4081971 Resolution 19-689, "Central 14th Street Corridor Small Area Action Plan Approval Resolution of 2012"  







    November 15, 2012


    To approve the small area action plan submitted by the Mayor for the Central 14th Street Corridor.


                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Central 14th Street Corridor Small Area Action Plan Approval Resolution of 2012”.


    Sec. 2.  Pursuant to section 4(c)(4) of the District of Columbia Comprehensive Plan Act of the 1984 Land Use Element Amendment Act of 1984, effective March 16, 1985 (D.C. Law 5-187; D.C. Official Code § 1-306.03(c)(4)), the Mayor transmitted to the Council on July 2, 2012, the proposed Central 14th Street Corridor Vision and Revitalization Strategy (“Plan”).


    Sec. 3.  The Council finds that:

                (1) The Central 14th Street Corridor is located in Ward 4 and includes the neighborhoods of 16th Street Heights, Brightwood, Crestwood, and Petworth.  The planning area is defined by boundaries along 14th Street, N.W., between Spring Road, N.W. and Longfellow Street, N.W. 

    (2) The Plan was initiated in October 2010. The Ward 4 Councilmember and the community urged the drafting of a small area action plan to guide development along the Central 14th Street Corridor.  The Office of Planning led a public engagement process that included hosting 5 public meetings, 5 business meetings, 5 advisory committee meetings, one online survey, and one street survey.  The process concluded in May 2011.

    (3) The proposed plan was published and made available to the public for comment from December 30, 2011, to March 23, 2012, and a public hearing was conducted on March 22, 2012.

    (4) With guidance from the District of Columbia Comprehensive Plan, the purpose of the Plan is to direct economic growth along 14th Street and improve neighborhood retail choices and amenities along the Central 14th Street Corridor.

    (5) The Plan uses specific land-use analysis and incorporates the broadest range of planning techniques and practical solutions to achieve the District’s goals for the planning area.

    (6) To develop a more mixed-use and pedestrian friendly neighborhood along the Central 14th Street Corridor, the goals of the Plan include:

    (A) Identifying development opportunity sites to encourage future private or public development;

    (B) Strengthening opportunities for existing and new businesses to support established retailers and encourage the location of new businesses on the Corridor;

    (C) Increasing east-west pedestrian connectivity and safety along the Central 14th Street Corridor;

    (D) Improving multi-modal transportation options to encourage the increased use of public transportation and lower the dependency on personal vehicles; and

    (E) Establishing a community task force to help implement the Plan’s recommendations.

                (7) The Plan outlines strategies to accomplish these goals.  The Plan defines near- and mid-term strategies for revitalization and articulates broad development goals, urban design, and definitive priority actions considered critical to the revitalization of the Central 14th Street Corridor.                                     

                (8)  The Plan will provide guidance on how to develop opportunity sites for revitalization and infill development that directs growth, enhances neighborhood shopping areas, strengthens existing businesses while attracting new businesses, and improves multi-modal connectivity.

    (9) The Plan will provide supplemental guidance to the Zoning Commission and other District agencies in carrying out the policies of the District of Columbia Comprehensive Plan.


    Sec. 4. The Plan, as submitted, is approved by the Council as a small area action plan.


    Sec. 5. The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(3)).


    Sec. 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately.