substituting “physical therapy assistant” for “physical therapist assistant” wherever it appears.  Additionally, this errata notice adds the word “treated” in subsection 8209.8 where it was inadvertently omitted in the Notice of Final Rulemaking.  Chapter 82 shall read as follows:



                CHAPTER 82           PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSISTANTS


    8200                GENERAL PROVISIONS


    8200.1                          This chapter shall apply to applicants for and holders of a license to

    practice as a physical therapy assistant.


    8200.2                          Chapter 40 (Health Occupations: General Rules) and 41 (Health

    Occupations: Administrative Procedures) shall supplement this chapter.


    8201                TERM OF LICENSE


    8201.1             Subject to § 8201.2, a license issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire at 12:00

                            midnight of January 31 of each odd-numbered year.


    8201.2             If the Director changes the renewal system pursuant to § 4006.3 of chapter 40 of

                            this title, a license issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire at 12:00 midnight of

                            the last day of the month of the birthdate of the holder of the license or other date

                            established by the Director.


    8202                EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS


    8202.1                          Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, an applicant applying

    for a license to practice as a physical therapy assistant shall establish

    to the satisfaction of the Board that the applicant has successfully completed an

    educational program in physical therapy appropriate for preparation as a physical

     therapy assistant, which is accredited by an agency recognized by the Secretary

    of the Department of Education or the Council of Postsecondary Accreditation.


    8202.2             An applicant shall submit with a completed application an official certified

                            transcript of the applicant’s educational record and a certificate of graduation

                            from the educational institution.


    8203                [RESERVED]


    8204                LICENSURE BY EXAMINATION


    8204.1             An applicant for licensure as a physical therapy assistant by examination shall

                            initiate the application process by submitting a completed application together

                            with the appropriate application fee and the documentation required by § 8202.2.


    8204.2             An applicant for licensure as a physical therapy assistant shall have pre-approval

                            from the Board before taking any licensure examination. Only an applicant who

                            has graduated from an accredited physical therapy assistant program may be

                            approved by the Board to take the physical therapy assistant licensure



    8204.3             An applicant for licensure by examination shall take and pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (“NPTE”) and the District of Columbia jurisprudence examination for physical therapy assistants.


    8204.4             Following approval from the Board to take the applicable examinations, the

                            applicant may take the national examination and the District jurisprudence

                            examination in any order.


    8204.5             The passing score on the national examination shall be determined by the body

                            administering the examination.


    8204.6             The District jurisprudence examination shall be developed and administered by

                            the Board or, a body approved by the Board, on laws and rules pertaining to the

                            practice of physical therapy in the District of Columbia.


    8204.7             The District jurisprudence examination may consist of questions on District of

                            Columbia laws pertaining to the practice of physical therapy including the Act,

                            this chapter, and chapters 40 and 41 of this title. The passing score of the District

                            examination shall be determined by the Board.


    8204.8                          An applicant for licensure who does not pass either examination on the first

                            attempt shall seek and obtain Board approval for any subsequent attempts to

                            retake the examination. Before the Board may approve an applicant for

                            subsequent testing beyond three (3) attempts, an applicant shall submit proof

                            satisfactory to the Board of having completed any remediation as determined by

                            the Board.


    8204.9             If the Board determines that an applicant has engaged in or has attempted to

                            engage in conduct that subverts or undermines the integrity of either the national

                            examination or the District jurisprudence examination, the Board may disqualify

                            the applicant from taking the examinations. Examples of such conduct may

                            include, but are not limited to the following:


    (a)                Utilizing in any manner recalled or memorized examination



    (b)        Failing to comply with all test center security procedures;


    (c)        Attempting to communicate with other examinees during the test; or


    (d)       Copying or sharing examination questions or answers or portions of

                questions or answers.


    8204.10           All occurrences of any violation set forth in § 8204.9 shall be recorded in the

                            official records of the Board. Board action may include, but is not limited to the



                            (a)        Disqualifying test results of the applicant’s examinations;


    (b)        Disqualifying the applicant, permanently or for a specified period of time,

                from eligibility for the examinations;


    (c)        Disqualifying the applicant, permanently or for a specified period of time,

                from eligibility for licensure; or


    (d)       Revocation, suspension, or imposition of probationary conditions on a

                license issued to the applicant.


    8205                LICENSURE BY ENDORSEMENT


    8205.1             The Board shall issue a license by endorsement to a physical therapy assistant

                            who has a valid, unrestricted license in good standing from another jurisdiction of

                            the United States and who meets all other requirements of this section.


    8205.2                          An applicant for licensure by endorsement as a physical therapy assistant shall

                            submit with a completed application the following:


    (a)                Official, certified proof of licensure as a physical therapy assistant in

                good standing from another jurisdiction of the United States;


    (b)               Official, certified proof, from the body administering the examination, that

                the applicant has passed the Board-approved national licensure

                examination for a physical therapy assistant; and


    (c)        Proof pursuant to § 8202.1.


    8205.3             An applicant shall take and pass the District of Columbia jurisprudence

                            examination for physical therapy assistants after obtaining Board approval.




    8206.1             Subject to § 8206.2, this section shall apply to applicants for the renewal,

                            reactivation, or reinstatement of a license expiring January 31, 2011, and for

                            subsequent terms.


    8206.2             This section shall not apply to applicants for an initial license by examination or

                            endorsement, nor shall it apply to applicants for the first renewal of a license

                            granted by examination.


    8206.3             A continuing education credit shall be valid only if it is part of a program or

                            activity approved by the Board in accordance with § 8207.


    8206.4             An applicant for renewal of a license shall submit proof pursuant to § 8206.7 of

                            having completed three (3) continuing education units or thirty (30) hours of

                            approved continuing education credit during the two (2) year period preceding the

                            date the license expires.


    8206.5             To qualify for a license, a person in inactive status within the meaning of section

                            511 of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 3-1205.11) who submits an application to

                            reactivate a license shall submit proof of having completed fifteen (15) hours of

                            approved continuing education credit within one (1) year prior to application for

                            each license year after January 31, 2011, that the applicant was in inactive status.


    8206.6                          To qualify for a license, an applicant for reinstatement of a license shall submit

                            proof of having completed fifteen (15) hours of approved continuing education

                            credit for each year after January 31, 2011, that the applicant was not licensed.


    8206.7             An applicant under this section shall prove completion of required continuing

                            education credits by submitting with the application the following information                               with respect to each program:


                            (a)        The name and address of the sponsor of the program;


    (b)        The name of the program, its location, a description of the subject matter

                covered, and the names of the instructors;


    (c)        The dates on which the applicant attended the program;


    (d)       The hours of credit claimed; and


    (e)        Verification by the sponsor of completion, by signature or stamp.


    8206.8             If an applicant for renewal of a license fails to submit proof of having completed

                            continuing education requirements by the date the license expires, the applicant

                            shall not practice until his or her license has been renewed.


    8206.9             An applicant for renewal of a license who fails to submit proof of having

                            completed continuing education requirements by the date the license expires may

                            renew the license up to sixty (60) days after the expiration by submitting proof

                            pursuant to § 8206.7 and paying the late fee.


    8206.10           If an applicant for renewal of a license fails to submit proof of completion of

                            continuing education requirements or pay the late fee within sixty (60) days after

                            the expiration of the applicant’s license, the license shall be considered to have

                            lapsed and the applicant shall be required to apply for reinstatement pursuant to

                            section 512 of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 3-1205.12).


    8206.11           The Board may, in its discretion, grant an extension of the sixty (60) day period to

                            renew after expiration if the applicant’s failure to submit proof of completion was

                            for good cause. As used in this section, “good cause” includes the following:


    (a)        Serious and protracted illness of the applicant; and


    (b)        The death or serious and protracted illness of a member of the

                applicant’s immediate family.


    8206.12           The Board may conduct an audit of licensees to determine compliance

                            with the continuing education requirements.


    8207                                APPROVED CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS AND



    8207.1             The Board may, in its discretion, approve continuing education programs and

                            activities that contribute to the growth of an applicant in professional competence

                            while practicing as a physical therapy assistant and which meet the other

                            requirements of this section.


    8207.2                          The Board may approve the following types of continuing education

    programs, if the program meets the requirements of § 8207.3:


    (a)                An undergraduate or graduate course given at an accredited

    college or university;


    (b)        A seminar or workshop;


    (c)        An education program given at a conference;


    (d)       In-service training (maximum ten (10) hours of credit);


    (e)        Home study courses; and


                            (f)        Online courses.


    8207.3                          To qualify for approval by the Board, a continuing education program



    (a)        Be current in its subject matter;


    (b)        Be developed and taught by qualified individuals; and


    (c)        Meet one of the following requirements:


    (1)        Be administered or approved by a recognized national, state or

                local physical therapy organization; health care organization;

                accredited health care facility; or an accredited college or

                university; or


    (2)        Be submitted by the program sponsors or the applicant to the

                Board for review no less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of

                the presentation and be approved by the Board.


    8207.4                          The Board may issue and update a list of approved continuing education



    8207.5             An applicant shall have the burden of verifying whether a program is

    approved by the Board pursuant to this section prior to attending the



    8207.6             The Board may approve the following continuing education activities by an



    (a)        Service as an instructor or speaker at a conference, seminar, workshop, or

                in-service training;


    (b)               Publication of an article in a professional journal or publication of a book

                or a chapter in a book or publication of a book review in a professional

                journal or bulletin; and


    (c)        Participation in research as a principal investigator or research assistant.


    8208                CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS


    8208.1             The Board may grant continuing education credit for whole hours only, with a

                            minimum of fifty (50) minutes constituting one (1) credit hour.


    8208.2             For approved undergraduate or graduate courses, each semester hour of credit

                            shall constitute fifteen (15) hours of continuing education credit, and each quarter

                            hour of credit constitutes ten (10) hours of continuing education credit.


    8208.3             The Board may grant a maximum of ten (10) continuing education credits per

                            year to an applicant who attends in-service education programs.


    8208.4             The Board may grant an applicant who serves as an instructor or speaker at an

                            acceptable program for both preparation and presentation time, subject to the

                            restrictions set forth in §§ 8208.5 through 8208.8.


    8208.5                          The maximum amount of credit that may be granted for preparation

    time is twice the amount of the associated presentation time.


    8208.6             The maximum amount of credit that may be granted pursuant to § 8208.4 is fifty

                            percent (50%) of an applicant’s continuing education requirement.


    8208.7             If an applicant has previously received credit in connection with a particular

                            presentation, the Board shall not grant credit for a subsequent presentation unless

                            it involves either a different subject or substantial additional research concerning

                            the same subject.


    8208.8             The presentation shall have been completed during the period for which credit is



    8208.9             The Board may grant an applicant who is an author or editor of a published book

                            four (4) units or forty (40) hours of continuing education credit, if the book has

                            been published or accepted for publication during the period for which credit is

                            claimed and the applicant submits proof of this fact in the application.


    8208.10           The Board may grant an applicant who is the sole author or co-author of a

                            published original paper, journal article or poster presentation, two (2) units or

                            twenty (20) hours of credit, subject to the same restrictions set forth for books in §



    8208.11           The Board may grant an applicant who is the sole author of a published book

                            review, review paper, or abstract one (1) unit or ten (10) hours of continuing

                            education credit, subject to the same restrictions set forth for books in § 8208.9.


    8209                LAWFUL PRACTICE


    8209.1             A physical therapy assistant may perform physical therapy functions only in

                            accordance with this section.


    8209.2             A physical therapy assistant may perform the following functions under the

                            direct supervision of a physical therapist:


    (a)        Use of therapeutic exercise, mechanical traction, therapeutic massage,

                compression, heat, cold, ultraviolet, water, and electricity;


    (b)        Measurement and adjustment of crutches, canes, walkers, and

    wheelchairs, and instruction in their use and care;


    (c)                Instruction, motivation, and assistance to patients and others in

    improving pulmonary function, learning, and functional activities such as

    pre-ambulation, transfer, ambulation and daily living activities, and the

    use and care of orthoses, prostheses, and supportive devices;


    (d)               Modification of treatment procedures as indicated by patient response and

                within the limits specified in the plan of care, and reported orally or in

                writing to the physical therapist; and


    (e)        Participation in routine administrative procedures required for a physical

                therapist service.


    8209.3             A physical therapy assistant may not perform the following:


    (a)        Interpret referrals;


    (b)        Perform evaluation procedures;


    (c)        Initiate or adjust treatment programs; or


    (d)       Assume responsibility for planning patient care.


    8209.4             A licensed physical therapist shall be fully responsible for any actions by a

                            physical therapy assistant performing physical therapy functions while under

                            the physical therapist’s supervision.


    8209.5                          A licensed physical therapist shall perform the final evaluation for a

    patient who has been treated throughout the patient’s history by a physical

    therapy assistant.


    8209.6             A physical therapist shall provide direct supervision to no more than three (3)

                            physical therapy subordinates at any one time.


    8209.7             A physical therapist shall ensure the qualifications of all physical therapy

                            assistants under his or her supervision.


    8209.8             Before a patient is treated by a physical therapy assistant, a licensed physical                                  therapist shall evaluate the patient and formulate initial and ongoing treatment                               goals and plans.


    8209.9             Pursuant to § 8209.8, a licensed physical therapist shall reevaluate each patient

                            being treated by a physical therapy assistant by the seventh (7th) visit and every

                            seventh (7th) visit thereafter.


    8209.10           Support personnel shall only perform routine assigned tasks under the direct

                            supervision of a licensed physical therapist or a licensed physical therapy

                            assistant, who shall only assign those tasks or activities that are nondiscretionary

                            and do not require the exercise of profession judgment.


    8209.11           A physical therapy assistant shall comply with the standards of ethical and

                            professional conduct established by the recognized professional program which is

                            approved by the Board, as they may be amended or republished from time to time.


    8299                DEFINITIONS


    8299.1                          As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed:


    Applicant – a person applying for a license to practice as a physical

    therapy assistant under this chapter.


    Board – the Board of Physical Therapy, established by section 209 of the Act

    (D.C. Official Code § 2-1202.09).


    Continuing education unit – a unit of measurement representing ten (10) hours

    of continuing education credit.


    Direct supervision - the supervision in which a physical therapist is personally

    present and immediately available within the treatment area to give aid, direction,

    and instruction when physical therapy procedures or activities are performed.


    Physical therapist – a person licensed to practice physical therapy under the Act.


    Physical therapy assistant – a physical therapy assistant who is a person licensed to practice under the Act.


    Practice of physical therapy – "Practice of physical therapy" means the

    independent evaluation of human disability, injury, or disease by means of

    noninvasive tests of neuromuscular functions and other standard procedures of

    physical therapy, and the treatment of human disability, injury, or disease by

    therapeutic procedures, embracing the specific scientific application of physical

    measures to secure the functional rehabilitation of the human body. These

    measures include the use of therapeutic exercise, therapeutic massage, heat or

    cold, air, light, water, electricity, or sound for the purpose of correcting or

    alleviating any physical or mental disability, or preventing the development of

    any physical or mental disability, or the performance of noninvasive tests of neuromuscular functions as an aid to the detection or treatment of any human condition.


    8299.2             The definitions in § 4099 of chapter 40 of this title are incorporated by reference

                            into and are applicable to this chapter.



    The text of Chapter 82 of Title 17 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations is corrected in accordance with the intended text of the Rulemaking.


    Any questions or comments regarding this notice shall be addressed by mail to Administrator, Office of Documents and Administrative Issuances, 441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 520 South, Washington, D.C. 20001, or via telephone at (202) 727-5090.