Rehabilitation Services Administration to Hold a Public Hearing on its New Initiative – Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs)
January 14, 2011
Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA)
600 Fifth Street, N.W.
Board Room, 1st Floor
10-2 pm
Washington, DC 20005
Pursuant to section 112 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (the Act) (29 U.S.C. 732), and 34 C.F.R. §370.11, the Department on Disability Services/Rehabilitation Services Administration (DDS/RSA) will hold a public hearing on January 14, 2011, from 10-2 pm at the Washington DC Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) building located at 600 Fifth St., NW, Washington, DC 20005, to obtain input from the public and interested parties on its newly created Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs) that will provide an array of vocational rehabilitation services to help RSA consumers succeed in gaining employment.
The 16 new CRPs, a joint effort between the agency and Human Care Providers – that in turn initiates new Human Care agreements, and made possible by the windfall of federal stimulus money allocated to the agency -- will provide job readiness training and support to RSA consumers to ensure the best results are garnered in several areas. These areas include: supported employment; job placement; and career assessment services. RSA also is committed to increasing employment for its consumers, particularly those with developmental disabilities, chronic mental illness, acquired brain injury, deaf/hard of hearing, blind/vision impaired, transitioning youth, and Hispanic and Asian individuals with disabilities.
The stimulus or start-up money for the CRPs can – and will -- only be used to serve applicants or individuals eligible for VR services and funds. Funding is time-limited and dependent on funding availability.
To further ensure the CRP program is a successful one, RSA has outlined four (4) strategies it will use as the driving force behind its initiative. They are:
Ø Ensuring staff is knowledgeable of the services of all Human Care Providers and promoting continuous dialogue with providers through quarterly meetings;
Ø Continuing to expand the job placement, work adjustment services and trial work services provided through the Community Rehabilitation programs (CRP);
Ø Encouraging and promoting increased collaboration of the CRP with the Administration in continuous job readiness activities; and
Ø Providing one-time only start-up funds to six (6) mental health CRPs with active Human Care Agreements with DCRSA, to be used to increase each CRP’s effectiveness in providing vocational rehabilitation services to applicants or eligible individuals. The funding will support additional staff that will focus solely on job placement and retention support.
Before any funds are released, RSA will identify opportunities to strengthen and/or expand the service capacity within a specific sector of the CRP provider community, based on a formal or informal needs assessment and in an area approved in the DCRSA State Plan.
RSA will then develop a specific Scope of Work that delineates the required staffing, training, and/or other capacity building requirements, as well as desired outcomes. Eligible CRPs submit proposals with timelines, proposed activities and proposed outcomes.
Based on funding availability, RSA will develop new -- or amend – the existing Human Care agreement to include the capacity-building funding and activities, with clear starting and ending dates for funding.
Individuals who wish to testify should contact Mrs. Barbara Lewis, no later than 4:45pm on December 31, 2010, and should provide the following: name(s); address(es); telephone number(s); organizational affiliation(s); accommodation need(s), if any and two (2) copies of the proposed testimony. Mrs. Lewis can be reached via email at barbara.lewis@dc.gov or via telephone 202-442-8464; 202-442-8613 (TDD); or 202-540-8468 (VP). All testimony will be limited to ten (10) minutes.
Individuals who wish to submit written comments can begin doing so immediately. The 30-day comment period ends January 10, 2011. Comments may be submitted by any interested individual, including representatives of ULS, the State Rehabilitation Council, the Statewide Independent Living Council, disability rights advocates, individuals with disabilities, and members of the public. Comments can be submitted two ways: via email to barbara.lewis@dc.gov or by mail to:
Barbara Lewis
District of Columbia Department on Disability Services
Rehabilitation Services Administration
1125 15th Street, NW
4th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Comments sent via email must be received by 5:00 pm of the deadline date; mailed documents must be postmarked by the deadline date. All questions should be directed to Mrs. Lewis, 202-442-8464; 202-442-8613 (TDD); 202-540-8468 (VP). Mrs. Lewis can be reached Monday through Friday, from 9-3 pm.
The Department will conduct public hearings concerning the new CRPs as follows:
Public Hearing
January 14, 2011
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)
600 Fifth Street, NWBoard Room, 1ST Floor
10-2 pm
Washington, DC 20005
Any interested party wishing to provide oral comments on the CRPs may do so at the public hearing.