• District of Columbia office of planning


    Notice of Availability of the Maryland Avenue SW Plan for Public Comment and Convening of Public Hearing


    Action: Notice of Availability of the Draft Maryland Avenue SW Plan (“the Draft Plan”) for Public Comment and Convening of Public Hearing.



    Summary: The Office of Planning (“OP”) has published for public review and comment a Draft Maryland Avenue SW Plan. The Draft Plan presents an analysis and corresponding recommendations on redevelopment, land use, infrastructure and the public realm within the Maryland Avenue SW Plan Study Area between 4th and 12th Streets, SW.  OP emphasizes that the findings, conclusions and development scenarios in the Draft Maryland Avenue SW Plan are preliminary. OP is providing a 30-day public comment period on the Draft Maryland Avenue SW Plan. Comments must be postmarked by the close of the comment period, which is February 3, 2012. Information on how to submit comments is set forth below.


    The Office of Planning, working in collaboration with cooperating agencies, will consider all public comments on the Draft Plan and make its final recommendations on the project to the Mayor of the District of Columbia. Subsequently, the Mayor may submit a final Maryland Avenue SW Plan and approval resolution to the District of Columbia City Council for consideration.  If submitted, the Council will consider the final Maryland Avenue SW Plan and resolution for approval.  The Mayor, through the cooperating agencies will implement the plan.



    The Office of Planning initiated the Maryland Avenue SW Plan to study the feasibility of reconstructing a major missing link in the L’Enfant street grid, Maryland Avenue SW and creating a more diverse land use mix in the heart of the Southwest Rectangle. The study area is currently located in Ward 2, but within the Ward 6 redistricting boundary, and is bounded by 4th and 12th Streets, SW along the historic Maryland Avenue SW corridor.


    The Office of Planning established an agency project team with the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, District Department of Transportation, and the National Capital Planning Commission; as well as identified a non-governmental Advisory Committee to explore alternatives for the reconstruction of Maryland Avenue between 9th and 12th Streets, SW.  OP held three public meetings and implemented a 10-question user survey. Through an eight-month participatory process, OP and its consultant team developed the Draft Plan using input from the planning process. The Draft Plan identifies the redevelopment opportunities, open space improvements, zoning tools, and the next steps necessary to achieve the livable mix of uses called for in the District’s Comprehensive Plan.


    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joyce Tsepas, Ward 2 Community Planner, DC Office of Planning, by mail at 1100 4th St. SW, Suite E650,Washington, DC 20024; by telephone at (202) 535-1556; fax at (202) 442-7638; or email at Joyce.Tsepas@dc.gov.





    Public Availability


    The DC Office of Planning has distributed the Draft Maryland Avenue SW Plan to several public entities, including the Advisory Neighborhood Commission ANC 6D, and asked that the entire Draft Plan be made available for the public to review.  The Draft Plan is available for review at the following public locations:



    Office of Planning

    1100 4th St. SW, Suite E650

    Washington, DC 20024

    *ID required to enter this building

    Martin Luther King Jr. Library

    901 G Street, NW

    Washington, DC 20001


    National Capital Planning Commission

    401 9th Street NW
    North Lobby, Suite 500
    Washington, DC 2000

    *ID required to enter this building

    Southwest Neighborhood Library

    900 Wesley Place SW

    Washington,  DC  20024



    The Draft Plan is also available online at the DC Office of Planning website: www.planning.dc.gov  


    Public Comment


    Written comments on the Draft Maryland Avenue SW Plan must be submitted by 5:00pm on February 3, 2012 to be considered.  OP prefers to receive comments on the official Small Area Plan Public Comment Form, which is available online, at public plan viewing locations, and by request from the project manager. OP will consider comments not submitted on the official Small Area Plan Public Comment Form so long as they include the name, contact information, and affiliation of the commenter and are organized by the chapters of the Plan.  Comment Forms can be submitted via the OP website, U.S. mail (post marked prior to the closing comment date), email, or fax.  All comments should be directed to:



    Joyce Tsepas, Project Manager

    Ward 2 Community Planner

    DC Office of Planning,

    1100 4th St. SW, Suite E650

    Washington, DC 20024

    Phone: (202) 535-1556

    Fax: (202) 442-7638

    Email: Joyce.Tsepas@dc.gov


    Mayoral Hearing


    In addition to receiving written comments on the Draft Maryland Avenue SW Plan, the Office of Planning will host a Mayoral Hearing to receive oral testimony on the Draft Plan.  The Mayoral Hearing will take place on February 1, 2012 at 1100 4th Street SW, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, Washington, DC 20024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. ID is required to enter this building.


    Parties interested in providing testimony at the Mayoral Hearing are encouraged to register in advance with Joyce Tsepas at the Office of Planning. At the hearing, persons and organizations will be allowed to provide 3-5 minutes of testimony for the record.  Those persons who registered in advance will be asked to testify first followed by those who sign up to testify at the time of the hearing.  


    Written comments submitted during the comment period and oral testimonies presented at the Mayoral Public Hearing are given equal weight in reviewing public comments.


    Submitted by: Joyce Tsepas, Project Manager, Ward 2 Community Planner, DC Office of Planning, by mail at 1100 4th St. SW, Suite E650, Washington, DC 20024; by telephone at (202) 535-1556; fax at (202) 442-7638; or email at Joyce.Tsepas@dc.gov.