4011064 Resolution 19-641, "Office of the Chief Financial Officer Audit Report Transparency Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2012"
October 16, 2012
To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to amend section 47-355.05 of the District of Columbia Official Code to require the Chief Financial Officer to submit to the Council and the Mayor audits and reports conducted by its Office of Integrity and Oversight within 15 days of completion, a list of incomplete or ongoing audits and reports that have been or are being conducted by its Office of Integrity and Oversight on a quarterly basis, and an audit plan for its Office of Integrity and Oversight on a yearly basis.
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Office of the Chief Financial Officer Audit Report Transparency Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2012”.
Sec. 2.(a) There exists an immediate need to amend section 47-355.05 of the District of Columbia Official Code to clarify that the Chief Financial Officer has a duty to the Council, the Mayor, and to District taxpayers to maintain a level of transparency within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and its operations and programs.
(b) As the Office of Integrity and Oversight serves as one of the Chief Financial Officer’s principal management controls and helps ensure that integrity, accountability, and efficiency are maintained within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, it is imperative that it becomes the Office of the Chief Financial Officer’s strict policy and standard operating procedure that all audits and reports are timely disclosed in their entirety.
(c) The emergency legislation will require the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to inform the Council and the Mayor of the progress of all audits and reports conducted by the Office of Integrity and Oversight and to post the final versions of all audits and reports online.
(d) The emergency legislation will further transparency and provide the Council with the appropriate information with which to effectively oversee the District’s financial situation.
Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the Office of the Chief Financial Officer Audit Report Transparency Emergency Act of 2012 be adopted after a single reading.
Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.