5776270 Public Hearing on B21-331, Building Service Employees Minimum Work Week Act of 2015 and B21-512, Hours and Scheduling Stability Act of 2015  

  • Council of the District of Columbia

    Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs

    Notice of a Public Hearing


    John A. Wilson Building   1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 119    Washington, DC 20004                                 


    Councilmember Vincent B. Orange, Sr., Chair

    Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs


    Announces a Public Hearing




    • B21-331, the “Building Service Employees Minimum Work Week Act of 2015”


    • B21-512, the “Hours and Scheduling Stability Act of 2015”



    Wednesday, January 13, 2016, 10:00 A.M.

    John A. Wilson Building, Room 500

    1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

    Washington, DC 20004


    Councilmember Vincent B. Orange, Sr., announces the scheduling of a public hearing by the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs on B21-331, the “Building Services Employees Minimum Work Week Act of 2015” and B21-512, the “Hours and Scheduling Stability Act of 2015”. The public hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 500 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20004. 


    B21-331, the “Building Services Employees Minimum Work Week Act of 2015”, would require janitorial or building maintenance service workers that work in an office building, office park, or group of office buildings with over 350,000 net rentable commercial office square feet to be provided with no less than 30 hours of work per week.


    B21-512, the “Hours and Scheduling Stability Act of 2015”, would require a retail or food services employer to provide their employees a written work schedule 21 days before the first scheduled hour of a shift. The bill requires employees who hold similar jobs be provided the same hourly wage, eligibility to accrue employer-provided benefits, and promotion opportunities regardless of hours worked by the employee. In addition, the bill requires employers to offer additional hours of work to existing employees before hiring additional employees or subcontractors.

    Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to testify at the public hearing are asked to contact Faye Caldwell of the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs at (202) 727-6683 or by email at fcaldwell@dccouncil.us and provide their name(s), address, telephone number, email address and organizational affiliation, if any, by close of business Monday, January 11, 2016.  Each witness is requested to bring 20 copies of his/her written testimony. Representatives of organizations and government agencies will be limited to 5 minutes in order to permit each witness an opportunity to be heard. Individual witnesses will be limited to 3 minutes.


    If you are unable to testify at the public hearing, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record. The official record will remain open until close of business Wednesday, January 27, 2016.  Copies of written statements should be submitted to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs, Council of the District of Columbia, Suite 119 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004.