5780732 Education, Office of the State Superintendent of - Proposed Child Careand Development Fund (CCDF) Block Grant Plan - January 15, 2016  





    The Division of Early Learning in the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) will hold a public hearing on the District’s draft Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant Plan (CCDF Plan). The purpose of the public hearing is to solicit verbal or written comments from the public on the District’s draft plan for the use of federal CCDF dollars for the period of October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2018. The CCDF Block Grant is a major source of funding to help parents pay for child care. It is the primary source of funding for quality initiatives in early care and education.  The proposed CCDF Plan will be available on December 24, 2015 at 810 First Street, NE and on the OSSE website at: www.osse.dc.gov.


    Public Hearing: CCDF PLAN

    Friday, January 15, 2016

    1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

    Office of the State Superintendent of Edu15cation

    810 First St. NE (Third Floor Grand Hall)

    Register for this hearing


    The focus of this public hearing is exclusively on the draft CCDF Plan and testimony provided on January 15, 2016 during the hearing, whether verbal or written, must only address the draft CCDF Plan.


    Family members, service providers, advocates, program administrators, government workers, community groups, residents and other interested parties are encouraged to attend and give testimony at the public hearings. If you would like to attend, please use the registration links under each public hearing date to register. If you would like to testify, please indicate during registration that you would like to testify during the hearing you plan to attend. Registered persons will be scheduled for a 3-minute period to testify first. Persons not registered to testify will be allowed to testify as time permits.  Persons who testify are encouraged to bring a copy of the written testimony for the record. Amharic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and Sign Language interpreters will be available if the services are requested by December 18, 2015, to ensure availability. Requests for interpretation can be made using the registration links above.


    How to Submit Written Testimony for the draft CCDF Plan


    Written comments on the draft CCDF Plan may be submitted at the hearing or throughout the comment period. All written comments must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20, 2016. To submit a written comment outside of the public hearing, please visit www.osse.dc.gov click on the “Programs” tab, then click on “Early Learning” to find the Child Development Fund Plan starting December 11, 2015 or email Carolyn J. Terry-Taylor, Policy and Program Officer at carolynj.taylor@dc.gov.