1834093 Final Rulemaking to implement the District's Medical Marijuana Program.  





    The Mayor, pursuant to section 14 of the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative of 1999 (Act), effective July 27, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-210; D.C. Official Code §§ 7-1671.01, et. seq. (2011 Supp.)), hereby gives notice of the adoption of an amendment to title 22 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) that adds a new subtitle C entitled “Medical Marijuana.”


    This rulemaking sets forth the process and procedures that qualifying patients, caregivers, and physicians must follow before any individual may become registered to obtain and use medical marijuana.  Likewise, it sets forth the process and procedure that candidates for registration as dispensaries or cultivation centers must follow to apply for such registrations, and the operating requirements they will need to perform upon receiving a registration for such a facility.  This rulemaking implements the provisions of the Act necessary to enable the Department to administer the program.


    The first proposed rulemaking was published in the D.C. Register on August 6, 2010, at 57 DCR 7003.  The second proposed rulemaking was published in the D.C. Register on November 12, 2010, at 57 DCR 10529 and contained revisions made as a result of considering comments submitted following the publication of the first proposed rulemaking.  The emergency and third proposed rulemaking was published in the D.C. Register on April 15, 2011, at 58 DCR 3299, and contained revisions made as a result of the reassignment of the delegation of authority by Mayor’s Order 2011-71, dated April 13, 2011, and comments received in connection with publication of the second proposed rulemaking.  The emergency and fourth proposed rulemaking was published in the D.C. Register on August 12, 2011, at 58 DCR 7207 and contained revisions made as a result of considering comments submitted following the publication of the third proposed rulemaking.  Comments received in connection with publication of the fourth proposed rulemaking were considered.  No substantive changes have been made to the rulemaking from the fourth proposed rulemaking.  However, technical corrections were made to § 5617.1 to correct the intent that the requirement for sufficient lighting is between sunset and sunrise as opposed to sunrise and sunset, and to the definition of “panel” in § 9900.1 for consistency with section 5404.2 concerning the number persons that are to appear on the panel.  These corrections appear in the emergency rulemaking which was published in the D.C. Register on December 9, 2011.


    Formal written recommendations, adopted and/or approved by a vote of the respective Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs), were received from ANC1A 08 on September 8, 2010, and ANC 4B on September 15, 2010, in connection with the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which was published in the D.C. Register on August 6, 2010, at 57 DCR 7003.  The Mayor is required under § 13(d) of the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Act of 1975, effective March 26, 1976 (D.C. Law 1-21; D.C. Official Code § 1-309.10(d) (2006 Repl. & 2011 Supp.) to give great weight to issues and concerns raised in the affected ANCs’ written recommendations.  Great weight requires the acknowledgement of the ANC as the source of the recommendations and explicit reference to each of the ANC’s concerns.  The written rationale for the decision must articulate with precision why the ANC does or does not offer persuasive evidence under the circumstances.  In doing so, the Mayor must articulate specific findings and conclusions with respect to each issue and concern raised by the ANC. See D.C. Official Code § 1-309.10(d) (3)(A) & (B). 



    Pursuant to the requirements of D.C. Official Code § 1-309.10(d), the Mayor has considered the concerns and issues raised by ANC1A 08 and ANC 4B.  Specifically, regarding ANC1A 08’s recommendation that the designated caregiver must be registered with the Department of Health, this requirement is addressed in § 601.1(b) of the final rules.  The Mayor did not find ANC1A 08’s recommendation that the designated caregiver be recommended by the patient’s physician to be persuasive, because this function would be outside of the physician’s typical role, and the decision of selecting a caregiver is a personal choice that the patient is best suited to make.


    With regard to ANC1A 08’s recommendations pertaining to the transportation of medical marijuana, the recommendations are addressed in §§ 300.3, 1001.1(a)(3), 5607, 5703, and 5705 of the final rules.


    The Mayor did not find ANC1A 08’ and ANC 4B’s recommendation that dispensaries be located in medical facilities persuasive, because each health facility must make its own determination as to whether it is legally permissible to locate a dispensary on its premises.  Further, each health facility will have to make its own assessment regarding the effect that a dispensary would have upon the operation of the health facility. 


    With respect to ANC1A 08’s recommendation that Section (g) of the law be changed from three hundred feet (300 ft.) to five hundred feet (500 ft.), the Mayor does not have the authority to change the law through rulemaking.  Further, the Mayor did not find ANC1A 08’s recommendation that dispensaries be prohibited from being located within five hundred feet (500 ft.) from a substance abuse treatment center, halfway house, or day care center persuasive, because it is not feasible given the District’s geographical boundaries.


    With respect to ANC1A 08’s and ANC 4B’s recommendation that the Department of Health have exclusive control over the licensure and regulation of medical marijuana, this issue was resolved by Mayor’s Order 2011-71 dated April 13, 2011..


    Regarding ANC 4B’s recommendation that the ANCs have veto power over the licensing of a cultivation center or dispensary within their Commission boundaries persuasive, the law provides that ANC’s be accorded great weight for their input not veto power.  The Mayor does not have the authority to change the law through rulemaking.


    The selection process set forth in the final rules is based on merit not a first come first served basis, which addresses the recommendation made by ANC 4B.


    The Mayor did not find ANC 4B’s recommendation that several community representatives, including at least two (2) ANC Commissioners, plus a qualifying patient and a doctor with expertise in the use if medical marijuana, be added to all boards and panels overseeing medical marijuana persuasive.  The Mayor has delegated the authority to regulate and oversee the District’s medical marijuana program to the Department of Health, which has expertise with controlled substances, security standards, sanitation standards, and physical standards of health care facilities.  Subsection 5402.1 of the final rules, however, does include the placement of a consumer representative or patient advocate on the Application Review Panel.  Further, it is anticipated that at least one (1) member of the Medical Marijuana Advisory Panel will be possess either medical or scientific expertise when those regulations are promulgated.


    Following the required period of Council review, the rules were deemed approved by the D.C. Council on November 18, 2011.  Having concluded that there is no reason to delay implementation of these rules these final rules will be effective upon publication of this notice in the D.C. Register.



    A new subtitle C is added to title 22 of the DCMR to read as follows:


    SUBTITLE C                        MEDICAL MARIJUANA


    100                  APPLICABILITY AND SANCTIONS

    200                  GENERAL PROVISIONS




    501                  RESIDENCY


    600                  LIMITATIONS ON CAREGIVERS

    601                  CAREGIVER QUALIFICATIONS

    602                  CAREGIVER APPLICATION


    700                  ISSUANCE OF REGISTRATION CARDS

    701                  CONTENTS OF REGISTRATION CARDS

    702                  RENEWAL OF REGISTRATION CARDS


    801                  FORM OF RECOMMENDATION







    1001                NOTICE OF POTENTIAL JEOPARDY







    5000                MEASURING DISTANCES

    5001                COMPUTATION OF TIME




    5100                REGISTRATION PERIODS

    5101                RENEWAL PERIODS


    5103                REGISTRATION AND PERMIT FEES

    5104                APPLICATION FEES


    5106                MANAGER CERTIFICATION


    5108                POSTED NOTICE TO PUBLIC








    5303                FAILURE TO OPEN OR OPERATE



    5402                SELECTION PROCESS

    5403                SELECTION CRITERIA







    5411                CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS



    5414                RENEWAL PROCESS


    5416                INVOLUNTARY TRANSFERS



    5500                TRADE NAMES AND CORPORATE NAMES


    5502                FILING REQUIREMENTS

    5600                INSTRUCTIONS TO REGISTRANTS


    5602                HOURS OF OPERATION AND SALE


    5604                MANAGER'S REGISTRATION




    5608                INGESTIBLE ITEMS



    5611                RESERVED



    5614                CO-LOCATION AND INTEGRATION

    5615                POINT-OF-SALE SYSTEM

    5616                SIGN REQUIREMENTS

    5617                OUTDOOR LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS      

    5618                MINIMUM STAFFING LEVELS

    5619                LIMITED ACCESS AREAS

    5620                MANUFACTURING STANDARDS

    5621                TRANSPORT OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA





    5703                DELIVERY OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA     

    5704                PLANT LIMITATIONS


    5706                TIE-IN PURCHASES PROHIBITED




    5710                VISIBILITY

    5800                SIGN ADVERTISING

    5801                PROHIBITED STATEMENTS


    5901                CULTIVATION CENTER INVOICES      

    5902                DISPENSARY BOOKS AND RECORDS

    5903                CULTIVATION CENTER REPORTS

    5904                DISPENSARY REPORTS

    5905                RESERVED






                            THE DISTRICT



                            AND AFFILIATED EMPLOYEES OR OFFICERS





                            BY CHIEF OF POLICE

    6205                NOTICE TO DISTRICT AGENCIES



    9900                DEFINITIONS


    SUBTITLE C                        MEDICAL MARIJUANA


    CHAPTER 1             DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH GENERAL                                                                     PROVISIONS


    100                  APPLICABILITY AND SANCTIONS


    100.1               This chapter shall apply to applicants for and holders of a qualifying patient or caregiver registration to possess, use, administer, or dispense medical marijuana in the District of Columbia, and to recommending physicians who provide written recommendations for the use of medical marijuana under the Act.


    100.2               No person shall possess, use, administer, or dispense marijuana in any form for the purpose of a medical use unless the person is registered with the District of Columbia government under the Act. 


    100.3               Any person who possesses or uses marijuana or its paraphernalia in a manner not authorized by the Act or without a medical marijuana registration card shall be subject to criminal prosecution and sanctions.


    100.4               Any person who makes a fraudulent representation to a law enforcement official of any fact or circumstance relating to the person’s use or possession of medical marijuana or use of paraphernalia to avoid arrest or prosecution shall be subject to a criminal fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00); which shall be in addition to any other penalties that may apply.


    100.5               The Department of Health (Department) may impose sanctions and civil fines under the Civil Infractions Act for any infraction under this subtitle, not to exceed two thousand ($2,000.00) per first offense violation.


    100.6                              The Director may, at his discretion, obtain assistance to discharge his responsibilities under this title through entering into Memoranda of Understanding with other DC government agencies or by contracting with non-government entities.



                            CHAPTER 2             CONDITIONS OF REGISTRATION


    200                  GENERAL PROVISIONS


    200.1               A registration identification card shall not be transferable.


    200.2               A registration identification card issued under this chapter is the property of the District of Columbia and shall be surrendered upon demand of the Director.


    200.3               As part of the registration process, applicants shall sign a written statement certifying that the applicant assumes any and all risk or liability that may result under District of Columbia and federal laws from the possession, use, administration, or dispensing of medical marijuana.  The applicant shall further acknowledge that he or she understands that the medical marijuana laws and enforcement thereof of the District of Columbia and the Federal government are subject to change at any time.


    200.4               The applications for a patient or caregiver registration shall specifically recite verbatim, each of the following notices:


    (a)         Limitation of Liability – The District of Columbia shall not be liable to the registrant, its employees, agents, business invitees, licensees, customers, clients, family members or guests for any damage, injury, accident, loss, compensation or claim, based on, arising out of or resulting from registrant's participation in the District of Columbia’s medical marijuana program, including but not limited to the following: arrest and seizure of persons and/or property, prosecution pursuant to federal laws by federal prosecutors, interruption in registrant's ability to operate its medical marijuana cultivation center and/or dispensary; any fire, robbery, theft, mysterious disappearance or any other casualty; the actions of any other registrants or persons within the cultivation center and/or dispensary.  This Limitation of Liability provision shall survive expiration or the earlier termination of this registration if such registration is granted; and


    (b)        Federal Prosecution - The United States Congress has determined that marijuana is a controlled substance and has placed marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substance Act.  Growing, distributing, and possessing marijuana in any capacity, other than as a part of a federally authorized research program, is a violation of federal laws.  The District of Columbia’s law authorizing the District’s medical marijuana program will not excuse any registrant from any violation of the federal laws governing marijuana or authorize any registrant to violate federal laws. 


    200.5               As part of the registration process, every applicant for either a patient or caregiver registration shall sign a written statement attesting to the following:


    (a)              The applicant acknowledges receipt and advisement of the notices

                set forth in § 200.4;


    (b)          The applicant agrees to and accepts the limitation of liability against the

                District, as set forth in § 200.4;


    (c)           The applicant assumes any and all risk or liability that may result under

                District of Columbia or federal laws arising from the possession, use,

                cultivation, administration, or dispensing of medical marijuana;


    (d)          The applicant understands that the medical marijuana laws and

                enforcement thereof of the District of Columbia and the Federal

                government are subject to change at any time; and


    (e)           The applicant chooses to sign this attestation willingly and without

                reservation and is fully aware of its meaning and effect.


    200.6               Execution of the attestation set forth in § 200.5 shall be a required element of each application for a patient or caregiver registration.


    200.7               As part of the registration process, a qualifying patient shall designate the dispensary from which he or she will receive medical marijuana, and this designation shall appear on the qualifying patient’s registration card and, if applicable, the caregiver’s registration card.


    200.8               A qualifying patient may change his or her designated dispensary by providing fourteen (14) calendar days written notice to the Department on a patient change of information form provided by the Department as set forth in § 200.7 of this chapter.


    200.9               Within fourteen (14) calendar days of any change in the qualifying patient’s name, address, caregiver, recommending physician, or designated dispensary, a qualifying patient who has been issued a registration identification card shall:


    (a)        Submit a completed patient change of information form to the Department, and include as applicable:


    (1)        Designation of a new dispensary;


    (2)        Designation of a new caregiver; or


    (3)        A recommendation form from the new recommending physician;


    (b)        Surrender his or her current registration identification card to the     Department;


    (c)        Immediately notify his or her caregiver of the change;


    (d)       Pay the required fee to receive a new registration identification card; and


    (e)        Be issued a new registration card that reflects the change.


    200.10             Within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving notice of a qualifying patient’s change of name, address, recommending physician, or designated dispensary, the patient’s registered caregiver shall:


    (a)        Submit a written request for a new registration identification card to the Department on a form provided by the Department;


    (b)        Surrender his or her registration identification card;


    (c)        Pay the required fee to receive a new registration identification card; and


    (d)       Be issued a new registration identification card that reflects the change.


    200.11             Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the recommending physician declaring that a qualifying patient no longer suffers from a qualifying medical condition or treatment, the qualifying patient shall:


    (a)        Surrender his or her registration card to the Department;


    (b)        Notify his or her registered caregiver of the change; and


    (c)        Return any unused medical marijuana to the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department.


    200.12             Within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving notice that a qualifying patient has changed his or her caregiver, or that the patient no longer suffers from a qualifying medical condition or treatment, the Department shall send written notice via U.S. Postal Service certified mail to the caregiver’s address on file with the Department.  The caregiver’s protections under the Act shall expire ten (10) days after delivery of the notice or the caregiver’s failure to claim the notice.  


    200.13             Within fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving notice that a qualifying patient has designated a different individual to serve as his caregiver or that qualifying patient no longer suffers from a qualifying medical condition or treatment, the caregiver shall:


    (a)        Surrender his or her registration card to the Department; and


    (b)        Return any unused medical marijuana to the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department.


    200.14             In the event that a qualifying patient or a caregiver experiences the theft, loss, or destruction of his or her registration card, he or she shall:


    (a)        Within twenty-four (24) hours after discovery, provide verbal notification to the Director or his or her designee;


    (b)        Submit the required written notification reporting forms to the Department within seventy-two (72) hours after the initial discovery;


    (c)        Pay the required fee; and


    (d)       Be issued a new registration identification card.


    200.15             Within fourteen (14) calendar days after any change in a caregiver’s name or address, he or she shall:


    (a)        Notify the Department in writing of the change; and


    (b)        Pay the required fee, and be issued a new registration identification card, if applicable.





    300                  USE BY QUALIFYING PATIENT, TRANSPORTATION BY                                                           CAREGIVER, AND LIMITATIONS ON MEDICAL MARIJUANA


    300.1               A qualifying patient shall only possess and administer medical marijuana, or use paraphernalia, for treatment of a qualifying medical condition or the side effects of a qualifying medical treatment after:


    (a)        Obtaining a signed, written recommendation from a physician in accordance with this chapter; and


    (b)        Registering with the Department.      


    300.2               A qualifying patient or caregiver shall only possess, administer, or dispense medical marijuana, or possess or use paraphernalia, obtained from the registered dispensary designated on his or her registration identification card.


    300.3               A qualifying patient or caregiver shall only transport medical marijuana in a

                            container or sealed package bearing the label received from the dispensary.


    300.4               A qualifying patient or caregiver shall not administer or use medical marijuana at               a dispensary or cultivation center.


    300.5               Medical marijuana shall not be administered by or to a qualifying patient

    anywhere other than:


    (a)        The qualifying patient’s residence, if permitted; or


    (b)        At a medical treatment facility when receiving medical care for a qualifying medical condition, if permitted by the medical facility.


    300.6               Notwithstanding § 300.5, a qualifying patient shall not use medical marijuana at a time or in a location within his or her residence when such use would result, or is likely to result, in exposure to the medical marijuana or the medical marijuana smoke that may adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of a minor.


    300.7               For purposes of determining whether a dwelling or dwelling unit is the qualifying patient’s residence as defined by the Act, when at issue, the Department may consider documentation and information of the same nature and type as is required to prove District residency under this subtitle.


    300.8               A qualifying patient who is a minor shall only possess and administer medical marijuana if the parent or legal guardian of the minor has signed a written statement affirming that the parent or legal guardian:


    (a)        Understands the qualifying medical condition or qualifying medical treatment of the minor;


    (b)        Understands the potential benefits and potential adverse effects of the use of medical marijuana in general, and specifically, in the case of the minor;


    (c)        Consents to the use of medical marijuana for the treatment of the minor’s qualifying medical condition or treatment of the side effects of the minor’s qualifying medical treatment; and


    (d)       Consents to, or designates another adult to, serve as the caregiver for the qualifying patient and the caregiver controls the acquisition, possession, dosage, and frequency of use of medical marijuana by the qualifying patient.


    300.9               The maximum amount of medical marijuana any qualifying patient or caregiver may possess at any time is:


    (a)        Two (2) ounces of dried medical marijuana; or


    (b)        The equivalent of two (2) ounces of dried medical marijuana when sold in any other form.


    300.10             Nothing in the Act or this subtitle shall be construed as permitting a qualifying patient to:


    (a)        Undertake any task under the influence of medical marijuana when doing so would constitute negligence or professional malpractice; or


    (b)        Operate, navigate, or be in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, aircraft, or motorboat while under the influence of medical marijuana.


    300.11                          A qualifying patient or caregiver shall not engage in abusive, intimidating,

                            threatening, or disruptive conduct while on the premises of a dispensary.


    300.12                          A dispensary shall have the right to refuse service to a qualifying patient or caregiver who:


    (a)     Engages in abusive, intimidating, threatening, or disruptive conduct while on the premises of a dispensary;


    (b)    Presents a registration identification card that appears to have been tampered with or altered; or


    (c)     For other good cause shown.


    300.13             After refusing to provide service to a patient or caregiver pursuant to § 300.12, the dispensary shall notify the Department in writing within twenty-four (24) hours or one (1) business day of refusing service, and provide full information and details as to the basis for the refusal.  



                            CHAPTER 4             DISPOSAL OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA




    400.1               A qualifying patient or caregiver who is no longer registered with the program or eligible for registration with the program shall within fourteen (14) calendar days after he or she ceases to be registered or eligible for registration with the Department return any unused medical marijuana in his or her possession to the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department.


    400.2               A qualifying patient or caregiver whose registration has been summarily suspended or revoked by the Department shall within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving notice of the suspension or revocation return any unused medical marijuana in his or her possession to the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department.


    400.3               A qualifying patient or caregiver who is no longer registered with the Department shall not transfer, share, give, or deliver any unused medical marijuana in his or her possession to another qualifying patient or caregiver for medical use or destruction whether or not the person is registered with the District’s Medical Marijuana Program.


    400.4               A qualifying patient or caregiver shall not dispose of medical marijuana in any manner other than permitted under this chapter.


                CHAPTER 5             QUALIFYING PATIENTS      




    500.1               To qualify for a patient registration identification card, an applicant shall:


    (a)        Be a bona fide resident of the District of Columbia at the time of application and remain a bona fide resident during treatment with medical marijuana;


    (b)        Have a qualifying medical condition or be undergoing a qualifying medical treatment;


    (c)        Have a signed, written physician’s recommendation for the use of medical

    marijuana meeting the requirements of this chapter; and


    (d)       If the qualifying patient is a minor, the signed written consent of his or her parent or legal guardian.


    501                  RESIDENCY


    501.1               For purposes of this subtitle, a patient shall be a resident of the District of

                            Columbia if the individual:


    (a)        Is physically present in the District of Columbia;


    (b)        Has taken verifiable actions to make the District his or her home indefinitely with no present intent to reside elsewhere; and


    (c)        Is not merely present in the District for the sole purpose of obtaining medical marijuana.


    501.2               In proving bona fide District residency, an applicant shall submit at least two (2) of the following items:


    (a)        Proof of payment of District of Columbia personal income tax, in the name of the applicant, for the tax period closest in time to the application date;


    (b)        A property deed for a District of Columbia residence showing the applicant as an owner or co-owner;


    (c)        A valid unexpired lease or rental agreement in the name of the applicant on a District of Columbia residential property;


    (d)       A pay stub issued less than forty-five (45) days prior to the application date which shows evidence of the applicant’s withholding of District income tax;


    (e)        A voter registration card with an address in the District of Columbia;


    (f)        Current official documentation of financial assistance received by the applicant from the District Government including, but not limited to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, the State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), housing assistance, or other governmental programs;


    (g)        A current motor vehicle registration in the name of the applicant evidencing District residency;


    (h)        A valid unexpired District motor vehicle operator's permit or other official non-driver identification in the name of the applicant;


    (i)         Utility bills (excluding telephone bills) from a period within the two (2) months immediately preceding the application date in the name of the applicant on a District of Columbia residential address; or


    (j)         Any other reasonable form of verification deemed by the Director or the

    Director's agent to demonstrate proof of current residency.




    502.1               To apply for a patient registration identification card, an applicant shall submit a completed application to the Department on the required forms, which shall include:


    (a)        The applicant’s social security number, or if the applicant does not have a social security number, the applicant shall:


    (1)        Submit with the application a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, stating that he or she does not have a social security number; and


    (2)        Provide the Department with his or her social security information once a social security number has been obtained;


    (b)        Two (2) recent passport-type photographs of the applicant’s face measuring two inches by two inches (2 in. x 2 in.), which clearly expose the area from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin;


    (c)        One (1) clear photocopy of a U.S., state, or District government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, as proof of identity;


    (d)       Proof of District residency, including his or her District of Columbia

                residential address which shall not be a post office box number;


    (e)        A signed and dated written physician’s recommendation for the use of medical marijuana meeting the requirements of this chapter, that is dated not more than ninety (90) days prior to the application date;


    (f)        Designation of the dispensary where the qualifying patient will receive his or her medical marijuana;


    (g)        Designation of the individual who will serve as his or her caregiver, if applicable; and


    (h)        Payment of the required application fee.

    502.2               To apply for a registration identification card for a minor, the parent or legal guardian of the minor shall submit a completed application to the Department on the required forms, which shall include:


    (a)        The minor and parent or legal guardian’s social security numbers, or if the applicant does not have a social security number, the applicant shall:


    (1)        Submit with the application a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, stating that he or she does not have a social security number; and


    (2)        Provide the Department with his or her social security information once a social security number has been obtained;


    (b)        Two (2) recent passport-type photographs of the minor’s face measuring two inches by two inches (2 in. x 2 in.), which clearly expose the area from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin;


    (c)        One (1) clear photocopy of U.S., state, or District government-issued photo ID issued to the parent or legal guardian, such as a driver’s license, as proof of identity;


    (d)       Proof of the minor and parent or legal guardian’s District residency, including his or her District of Columbia residential address which shall not be a post office box number;


    (e)        A signed and dated written physician’s recommendation for the use of medical marijuana meeting the requirements of this chapter, that is dated not more than ninety (90) days prior to the application date;


    (f)        Designation of the individual who will serve as the minor’s caregiver;


    (g)        Designation of the dispensary where the qualifying patient will receive his or her medical marijuana;


    (h)        The signed, written statement of the minor’s parent or legal guardian affirming that he or she:


    (1)        Understands the qualifying medical condition or qualifying medical treatment of the minor;


    (2)        Understands the potential benefits and potential adverse effects of the use of medical marijuana, in general, and specifically, in the case of the minor;


    (3)        Consents to the use of medical marijuana for the treatment of the minor’s qualifying medical condition or treatment of the side effects of the minor’s             qualifying medical treatment; and


    (4)        Consents to, or has designated another adult to, serve as the caregiver for the qualifying patient and that the caregiver will control the acquisition, possession, dosage, and frequency of use of medical marijuana by the qualifying patient; and


    (i)         Payment of the required application fee.


    502.3               The minor’s designated caregiver shall also register with the Department and obtain a caregiver registration identification card. 




                            CHAPTER 6                 CAREGIVERS


    600                  LIMITATIONS ON CAREGIVERS


    600.1               A caregiver shall only possess and dispense medical marijuana to a qualifying patient, and possess and use paraphernalia, for the sole purpose of assisting in the administration of medical marijuana to a qualifying patient in accordance with the Act and this subtitle.


    601                  CAREGIVER QUALIFICATIONS


    601.1               To qualify for a caregiver registration identification card, an applicant shall:


    (a)        Be designated by a qualifying patient to serve as the person authorized, on the qualifying patient’s behalf, to possess, obtain from a dispensary, dispense, and assist in the administration of medical marijuana;


    (b)        Be registered with the Department as the qualifying patient’s caregiver;


    (c)        Not be currently serving as the caregiver for another qualifying patient;


    (d)       Be at least eighteen (18) years of age; and


    (e)        Have never been convicted of possession or sale of a controlled substance, unless such conviction occurred after the effective date of the Act and was related to the possession of marijuana that is authorized under the Act.


    602                  CAREGIVER APPLICATION


    602.1               To apply for a caregiver registration identification card, an applicant shall submit a completed application to the Department on the required forms, which shall include:


    (a)        The applicant’s social security number, or if the applicant does not have a social security number, the applicant shall:


    (1)        Submit with the application a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, stating that he or she does not have a social security number; and


    (2)        Provide the Department with his or her social security information once a social security number has been obtained;


    (b)        Two (2) recent passport-type photographs of the applicant’s face measuring two inches by two inches (2 in. x 2 in.), which clearly expose the area from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin;


    (c)        One (1) clear photocopy of a U.S., state or District government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, as proof of identity;


    (d)       His or her residential address, which shall not be a post office box number;


    (e)        Authorization of the Department to conduct a criminal background check, which shall include consent to be fingerprinted in accordance with applicable District and federal laws and regulations; and


    (f)        Payment of the required application fee.


    602.2               All fees associated with the criminal background check shall be paid by the





    603.1               A caregiver shall only obtain medical marijuana for the qualifying patient from the dispensary designated on his or her registration identification card and shall not:


    (a)        Grow or cultivate medical marijuana for the qualifying patient;


    (b)        Purchase medical marijuana through street vendors; or


    (c)        Obtain medical marijuana from other registered qualifying patients and caregivers.


    603.2               If the qualifying patient changes his or her designated dispensary, or makes a change to the information set forth on his or her registration card, both the qualifying patient and the caregiver must surrender their registration identification cards to the Department and obtain new registration identification cards reflecting the change.


                            CHAPTER 7             REGISTRATION CARDS


    700                  ISSUANCE OF REGISTRATION CARDS


    700.1               Upon receipt and approval of a valid and complete application, the Department shall issue a registration identification card to a qualifying patient or caregiver in accordance with the Act and this subtitle.


    700.2               Subject to § 600.3, a registration identification card issued pursuant to this

    chapter shall expire one (1) year after the date of issuance, and may be renewed in accordance with the renewal provisions under this chapter.


    700.3               Unless timely renewed in accordance with the renewal provisions under this chapter, upon expiration of a registration, a qualifying patient or caregiver shall immediately cease from the use or possession of medical marijuana until he or she is issued a new registration identification card from the Department.


    701                  CONTENTS OF REGISTRATION CARDS


    701.1               A qualifying patient registration identification card shall contain:


    (a)        The date of issuance and expiration date;


    (b)        The qualifying patient’s full, legal name, and the full, legal name of the patient’s caregiver, if applicable;


    (c)        The registration identification number for the qualifying patient and the patient’s caregiver, if applicable;


    (d)       The photograph of the qualifying patient;


    (e)        The name and address of the patient’s designated dispensary;


    (f)        The District of Columbia medical license number of the recommending physician; and


    (g)        A Department internal authentication identifier.


    701.2               A caregiver registration identification card shall contain:


    (a)        The date of issuance and expiration date;


    (b)        The caregiver’s full, legal name, and the qualifying patient’s full, legal        name;


    (c)        The registration identification number for the caregiver and the qualifying patient;


    (d)       The photograph of the caregiver;


    (e)        The name and address of the patient’s designated dispensary;


    (f)        The District of Columbia medical license number of the recommending physician; and


    (g)        A Department internal authentication identifier.


    702                  RENEWAL OF REGISTRATION CARDS


    702.1               Not later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of a registration identification card, the qualifying patient or caregiver may apply for renewal of his or her registration identification card as follows:


    (a)        Submit a completed renewal application to the Department on the required forms and include:


    (1)        One (1) clear photocopy of a U.S., state or District government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, as proof of identity;


    (2)        Proof of District residency by meeting the requirements set forth in § 501.2, if applicable; and


    (3)        A signed and dated written physician’s recommendation for the use of medical marijuana meeting the requirements of this chapter, that is dated not more than ninety (90) days prior to the application date;


    (b)        Designate the dispensary where the qualifying patient will receive his or     her medical marijuana; and


    (c)        Pay the required application fee.

    702.2               To renew a registration identification card for a minor, the parent or legal guardian of the minor shall submit a completed application to the Department on the required forms, which shall include:


    (a)        One (1) clear photocopy of U.S., state or District government-issued photo ID issued to the parent or legal guardian, such as a driver’s license, as proof of identity;


    (b)        Proof of the minor and parent or legal guardian’s District residency by meeting the requirements set forth in § 104.3;


    (c)        A signed and dated written physician’s recommendation for the use of medical marijuana meeting the requirements of this chapter, that is dated not more than ninety (90) days prior to the application date;


    (d)       Designation of the individual who will serve as the minor’s caregiver;


    (e)        Designation of the dispensary where the qualifying patient will receive his or her medical marijuana;


    (f)        The signed, written statement of the minor’s parent or legal guardian

                affirming that he or she:


    (1)        Understands the qualifying medical condition or qualifying medical treatment of the minor;


    (2)        Understands the potential benefits and potential adverse effects of the use of medical marijuana, in general, and specifically, in the case of the minor;


    (3)        Consents to the use of medical marijuana for the treatment of the minor’s qualifying medical condition or treatment of the side effects of the minor’s             qualifying medical treatment; and


    (4)        Consents to, or has designated another adult to, serve as the caregiver for the qualifying patient and that the caregiver will control the acquisition, possession, dosage, and frequency of use of medical marijuana by the qualifying patient; and


    (g)        Payment for the required application fee;

    702.4               The minor’s designated caregiver shall also renew his or her registration with the Department and obtain a new caregiver registration identification card. 


                            CHAPTER 8             RECOMMENDING PHYSICIANS


    800                  QUALIFICATIONS TO BE RECOMMENDING PHYSICIAN          


    800.1               A physician who is licensed in good standing to practice medicine or osteopathy in the District of Columbia may recommend the use of medical marijuana to a qualifying patient if the physician:


    (a)        Is in a bona fide physician-patient relationship with the qualifying patient;


    (b)        Has completed a full assessment of the patient’s medical history and current medical condition, including a personal physical examination, not more than ninety (90) days prior to making the recommendation;


    (c)        Has responsibility for the ongoing care and treatment of the patient, provided that such ongoing treatment shall not be limited to or for the primary purpose of the provision of medical marijuana use or consultation solely for that purpose;


    (d)       Makes the recommendation based upon the physician’s assessment of the qualifying patient’s:


    (1)        Medical history;


    (2)        Current medical condition; and


    (3)        A review of other approved medications and treatments that might provide the qualifying patient with relief from a qualifying medical condition or the side effects of a qualifying medical treatment; and


    (e)        Is not the owner, director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, or employee of a dispensary or cultivation center.


    801                  FORM OF RECOMMENDATION


    801.1               A physician’s recommendation that a qualifying patient may use medical

                            marijuana shall be written on a form provided by the Department and include the



    (a)        The name, address, telephone number, and specialty or primary area of clinical practice of the physician;


    (b)        The physician's District of Columbia medical license number;


    (c)        The qualifying patient’s name, date of birth, and home address;


    (d)       The patient’s qualifying medical condition or qualifying medical treatment;


    (e)        A statement certifying that the patient has a qualifying medical condition or suffers from the side effects of a qualifying medical treatment,  and that in the physician’s professional opinion the potential benefits of the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks for this patient;


    (f)        The length of time that the qualifying patient has been under the care of the physician;


    (g)        A statement that the physician has explained the potential risks and benefits of the use of marijuana to the qualifying patient and the qualifying patient’s parent or legal guardian, if applicable;


    (h)        The physician’s signature and date; and

    (i)         The qualifying patient’s signed consent for the release of medical information related to the patient's qualifying medical condition or treatment.




    802.1               A physician recommending the use of medical marijuana to a qualifying

    patient             shall maintain a record for each qualifying patient which shall:


    (a)        Accurately reflect the evaluation and treatment of the patient and include the following as applicable:


    (1)        Patient’s name and the date(s) of treatment;


    (2)        Patient’s medical history and updated health history;


    (3)        Documented results of a full assessment of the patient’s medical history and current medical condition;


    (4)        Documented results of the physician’s physical examination of the patient;


    (5)        Treatment plan;


    (6)        Informed consent document(s);


    (7)        Diagnosis and treatment rendered;


    (8)        List of drugs prescribed, administered, dispensed and the quantity;


    (9)        Radiographs;


    (10)      Patient financial/billing records; 


    (11)      Name of the physician or assistive personnel providing service(s);


    (12)      Laboratory work orders; and


    (b)        Be kept for three (3) years after last seeing the patient or three (3) years after a minor patient reaches eighteen (18) years of age.


    802.2               The Department shall maintain a confidential record, which shall not be subject to requests under the Freedom of Information Act, of each recommending physician for the purpose monitoring compliance with the Act.




    803.1               A physician recommending the use of medical marijuana to a qualifying patient shall not have a professional office located at or adjacent to a dispensary or cultivation center or receive financial compensation from a dispensary or cultivation center.




    804.1               A physician shall notify the Department in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days after advising a qualifying patient that he or she no longer suffers from a qualifying medical condition or treatment.  




    805.1                              The Department shall make available an educational program for physicians on the medical indications, uses, and side effects of medical marijuana and the District’s medical marijuana program, and may charge a fee for the training program.


    805.2                              The program shall be made available to physicians licensed to practice medicine

    or osteopathy in the District of Columbia who recommend or intend to

    recommend the use of medical marijuana to qualifying patients.


    805.3               If approved by the District of Columbia Board of Medicine, the program may

                            be used to satisfy continuing education requirements for the practice of

                            medicine for the number of credits approved by the board.


                            CHAPTER 9             DENIAL OF APPLICATIONS




    900.1               The Department may deny an application or renewal application for a qualifying patient or caregiver registration identification card only if:


    (a)        The application is incomplete and the applicant fails to provide the missing information or documents within the time period allotted by the Department;


    (b)        The Department determines after further inquiry or investigation that the information provided was false, misleading, forged, or altered; or


    (c)        The Department determines that the caregiver has a disqualifying conviction.


    900.2               Denial by the Department of an application or renewal application for a qualifying patient or caregiver registration identification card shall be deemed a final Department action. 


    900.3               An applicant or renewal applicant for a qualifying patient or caregiver registration identification card may request a hearing at the District of Columbia Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) to review any decision of the Department denying an application or renewal application.  The hearing request shall be filed with OAH within thirty (30) days after service of the notice of denial (receipt required for proof of delivery).


    900.4               The decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final

                            Order in this matter, and that either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by

                            the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in accordance with the District of

                            Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511

                            (2011 Repl.).


                            CHAPTER 10           ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS



                            RECOMMENDING PHYSICIANS


    1000.1             The Department shall receive, at any time during the registration period,

    complaints from any person alleging a violation or misconduct by a patient, caregiver, or recommending physician. Complaints shall be in writing and set forth enough information to allow the Department staff to investigate the matter, which shall include at a minimum:


    (a)        The facts or circumstances that form the basis of the

                complaint, including the date(s), time(s), and location(s) of

                the incident(s);


    (b)        Clear identification of the patient, caregiver, or recommending physician that is the subject of the complaint;


    (c)        The name(s), and contact information (if known) of any witnesses to the



    (d)       Any supporting documentation or photos; and


    (e)        The contact information for the complainant.


    1000.2             In addition to written complaints identifying the complainant, any person may make an anonymous complaint in writing to the Department or orally to any Department investigator. Anonymous complaints shall be investigated to the best of the Department's ability, but may result in no action being taken if the anonymous complainant fails to provide the Department or the investigator with adequate information.


    1000.3             Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the Department from initiating an investigation sua sponte if it finds that there exists a reasonable basis to believe that there is a violation of the regulations or the Act.


    1000.4             Upon receiving a complaint, the Department may, in its discretion, request that the patient or caregiver complained of answer the complaint within ten (10) days of receipt of the complaint. The Department shall attach a copy of the complaint to the request or shall describe the acts alleged in the complaint. The patient or caregiver may respond either personally or through a legal representative.


    1000.5             Complaints against recommending physicians shall be forwarded to the District of

    Columbia Board of Medicine for disposition.


    1000.6             If the Department receives a written response from a patient or caregiver, it may, in its discretion, send a copy of the response to the complainant and request a written reply within a time period determined by the Department.


    1000.7             At any point during the course of the investigation or inquiry into the complaint,

    the Department may determine that there is not and will not be sufficient evidence to warrant further proceedings. In such event, the Department shall dismiss the complaint.


    1000.8                          If the Department determines, after the investigation, that there is otherwise

                            reason to believe that the acts alleged occurred and constitute a violation of the

                            regulations or the Act, The Department  may fine the registration holder pursuant

                            to the Civil Infractions Act, or initiate an action to suspend or revoke the



    1000.9             All written complaints as set forth under §1001.1, which identify the complainant by name and address, shall be acknowledged in writing by the Department within thirty (30) days of receipt of the complaint.  At the conclusion of the matter, the Department shall advise the complainant of the action that the Department has taken on the matter.


    1000.10           The Department shall maintain records documenting complaints received and the action taken in response to the complaint.


    1001                NOTICE OF POTENTIAL JEOPARDY


    1001.1             Participation in the District’s medical marijuana program by a qualifying patient or caregiver does not relieve the qualifying patient or caregiver from:


    (a)        Criminal prosecution or civil penalties for activities not authorized by the Act or this chapter, including but not limited to:


    (1)               Possession of marijuana in any location other than:


    (A)             The qualifying patient’s registered dispensary;


    (B)       The qualifying patient’s residence, if permitted; or


    (C)              A medical treatment facility when receiving medical

    care for a qualifying medical condition, if permitted by

    the medical facility;


    (2)               Possession, distribution or transfer of marijuana or use of



    (A)       In a school bus;


    (B)       On school grounds or property;


    (C)       At the qualifying patient's or caregiver's place of



    (D)       At a public park, recreation center, youth center or

                other public place;


    (E)       To a person not approved by the Department

                pursuant to this chapter;


    (F)       Outside the District of Columbia; or


    (G)       That exceeds the allotted amount of medical

                marijuana authorized in § 300.9 of this subtitle;


    (3)        Transporting or attempting to transport marijuana:


    (A)       To or from any place other than directly between

                the dispensary and the patient’s residence or a

                medical facility where the patient is permitted to use



    (B)       In a container other than that prescribed by § 300.3

                of this subtitle; or


    (C)      Into or out of the District of Columbia;


    (b)        Liability for damages or criminal prosecution for acts committed or omitted while under the influence of marijuana; or


    (c)        For violation of any District of Columbia law or regulation that was not expressly repealed or limited by the provisions of the Act or this subtitle.




    1002.1             The Department may fine, suspend, or revoke the registration of any registration holder during the registration period if the registration holder violates any of the provisions of the Act or this subtitle, including but not limited to, purchasing medical marijuana from any source other than a licensed dispensary, selling or transferring medical marijuana to another person, or using medical marijuana in a location other than the patient’s residence or approved medical facility.


    1002.2             The Department of Health (Department) may impose sanctions and civil fines under the Civil Infractions Act for any infraction under this subtitle, not to exceed two thousand ($2,000.00) per first offense violation.


    1002.3             Except in the case of a summary suspension action, the Department shall not revoke or suspend a registration until the holder of the registration has been given an opportunity to be heard in his or her defense.


    1002.4             If a registration is revoked or suspended, no part of the registration fee shall be returned.


    1002.5             Prior to seeking action to revoke a registration for a patient, the Department may, at the discretion of the Director, require the patient to designate a Department-approved caregiver to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions imposed by the Department.  


    1002.6             If the Department revokes a registration for a patient, no registration shall be issued to the same person whose registration is so revoked for one (1) year following the revocation.


    1002.7             If the Department revokes a registration for a caregiver, no registration shall be issued to the same person whose registration is so revoked for five (5) years following the revocation.





    1003.1             Violation of any provision of the Act or this subtitle may result in a notice of intent to suspend or revoke the qualifying patient's or caregiver's registration identification card, and all lawful privileges under the Act.


    1003.2             Except in the case of a summary suspension, the Director shall give a registrant written notice and an opportunity to have a hearing before the Office of Administrative hearings prior to taking any final action which would:


    (a)        Suspend registration; or


    (b)        Revoke registration.


    1003.3             A notice of intent to suspend or revoke shall contain the following:


    (a)        A statement of the proposed action;


    (b)        A statement setting forth the reasons for the proposed action, including a specification of any specific violation complained of;


    (c)        Reference to any particular section of the Act or rules allegedly



    (d)       A statement that the registrant may request a hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) to contest the proposed action by delivering, within thirty (30) days of service of the notice, a certified letter addressed to OAH containing a request for a hearing or hand delivery of same to OAH (receipt required for proof of delivery);


    (e)        A statement that the decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final Order in this matter, and that either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in accordance with the District of Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511 (2011 Repl.); and


    (f)        A statement that if the registrant does not request a hearing within thirty (30) days after service of the notice of the proposed action, the Director may take the proposed action without further notice, and the suspension or revocation shall be final without a hearing.


    1003.4             A notice, order, decision, or pleading required by this chapter to be served upon a party shall be served upon the party or upon the representative designated by the party or by law to receive service of papers.  If a party has appeared through counsel, service may be made upon the counsel of record.  


    1003.5             Service on a registrant shall be directed to the last known address of the registrant on file with the Director or the registrant’s resident agent or attorney, and shall be completed by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Personal delivery;


                            (b)        Leaving it at the party’s usual place of residence with a person of suitable

                                        discretion sixteen (16) years of age or older residing there; or


    (c)        Certified mail, return receipt requested.


    1003.6             Proof of service, stating the name and address of the person on who service is made and the manner and date of service, may be shown by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Written acknowledgement by the party or other person served in accordance with § 1003.5 or by the party’s counsel;


    (b)        The certificate of the serving party or that party’s counsel; or


    (c)        A return receipt if service is made by certified mail.


    1003.7             If service is by personal delivery, it shall be deemed to have been served at the time when delivery is made to the party or other person served in accordance with § 1003.5.


    1003.8             If service is by certified mail, it shall be deemed to have been made on the date shown on the return receipt showing delivery of the notice to the party or refusal of the party to accept delivery.


    1003.9             If the party is no longer at the last known address as shown by the records of the Director, and no forwarding address is available, service shall be deemed to have been made on the date the return receipt bearing that notification is received by the Director.


    1003.10           A registrant that has received a notice of intent to take action to suspend or revoke, may request a hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) for the purpose of review of such action.  The registrant shall file the request with OAH within thirty (30) calendar days after service of the notice of contemplated action (receipt required for proof of delivery).


    1003.11           Unless otherwise authorized by the Director, any notice from or to the Director shall be made by personal delivery or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.


    1003.12           A request for a hearing under this chapter shall include the following:


    (a)        A statement of the facts relevant to the review of the action;


    (b)        A statement of the arguments that the respondent considers relevant to the review of the action; and


    (c)        Any other evidence considered relevant.


    1003.13           If the registrant does not mail or submit a written request for a hearing within the time and in the manner specified in the notice, the Director may, without a hearing, take the action contemplated in the notice, and shall notify the registrant in writing of the final action taken.


    1003.14           If a hearing is timely requested, the proceedings shall thereafter be conducted pursuant to the Office of Administrative Hearings Act, and all further correspondences and notices shall be communicated directly between the Office of Administrative Hearings and the registrant, including notice of the date, time and location of the hearing and the name of the hearing officer.


    1003.15           Nothing in this subtitle shall be deemed to supersede the service, procedural

                            rules, or other proceedings of a matter that has been filed with and is pending

                            before the Office of Administrative Hearings.


    1003.16           The decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final

                            Order in this matter.  Either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by

                            the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in accordance with the District of

                            Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511

                            (2011 Repl.).





    1004.1             Violation of the Act or this subtitle may result in the summary suspension of a

    qualifying patient or caregiver’s registration.


    1004.2             If the Department determines, after investigation, that the conduct of a qualifying patient or caregiver presents an imminent danger to the health and safety of the public, the Department may summarily suspend, or restrict, without a hearing, the registration of the qualifying patient or caregiver.


    1004.3             A notice of summary suspension shall contain the following:


    (a)        A statement that the qualifying patient or caregiver must return any

                unused medical marijuana in his or her possession to the District of

                Columbia Metropolitan Police Department within twenty-four (24) hours

                of receiving the summary suspension notice;


    (b)        A statement that the qualifying patient or caregiver must surrender his or

                her registration identification card to the Director within twenty-four (24)

    hours of receiving the summary suspension notice;


    (c)        A statement setting forth the reasons for the summary action, including a

    specification of any specific violation complained of;


    (d)       Reference to any particular section of the Act or rules allegedly



    (e)        A statement that the registrant may request an immediate hearing before OAH for the purpose of determining whether the suspension shall continue.  The registrant shall file the request with OAH within seventy-two (72) hours after service of the notice (receipt required for proof of delivery).  The hearing shall be held within seventy-two (72) hours after receiving the request unless otherwise agreed by the parties to be held at a later date; and


    (f)        A statement that the decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final Order in this matter, and that either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in accordance with the District of Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511 (2011 Repl.).


    1004.4             A notice, order, decision, or pleading required by this chapter to be served upon a party shall be served upon the party or upon the representative designated by the party or by law to receive service of papers.  If a party has appeared through counsel, service may be made upon the counsel of record.  


    1004.5             Service on a registrant shall be directed to the last known address of the registrant on file with the Director or the registrant’s resident agent or attorney, and shall be completed by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Personal delivery;


    (b)        Leaving it at the party’s usual place of residence with a person of suitable

    discretion sixteen (16) years of age or older residing there; or


    (c)        Certified mail, return receipt requested.


    1004.6             Proof of service, stating the name and address of the person on who service is made and the manner and date of service, may be shown by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Written acknowledgement by the party or other person served in accordance with § 1004.5 or by the party’s counsel; or


    (b)        The certificate of the serving party or that party’s counsel; or


    (c)        A return receipt if service is made by certified mail.


    1004.7             If service is by personal delivery, it shall be deemed to have been served at the time when delivery is made to the party or other person served in accordance with § 1004.5.


    1004.8             If service is by certified mail, it shall be deemed to have been made on the date shown on the return receipt showing delivery of the notice to the party or refusal of the party to accept delivery.


    1004.9             If the party is no longer at the last known address as shown by the records of the Director, and no forwarding address is available, service shall be deemed to have been made on the date the return receipt bearing that notification is received by the Director.


    1004.10           A registrant whose registration has been summarily suspended may request an immediate hearing before OAH for the purpose of determining whether the suspension shall continue.  The registrant shall file the request with OAH within seventy-two (72) hours after service of the notice (receipt required for proof of delivery).  The hearing shall be held within seventy-two (72) hours after receiving the request unless otherwise agreed by the parties to be held at a later date.


    1004.11           Unless otherwise authorized by the Director, any notice from or to the Director shall be made by personal delivery or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.


    1004.12           A request for a hearing under this chapter shall include the following:


    (a)        A statement of the facts relevant to the review of the action;


    (b)        A statement of the arguments that the respondent considers relevant to the review of the action; and


    (c)        Any other evidence considered relevant.


    1004.13           If the registrant fails to request a hearing within the time and in the manner specified in the notice, the summary suspension shall continue until after a finding by the Department that the imminent danger no longer exists, or until after a decision on a notice of intent to revoke or suspend the registration becomes final under § 1003.13 or 1003.16.


    1004.14           If a hearing is timely requested, the proceedings shall thereafter be conducted pursuant to the Office of Administrative Hearings Act, and all further correspondences and notices shall be communicated directly between the Office of Administrative Hearings and the registrant, including notice of the date, time and location of the hearing and the name of the hearing officer.


    1004.15           Nothing in this subchapter shall be deemed to supersede the service, procedural

                            rules, or other proceedings of a matter that has been filed with and is pending

                            before the Office of Administrative Hearings.


    1004.16           The decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final

                            Order in this matter.  Either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by

                            the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in accordance with the District of

                            Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511

                            (2011 Repl.).



                            CHAPTER 11           CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS



    1100.1             Applications and supporting information submitted by qualifying patients and caregivers shall be confidential and subject to the protections of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, as amended, and other applicable privacy laws and privileges.


    1100.2             The Department shall maintain a confidential list of the persons to whom the Department has issued registration identification cards.


    1100.3             Individual names and other personally identifying information on the list:


    (a)        Shall be confidential and not be considered a public record; and


    (b)        Shall not subject to disclosure, except to authorized employees of the Department as necessary to perform official duties of the Department.


    1100.4             The Department shall verify to law enforcement personnel whether a registry identification card is valid by confirming the information that is printed on the registration identification card.


    1100.5             The Department may notify law enforcement personnel about falsified or fraudulent information submitted to the Department.


                            CHAPTER 12           INVESTIGATIONS AND INSPECTIONS




    1200.1             The Department may conduct announced and unannounced investigations and inspections of cultivation centers and dispensaries, as related to the Department’s purview, mission and function, for the purpose of determining the suitability of any  facility or location with respect to sanitation and health, and to determine compliance with the Act and its regulations by any registered cultivation center or dispensary.


    1200.2             During an inspection or investigation of a dispensary, the Department may review the dispensary’s confidential records, including its dispensing records and information which contains the names and addresses of qualifying patients, caregivers, and recommending physicians.


    1200.3             During an inspection or investigation of a cultivation center, the Department may review the cultivation center’s confidential records, as necessary and appropriate to the Department’s purview and authority, to determine compliance with the Act and its regulations.


    1200.4             All qualifying patients and caregivers shall provide the Department or the Department’s agent with immediate access to any material and information necessary for determining compliance with the Act and this chapter.


    1200.5             Failure by a qualifying patient or caregiver to provide the Department with immediate access to any requested material or information to determine compliance with the Act or this subtitle, may result in sanctions against the qualifying patient or caregiver up to and including revocation of registration and referral to local law enforcement.


    1200.6             Failure by a dispensary or cultivation center to provide the Department with immediate access to any requested material or information as part of an inspection or investigation under the Act and this chapter, may result in the imposition of a civil fine as well as referral to the Board for further sanctions.


                CHAPTER 13           FEES




    1300.1             The registration, renewal and replacement fees are as follows:


    (a)        Initial registration fee for a qualifying patient            $100.00;


    (b)        Initial registration fee for a caregiver                          $100.00;


    (c)        Renewal fee for a qualifying patient                          $100.00;


    (d)       Renewal fee for a caregiver                                        $100.00; and


    (e)        Replacement card fee                                                  $90.00



    1300.2             The initial registration fees for a qualifying patient or caregiver whose income is equal to or less than two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty level shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of the published standard qualifying patient or caregiver registration fee, and are set forth as follows:


    (a)        Initial registration fee for a qualifying patient            $25.00;


    (b)        Initial registration fee for a caregiver                          $25.00;


    (c)        Renewal fee for a qualifying patient                          $25.00;


    (d)       Renewal fee for a caregiver                                        $25.00; and


    (e)        Replacement card fee                                                $20.00



    1300.3             A qualifying patient or caregiver whose income is equal to or less than two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty level may apply for registration at a rate that is twenty-five percent (25%) of the published standard registration fee by submitting proof, to the satisfaction of the Director, of the following:


    (a)        That he or she is a current Medicaid or DC Alliance recipient; or


    (b)        Documentation verifying that his or her total gross income, including child support payments, alimony and rent payments received, and any other income received on a regular basis, is equal to or less than two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty level, as defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

    1300.4             In verifying income for the purposes of this chapter, an individual may submit the following:


    (a)        Earnings statements received within the previous thirty (30) days;


    (b)        District of Columbia or Federal tax filing returns for the most recent tax year;


    (c)        For newly employed applicants, a verifiable copy of an offer of employment that states the amount of salary to be paid;


    (d)       A copy of a Social Security or worker's compensation benefit statement;


    (e)        Proof of child support or alimony received;


    (f)        Any other unearned income or assets, including but not limited to, stocks, bonds, annuities, private pension and retirement accounts; or


    (g)        Any other item(s) of proof deemed by the Director or the Director's agent reasonably calculated to demonstrate a person's current income.


    1300.5             An individual shall submit the required verifying information set forth in § 1300.4 for each renewal or request for a replacement card in order to receive the reduced fee.


    1300.6                          A qualifying patient who establishes pursuant to § 1300.4 of this chapter that his or her income is equal to or less than two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty level, shall be entitled to purchase medical marijuana directly, or through a caregiver, on a sliding scale from a registered dispensary in the District of Columbia.


    Chapters 14-49          [RESERVED]





    5000                MEASURING DISTANCES

    5000.1             In establishing the distance between one (1) or more places, (such as the actual distance of a cultivation center or dispensary from a school or recreation center, as defined in the Act), the distance shall be measured linearly by the Department and shall be the shortest distance between the property lines of the places.


    5000.2             If a boundary line measured by the Department touches upon any portion of a parcel or lot, the parcel or lot shall be within the area being identified by the Department.


    5001                COMPUTATION OF TIME

    5001.1             In computing any period of time specified in this title, the day of the act, event, or default shall not be counted, and the last day of the period shall be counted unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which the Department’s offices are officially closed, in which event the time period shall continue until the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which the Department’s offices are not closed.





    5002.1                          A dispensary registered to operate in the District may:


    (a)        Possesses and sell medical marijuana to registered qualified patients and

    caregivers; and


    (b)        Manufacture, purchase, possess, and distribute paraphernalia and cigarette

    rolling papers to registered qualified patients and caregivers.


    5002.2             A cultivation center registered to operate in the District may:


    (a)        Possess, manufacture, grow, cultivate, and distribute medical marijuana

                for sale to registered dispensaries; and


    (b)        Manufacture, purchase, possess, and distribute paraphernalia and cigarette

    rolling papers to registered dispensaries.



    5003                                NON-TRANSFERABILITY OF LOCATIONS


    5003.1                          An application for a dispensary or cultivation center registration shall identify the proposed location of the dispensary or cultivation center by street mailing address, including suite or unit number if applicable.  No post office box numbers shall be permitted.  An applicant shall not be permitted to alter, change, or substitute the proposed location of the dispensary or cultivation center after the application has been submitted.


    5003.2                          A registration for a dispensary or cultivation center shall be issued for the specific

                            location identified on the application, and is valid only for the owner, premises,                             and name designated on the registration and the location for which it is issued.


    5003.3                          A dispensary or cultivation center registration is not transferable to a new location.




    5100                REGISTRATION PERIODS


    5100.1             Each registration issued by the Department shall be valid for one (1) year, except in the following circumstances:

    (a)        When suspended or revoked; and


    (b)        When the registration takes effect on a date in between the dates established by the Department for the regular renewal registration period, in which case the registration shall be valid only until the end of the registration period.

    5101                RENEWAL PERIODS


    5101.1             The renewal period for each registration listed below shall occur annually with the following dates:


    Registration Class

    Registration Period

    Ending Year

    Cultivation Center

    Oct. 1 to Sept. 30



    Oct. 1 to Sept. 30



    5101.2             In addition to the initial application, the Mayor shall provide all Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) located in the affected ward thirty (30) days for public comment once every three (3) years on an applicant for a dispensary or cultivation center’s third renewal.  The first renewal notice shall be provided by the Department to ANCs located in the affected ward in 2015.


    5101.3             The notice to the ANCs set forth in § 5101.2 on a third year renewal application shall be provided to the ANCs not later than ninety (90) days before a registration is renewed.  The Department shall renew the registration or inform the applicant in writing of his intent not to renew the registration within sixty (60) days following the conclusion of the ANC thirty (30) day comment period.




    5102.1             Unless a registration is otherwise summarily suspended under this subtitle, the registration of a cultivation center or dispensary that has received written notice of the Department’s intent not to renew the registration shall continue in effect until such time as the Department has taken final action on the registration.


    5102.2             In the case of applications for the renewal of a registration or for transfer to a new owner, the registration shall continue in effect until the Department has taken final action on the registration.


    5102.3             A registration that is continued under this chapter shall be continued in effect only for purposes of the original location.  No operations shall take place at a new location until a new registration has been issued for that location.



    5103                REGISTRATION AND PERMIT FEES


    5103.1             All registration and permit fees shall be paid by cashier’s check, certified check, or money order payable to the DC Treasurer. Applicants shall pay the fees

                            specified by the Department at the time an application is filed.  The fees shall be returned to the applicant, minus the processing fee, if the application is not selected, denied, or withdrawn.


    5103.2             The Department may impose a late fee upon an applicant that fails to timely renew their registration, or permit in the amount of fifty dollars ($50) for each day after the due date of payment.  The total amount of the late fee to be paid shall not exceed the annual cost of the registration.  The Department may suspend a previously approved registration until the renewal fee is paid.  A cultivation center or dispensary that has not timely renewed its registration shall not be permitted to sell medical marijuana with an expired registration.


    5103.3             The Department may suspend a registration or permit where payment was made by the applicant with a check returned unpaid.  The applicant, in addition to any late fees imposed by the Department pursuant to § 5103.2, shall also be charged with a one hundred dollar ($100) returned check fee.


    5103.4             The annual fee for a medical marijuana dispensary registration shall be ten thousand dollars ($10,000).  This fee shall also cover any audit and inspection costs incurred by the Department.


    5103.5             The annual fee for a cultivation center registration shall be five thousand dollars ($5,000).  This fee shall also cover any audit and inspection costs incurred by the Department.


    5103.6             The annual fee for each director, officer, member, incorporator, or agent registration shall be two hundred dollars ($200).


    5103.7             The annual fee for an employee registration shall be seventy-five dollars ($75).


    5103.8             The fee for a medical marijuana certification provider permit shall be three hundred dollars ($300).


    5103.9             The annual fee for a Manager's registration shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150).


    5103.10           The annual fee for a transport permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25).


    5103.11           The fee for a duplicate registration or replacement of a lost registration shall be twenty-five dollars ($25).


    5103.12           The fee for a duplicate permit or replacement of a lost permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25).


    5104                APPLICATION FEES


    5104.1             The fee for the filing of an initial application for a medical marijuana dispensary shall be five thousand dollars ($5,000).


    5104.2             The fee for the filing of an initial application for a medical marijuana cultivation center shall be five thousand dollars ($5,000).


    5104.3             The fee for the filing of a renewal application for a medical marijuana dispensary shall be three thousand dollars ($3,000).


    5104.4             The fee for the filing of a renewal application for a medical marijuana cultivation center shall be three thousand dollars ($3,000).


    5104.5             The fee for the filing of a medical marijuana certification provider permit shall be one hundred dollars ($100).


    5104.6             The fee for the transfer of a medical marijuana dispensary or cultivation center to a new owner shall be three thousand dollars ($3,000).


    5104.7             The fee for the transfer of a registration to a new location shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000). This fee shall also cover any audit and inspection costs incurred by the Department.


    5104.8             The fee for a change of director, officer, member, incorporator, or agent shall be one hundred dollars ($100).


    5104.9             The fee for a corporate or trade name change shall be one hundred dollars ($100).




    5105.1             A person or entity wishing to become a medical marijuana certification provider shall obtain a medical marijuana certification provider permit which shall allow the holder to provide a medical marijuana training and education certification program in the District of Columbia.  For purposes of this section, a "medical marijuana certification provider" shall mean any person or entity approved by the Department to conduct a medical marijuana and education training program as set forth in § 5105.2. A medical marijuana provider permit shall be valid for three (3) years.


    5105.2             A medical marijuana certification provider shall include the following subjects in its education training program; which shall be submitted to the Department for approval:

    (a)        The effect medical marijuana use has on the body and behavior, especially as to driving ability, and that driving under the influence of marijuana     is prohibited under the Act;


    (b)        Procedures for the proper handling and dispensing of medical marijuana to qualified patients and caregivers;


    (c)        Methods of recognizing and communicating with underage qualifying patients and caregivers;


    (d)       Prevention techniques involving effective identification and carding procedures;


    (e)        Explanation of the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Amendment Act of 2010 and Federal law relating to marijuana and ensuring compliance with this title and District law;


    (f)        Advertising, promotion, and marketing of medical marijuana; and


    (g)        Security and theft prevention.


    5105.3             An application for a medical marijuana certification provider permit shall:


    (a)        Be completed on a form provided by the Department;


    (b)        Include a copy of the proposed training materials, curriculum, and examinations; and


    (c)        Include payment of the annual fee for the entire three (3)-year permit period.


    5105.4             The Department shall make the final determination as to the qualifications of the

                            applicant and compliance of the applicant's program with § 5105.2, and may

                            require a meeting with the applicant prior to issuing its decision.


    5105.5             Approval of a medical marijuana training and education program shall expire

    after three (3) years from the date of the course obtaining approval. The applicant

    shall resubmit a program to the Department for approval as part of its application

    to renew its medical marijuana certification provider permit.


    5106                MANAGER CERTIFICATION


    5106.1             An applicant for a manager's registration shall submit a copy of his or her certificate showing completion of a medical marijuana training and education program from a Department approved medical marijuana certification provider with his or her Manager's registration application.


    5106.2             An applicant for a manager's registration, who has been selected by a cultivation center or dispensary to serve as a registered manager but who has not completed a medical marijuana training and education program may be issued a temporary Manager's registration by the Department for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days upon the submission of a signed written statement on a form provided by the Department from the applicant attesting that he or she will complete a medical marijuana training and education program and submit a copy of his or her certificate within the thirty (30)-day period.  The medical marijuana training and education certificate requirement shall not take effect until sixty (60) days after the effective date of these regulations.





    5107.1             Upon the initial selection of a completed application by a six (6) member panel, or a third year renewal for a dispensary or cultivation center, or an application to transfer the dispensary or cultivation center to a new location, the Director shall give written notice through the mail of the registration application to all ANCs in the affected ward.  Notice shall be given by the Director to all ANCs in the affected ward at least ninety (90) days prior to the approval of a location for a dispensary or cultivation center, and shall state that the ANCs must submit their comments to the Director not later than thirty (30) days after receiving the notice.


    5107 .2            The written notice shall contain the legal name and trade name of the applicant, the street address of the establishment for which registration is sought, the type of registration sought, and a description of the nature of the operation the applicant has proposed.  The description shall include the proposed hours of operation for the dispensary or cultivation center. 


    5107.3             The notice shall also state the final day that comments must be received by the Director from the ANCs in the affected ward.


    5107.4             The Director shall give notice to each ANC in the affected ward by first-class mail, and addressed to the following persons:


    (a)        The ANC office, with a copy for each ANC member;


    (b)        The ANC chairperson, at his or her home address of record; and


    (c)        The ANC member in whose single-member district the establishment is or will be             located, at his or her home address of record.


    5107.5             Notice required to be provided by the Director to each ANC office, ANC Chairperson, and ANC single member district Commissioner, shall be sent to the ANC address on file with the Board of Elections and Ethics.


    5107.6             The Director shall publish the notices required under this section in the District of Columbia Register.


    5108                POSTED NOTICE TO PUBLIC


    5108.1             The Director shall post two (2) notices indicating that an application for a cultivation center or dispensary registration has been filed in conspicuous places on the outside of the establishment for the duration of the ANCs thirty (30) day comment period.


    5108.2             The notices shall state:


    (a)        The information contained in § 5107.2;


    (b)        The final day of the ANC’s comment period;


    (c)        The contact information for the ANC where the establishment is located; and


    (d)       The telephone number and mailing address of the Department.


    5108.3             An applicant who fails to maintain the posted notices continuously during the ANC comment period shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter.


    5108.4             If the Department determines that the notices posted at an applicant's establishment have not remained visible to the public for a full thirty (30) days, the Department shall require the reposting of the notices and shall restart the thirty (30) day ANC comment period, unless the applicant has fully performed all other notice requirements and the Department determines that the public has received sufficient notice of the application.




    5109.1             Comments submitted by an ANC located in the affected ward for consideration shall relate to the ANC’s concerns or support regarding the proposed location including but not limited to:


    (a)        The potential adverse impact of the proposed location to the neighborhood;


    (b)        An overconcentration or lack of cultivation centers or dispensaries in the affected ward; and


    (c)        Its proximity to substance abuse treatment centers, day care centers, and halfway houses.




    5110.1             All persons required to register with the Department shall receive and wear on their person, while working in a restricted access area at a cultivation center or dispensary, a non-transferable uniform registration identification card from the Department.  It shall be a violation of this title for a person to not wear their non-transferable registration identification card while working in a restricted access area of a cultivation center or dispensary.


    5110.2             The non-transferable registration card shall be presented by a manager, director, officer, member, incorporator, agent and employee of a cultivation center or dispensary to law enforcement or a Department investigator to confirm that the person is authorized to cultivate, dispense, distribute, or possess medical marijuana, or manufacture, possess, or distribute paraphernalia.







    5200.1             The number of dispensaries registered to operate in the District of Columbia shall not exceed five (5).


    5200.2             The number of cultivation centers registered to operate in the District of Columbia shall not exceed ten (10).


    5200.3             Nothing in this subtitle or the Act shall require the Department to issue all of the available registrations to operate a dispensary or cultivation center.





    5201.1             A dispensary or cultivation center shall not locate within three hundred feet (300 ft) of a preschool, primary or secondary school, or recreation center.


    5201.2             The three hundred foot (300 ft.) distance shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of § 5000 of this subtitle.





    5300.1             The Director may deny registration to an applicant if evidence shows that the applicant has permitted conduct at the cultivation center or dispensary which is in violation of this subtitle.



    5301.1             A registration may not be issued for a cultivation center or dispensary unless the applicant obtains a valid certificate of occupancy for the premises in which the business for which the registration is sought is located, and is also the holder of all other licenses and permits required by law or regulation for that business.  A registration for a cultivation center or dispensary shall not be issued for any premises located within a residentially zoned district.




    5302.1             The Director is authorized, in its discretion, to approve the granting of a registration for a cultivation center or dispensary, subject to all other requirements of the Act or this title, to an applicant prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building in which the registered premises shall be located, if the Director finds to his or her satisfaction the following:

    (a)        That an applicant for registration has entered into a bona fide agreement     with the owner of a building proposed to be constructed or remodeled;


    (b)        That, under the bona fide agreement, the applicant has agreed to lease, purchase, or otherwise occupy all or a portion of the building for the applicant's use in carrying on the business which would be authorized by the registration;


    (c)        That the agreement provides that so much of the proposed building to be occupied for business purposes registered under this chapter is to be constructed or remodeled in accordance with specifications set forth in the agreement;


    (d)       That the agreement describes the quarters as reasonably adequate and appropriate for the business to be carried on under the authority of the registration;


    (e)        A zoning determination letter issued by DCRA, which reflects that the zoning of the premises to be registered will allow the issuance of the registration; and


    (f)        That the applicant shall not engage in the purchase or sale of medical marijuana unless and until a certificate of occupancy and all other business licenses have been issued for the business.


    5302.2             An application for a registration under § 5302.1 shall be made on forms prescribed by the Department and shall include the following information:


    (a)        The street address of the establishment to be registered or, in the case of new construction, the lot and square numbers of the ground upon which the establishment will be located; and


    (b)        The date on which the applicant plans to open the establishment.


    5302.3             A registration approved by the Director under § 5302.1 shall not be issued until the premises has been finally inspected by the Department, and until the applicant provides to the Department the following:


    (a)        A certificate of occupancy for the registered premises;


    (b)        Copies of all necessary business licenses for the premises;


    (c)        Copies of all tax registration documents for the business;


    (d)       Copies of an executed lease or deed for the registered premises, provided, however, that the business terms of the lease including the rent may be redacted by the applicant; and


    (e)        All necessary approvals required under this title from Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), DCRA, and the Department.


    5302.4                          Applicants for registration under § 5302.1 shall pay the appropriate registration

    fee, as set forth in this subtitle, and approval by the Department shall remain effective for one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of the approval, except that the Director may grant an extension at his or her discretion for good cause shown.


    5303                FAILURE TO OPEN OR OPERATE


    5303.1                          A registration for a dispensary or cultivation center shall be returned to the

    Director if the dispensary or cultivation center fails to open for business within

    one hundred twenty (120) days after the registration has been issued, except

    that the Director may grant an extension at his or her discretion for good cause



    5303.2                          A registration for a dispensary or cultivation center shall be returned to the Director if the dispensary or cultivation center fails to operate for any reason for more than one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days after it has opened for business.







    5400.1             Before issuing, transferring to a new owner, or renewing a registration or permit for either a business applicant or an individual applicant, the Director shall determine that the applicant meets all of the following criteria:


    (a)        The applicant is of good character and generally fit for the responsibilities of registration;


    (b)        The applicant is at least twenty-one (21) years of age;


    (c)        The applicant has not been convicted of any felony before filing the application;


    (d)       The applicant has not been convicted of a misdemeanor for a drug-related offense before filing the application;


    (e)        The applicant has paid the annual fee;


    (f)        The applicant is not a licensed physician making patient recommendations;


    (g)        The applicant is not a person whose authority to be a caregiver or qualified patient has been revoked by the Department; and


    (h)        The applicant has complied with all the requirements of the Act and this title.


    5400.2             The Director shall not register either a business applicant or an individual applicant that has failed to file required District tax returns or owes more than one hundred dollars ($100) in outstanding debt to the District as a result of the items specified in D.C. Official Code: § 47-2862(a)(1) through (6)(2005 Repl.; 2011 Supp.), subject to the exceptions specified in D.C. Official Code § 47-2862(b)(2005 Repl. & 2011 Supp.).




    5401.1             Applications for new cultivation center or dispensary registrations shall only be accepted by the Director during the open application period as specified by the Director by publishing a Notice in the D.C. Register, such period shall not be extended.


    5401.2             Prior to the submission of a formal application for a new cultivation center or dispensary registration, the prospective applicant shall submit a Letter of Intent to the Director or a designee.  The Director shall only accept Letters of Intent during the time period specified by the Director by Notice in the D.C. Register, such period shall not be extended.


    5401.3             The purpose of the Letter of Intent is to formally notify the Director that an application for a cultivation center or dispensary registration will be forthcoming.


    5401.4             The Letter of Intent shall include at least the following:


    (a)        The individual’s name, or the organization, corporation, company name of the prospective applicant, including the full name and title, with respect to the organization, of the primary contact;


    (b)        The mailing address, which shall not be a post office box number, daytime telephone number, and email address of the applicant or primary contact person if not the same person;


    (c)        The type of registration the prospective applicant may apply for;


    (d)       A statement, not to exceed one hundred (100) words, defining the prospective applicant’s intent to submit an application for a cultivation center or dispensary; and


    (e)        The dated signature of the prospective applicant.


    5401.5             At the start of each open application period for new cultivation center or dispensary registrations, the Director shall publish a notice in the DC Register setting forth the process for submission of applications for cultivation center and dispensary registrations, which shall include:


    (a)        The opening and ending dates for the submission of Letters of Intent to the Director by all individuals and entities who intend to apply for cultivation or dispensary registrations;  


    (b)        The opening and ending dates for the submission of applications for a cultivation or dispensary registration by those individuals and entities that have timely submitted Letters of Intent to the Director, meeting the requirements set forth in § 5401.4 of this chapter;


    (c)        A statement that only the individuals and entities that timely submit Letters of Intent to the Director, meeting the requirements set forth in § 5401.4 of this chapter, shall be permitted to submit an application for a cultivation or dispensary registration;


    (d)       The address for submission to the Director; and


    (e)        The process for obtaining application materials from the Director.


    5401.6             The Notice required in § 5401.5 of this chapter shall appear, at a minimum, in the D.C Register and on the Department’s website.


    5401.7             Applicants may apply for both a cultivation center and dispensary registration, but must file a separate Letter of Intent and a separate application for each registration sought.


    5401.8             An applicant may apply for more than one (1) cultivation center registration but may apply for only one (1) dispensary registration. 


    5401.9             Only the individuals and entities that timely submitted Letters of Intent to the

                            Director, and received a letter of acceptance from the Department, shall be

                            permitted to submit an application for a cultivation or dispensary registration.



    5402                SELECTION PROCESS


    5402.1             A six (6) member panel shall be convened consisting of one (1) representative from the Department, District Department of the Environment (DDOE), Office of the Attorney General (OAG), Department of Real Estate Services Protective Services Division (PSD), DCRA, and a consumer representative or patient advocate, selected by the Director, to evaluate and score each application.  Each panel member shall score each application on a two hundred and fifty (250) point scale.  An applicant’s overall score is based upon the quality of the applicant’s submission, and the ANC comments, by discarding the highest and lowest panel member scores, adding up the four (4) remaining scores, and dividing that total by four (4).  A dispensary applicant may also submit an educational materials plan, which shall be worth up to twenty (20) additional bonus points.  A cultivation center applicant may also submit an environmental plan, which shall be worth up to twenty (20) additional bonus points.  The maximum points for each criterion are indicated in section 5403 of this subtitle.  To be considered eligible for further review, an application must have at least one hundred and fifty (150) points prior to the ANC review.  The panel shall set forth through consensus comments the basis of the scoring decision for each criterion. 


    5402.2             Prior to seeking ANC review, the panel shall calculate a provisional score based upon the then available points and bonus points.  The provisional score will be calculated by discarding the highest and lowest panel member scores, adding up the four (4) remaining scores, and dividing that total by four (4). The provisional scores shall be ranked from highest to lowest and the Panel shall provisionally select not more than the twenty (20) highest ranking cultivation center applicants, and not more than the ten (10) highest ranking dispensary applicants, for ANC review.  The provisional selection decision shall be made in writing to the successful applicants. Notice shall also be provided by the Director to applicants that are not selected.


    5402.3             The applications provisionally selected by the panel shall be placarded by the Director with notice given to each ANC in the affected Ward, and shall state that the ANCs must submit their comments to the Director not later than thirty (30) days after receiving the notice. 


    5402.4             The ANC comments received during the comment period, shall then be forwarded to the panel, which shall have thirty (30) days to evaluate and score the ANC comments.  The ANC comments shall be worth up to fifty (50) points of the total scoring for each provisionally selected applicant.


    5402.5             The panel shall then forward its final proposed selections, which shall include not

    more than the ten (10) highest ranking cultivation center applicants, and not more than the five (5) highest ranking dispensary applicants to the Director, which

                            shall include a narrative of the basis for each of the panel’s final proposed



    5402.6             In the event that two (2) or more applicants for a cultivation center registration

                            receive the same total score, and the panel is permitted to select only one, the

                            panel shall select the applicant that received the highest score in the security plan

                            category.  In the event that the same two (2) applicants received the same score in

                            the security plan category, the panel shall select the applicant that received the

                            highest score in the cultivation plan category.


    5402.7             In the event that two (2) or more applicants for a dispensary registration

                            receive the same total score, and the panel is permitted to select only one, the

                            panel shall select the applicant that received the highest score in the security plan

                            category.  In the event that the same two (2) applicants received the same score in

                            the security plan category, the panel shall select the applicant that received the

                            highest score in the product safety and labeling plan category.


    5402.8             In the event that a selected cultivation center or dispensary application is subsequently denied by the Director, the applicant who received the next highest qualifying score from the panel who was not initially accepted shall be selected.


    5402.9             An applicant submitting a cultivation center or dispensary registration application shall be required to submit the five thousand dollar ($5,000) application fee, fifty percent (50%) of which shall be non-refundable, at the time the cultivation center or dispensary application is filed with the Director. 


    5403                SELECTION CRITERIA


    5403.1             Each application shall address all criteria and measures, even when no point values are assigned.  This shall include the applicant providing all of the information required by §§ 5400, 5403, and 5404. The failure by an applicant to address all of the required criteria and measures will result in the application being considered non-responsive and not accepted for review by the panel.  The required criteria and measures shall include the following:


    (a)        Dispensary Criteria:


    (1)               Suitability of the Proposed facility (Up to fifty (50) points)


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant demonstrates that the proposed location will provide adequate lighting, display a professional office or business setting, and be convenient for qualifying patients and caregivers. (up to twenty-five (25) points); and


    (B)              Measure 2: The applicant demonstrates that the proposed building and facility is suitable for the dispensing of medical marijuana.  The applicant demonstrates that the proposed facility will possess adequate storage facilities, and adequate space and facilities to monitor the sale of medical marijuana to qualifying patients and caregivers. (up to twenty-five (25) points);


    (2)               Proposed Staffing Plan and Knowledge of District and federal law relating to marijuana (Up to twenty (20) points):


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant fully describes a staffing plan that will provide and ensure adequate staffing and experience during accessible business hours, safe dispensing, adequate security and theft prevention, and the maintenance of confidential information, including the identity of qualifying patient information.  (up to ten (10) points); and


    (B)              Measure 2: The applicant shall provide an operations manual that demonstrates compliance with the District’s medical marijuana rules.  The operations manual shall also contain information regarding the applicant’s knowledge of federal law relating to medical marijuana.  The applicant shall also submit a notarized written statement on a form provided by the Mayor indicating that they have read the Act and this title and have knowledge of District and federal law relating to marijuana. (up to ten (10) points);


    (3)               Security Plan (Up to fifty (50) points):


    The applicant shall submit a security plan which shall include the following:


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant’s security plan fully demonstrates the applicant’s ability to prevent the theft or diversion of medical marijuana and how the plan will assist with MPD and Department enforcement.  Specifically, it shall evidence compliance with all items in § 5405.2 and § 5610, and include all submittals required under that section. (up to thirty (30) points);


    (B)              Measure 2: The applicant demonstrates that its plan for record keeping, tracking and monitoring inventory, quality control and security and other policies and procedures will discourage unlawful activity (up to ten (5) points);


    (C)              Measure 3: The applicant’s security plan shall describe the enclosed, locked facility that will be used to secure or store medical marijuana, including when the location is closed for business, and its security measures, and the steps taken to ensure that medical marijuana is not visible to the public. (up to ten (10) points); and


    (D)          Measure 4:  The security plan describes how it intends to prevent the diversion of medical marijuana to anyone who is not a registered qualifying patient or designated caregiver and includes the applicant’s after action plan for any incidents that may trigger enforcement under District of Columbia law or regulations.  The plan shall also describe the applicant’s plan to coordinate with and dispose of unused or surplus medical marijuana with MPD.  (up to five (5) points);


    (4)               Inventory Plan (Up to twenty (20) points):


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant shall describe its plan for maintaining an inventory of medical marijuana sufficient to ensure that it will be able to serve the needs of all registered qualifying patients who have made the applicant’s facility their designated dispensary; 


    (5)               Product Safety and Labeling Plan (Up to forty (40) points):


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant shall describe its plan for providing safe and accurate packaging and labeling of medical marijuana.  The Applicant shall describe how it intends to dispense medical marijuana to a qualifying patient or caregiver for transport in a secure manner.  (up to twenty (20) points); and


    (B)              Measure 2:  The applicant shall describe its plan for testing or verifying medical marijuana received from a cultivation center and ensuring that all medical marijuana is free of contaminants. (up to twenty (20) points);


    (6)               Applicant’s business plan, marketing plan and services to be offered (Up to twenty (20) points):


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant shall provide a business plan that describes how the dispensary will operate on a long-term basis.  This shall include the applicant providing a detailed description about the amount and source of the equity and debt commitment for the proposed dispensary that demonstrates the immediate and long-term financial feasibility of the proposed financing plan, the relative availability of funds for capital and operating needs, and the financial capability to undertake the project.  (up to ten (10) points);


    (B)              Measure 2: The applicant or its directors, officers, members, or incorporators demonstrates experience in business management and/or having medical industry or horticulturalist experience.  (up to five (5) points); and


    (C)              Measure 3: The business plan shall include a start-up timetable which provides an estimated time from registration of the dispensary to full operation, and the assumptions used for the basis of those estimates. (up to five (5) points);


    (7)               Advisory Neighborhood Commission comments  (Up to fifty (50) points):


    (A)             Measure 1:  The ANCs’ concerns or support regarding the

    potential adverse impact of the proposed location to the neighborhood. (Up to twenty (20) points);


    (B)       Measure 2:  The ANCs’ concerns or support regarding an

                overconcentration or lack of cultivation centers or

                dispensaries in the affected ward.  (up to ten (10) points); and


    (C)       Measure 3:  The ANCs’ concerns or support regarding the

                proposed location’s proximity to substance abuse treatment

                centers, day care centers, and halfway houses.  (up to           twenty (20) points);


    (8)               Educational Materials Plan   (Up to twenty (20) bonus points):


    (A)             Measure 1:  The applicant shall describe its proposed plan for providing educational materials and/or information to qualifying patients, and caregivers.  (up to ten (10) bonus points); and


    (B)              Measure 2:  The applicant shall describe its proposed plan for providing training for its staff regarding the administration of marijuana.  (up to ten (10) bonus points);


    (b)        Cultivation Center Criteria:


    (1)               Suitability of the Proposed facility (Up to fifty (50) points):


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant demonstrates that the proposed facility is suitable for organic gardening for the cultivation of medical marijuana, sufficient in size, power allocation, air exchange and air flow, interior layout, lighting, and sufficient both in the interior and exterior to handle the bulk agricultural manufacturing of medical marijuana, product handling, storage, trimming, packaging and shipping. (up to twenty-five (25) points); and


    (B)              Measure 2: The applicant demonstrates the ability to continue to meet qualifying patient demand by expanding the cultivation facility in a quick and efficient manner with minimal impact on the environment and the surrounding community. (up to twenty-five (25) points);


    (2)               Proposed Staffing Plan and Knowledge of District and federal law relating to marijuana (Up to twenty (20) points):


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant fully describes a staffing plan that will provide and ensure adequate staffing and experience for all accessible business hours, safe growing and cultivation, adequate security and theft prevention.  (up to ten (10) points); and


    (B)              Measure 2: The applicant shall provide an operations manual that demonstrates compliance with the District’s medical marijuana rules.  The operations manual shall also contain information regarding the applicant’s knowledge of federal law relating to medical marijuana. The applicant shall also submit a notarized written statement on a form provided by the Mayor indicating that they have read the Act and this title and have knowledge of District and federal law relating to marijuana. (up to ten (10) points);


    (3)               Security Plan (Up to fifty (50) points):


    The applicant shall submit a security plan which shall include: 


    (A)          Measure 1: The applicant’s security plan demonstrates its ability to prevent the theft or diversion of medical marijuana and how the plan will assist with MPD and Department enforcement.  Specifically, it shall evidence compliance with all items in § 5406.2 and § 5610, and include all submittals required under that section.  (up to thirty (30) points);


    (B)              Measure 2: The applicant demonstrates that its plan for record keeping, tracking and monitoring inventory, quality control and security and other policies and procedures will discourage unlawful activity.  It also describes the applicant’s plan to coordinate with and dispose of unused or surplus medical marijuana with MPD.  (up to five (5) points);


    (C)              Measure 3: The applicant’s security plan shall describe the enclosed, locked facility that will be used to secure or store medical marijuana, including when the location is closed for business, and its security measures, and the steps taken to ensure that medical marijuana is not visible to the public. (up to ten (10) points); and


    (D)             Measure 4:  The applicant shall describe its transportation plan regarding how the cultivation center intends to safely and securely deliver medical marijuana to registered dispensaries. (up to five (5) points);


    (4)               Cultivation Plan (Up to thirty (30) points):


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant shall describe its plan to provide a steady supply of medical marijuana to registered dispensaries. (up to ten (10) points);


    (B)              Measure 2:  The applicant demonstrates knowledge of organic growing methods to be used in the growing and cultivation of marijuana.  The applicant shall describe the various strains to be cultivated. (up to ten (10) points); and


    (C)              Measure 3: The applicant demonstrates the steps that will be taken to ensure the quality of the marijuana, including the purity and consistency of the medical marijuana to be provided to dispensaries.  (up to ten (10) points);


    (5)               Product Safety and Labeling Plan (Up to thirty (30) points);


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant shall describe its plan for providing safe and accurate packaging and labeling of medical marijuana.  (up to fifteen (15) points); and


    (B)              Measure 2:  The applicant shall describe its plan for testing medical marijuana and ensuring that all medical marijuana is free of contaminants. (up to fifteen (15) points);


    (6)               Applicant’s business plan and services to be offered (Up to twenty (20) points):


    (A)             Measure 1: The applicant shall provide a business plan that describes how the cultivation center will operate on a long-term basis.  This shall include the applicant providing a detailed description about the amount and source of the equity and debt commitment for the proposed cultivation center that demonstrates the immediate and long-term financial feasibility of the proposed financing plan, the relative availability of funds for capital and operating needs, and the financial capability to undertake the project.  (up to five (5) points); 


    (B)              Measure 2: The applicant or its directors, officers, members, or incorporators demonstrates experience in business management and/or having medical industry or horticulturalist experience.  (up to ten (10) points); and


    (C)              Measure 3: The business plan demonstrates a start-up timetable which provides an estimated time from registration of the dispensary to full operation, and the assumptions used for the basis of those estimates. (up to five (5) points);


    (7)        Advisory Neighborhood Commission comments (Up to fifty (50)    points);


    (A)             Measure 1:  The ANCs’ concerns or support regarding the

    potential adverse impact of the proposed location to the neighborhood.  (up to twenty (20) points);


    (B)       Measure 2:  The ANCs’ concerns or support regarding an

                overconcentration or lack of cultivation centers or

                dispensaries in the affected ward.  (up to ten (10) points);    and


    (C)       Measure 3:  The ANCs’ concerns or support regarding the

    proposed location’s proximity to substance abuse treatment

    centers, day care centers, and halfway houses.  (up to twenty (20) points); and


    (8)        Environmental Plan (Up to twenty (20) bonus points):


    (A)             Measure 1:  The applicant demonstrates an environmental plan of action to minimize the carbon footprint, environmental impact, and resource needs for the production of medical marijuana. (up to ten (10) bonus points); and


    (B)              The applicant describes any plans for: (1) the use of alternative energy; (2) the treatment of waste water and runoff; (3) scrubbing or treatment of exchanged air; and (4) the co-location of growing facilities and/or the means of packaging or production.  (Up to ten (10) bonus points)


    5403.2             A registration application for a cultivation center or dispensary shall not be approved for any establishment located within three hundred feet (300 ft.) of a preschool, primary or secondary school, or recreation center.


    5403.3             A registration application for a cultivation center or dispensary shall not be approved for any outlet, property, establishment, or business that sells motor vehicle gasoline or that holds a Motor Vehicle Sales, Service, and Repair endorsement under D.C. Official Code § 47-2851.03(a)(9)(2005 Repl.) or an Environmental Materials endorsement under § 47-2851.03(a)(4)(2005 Repl.) to its basic business license.


    5403.4             A registration application for a cultivation center or dispensary shall not be approved for any location that also sells alcoholic beverages.


    5403.5             A registration application for a cultivation center or dispensary shall not be approved for an establishment intending to operate any other type of business at the proposed location.  A dispensary may sell or provide paraphernalia, literature, posters, and other educational materials related to the medical marijuana program.




    5404.1             The business application of a person applying for a cultivation center or dispensary registration shall include:


    (a)        In the case of an individual applicant, the trade name of the business, if applicable, and the name and address of the individual; in the case of a partnership or limited liability company applicant, the trade name of the business, if applicable, and the names and addresses of each member of the partnership or limited liability company; and in the case of a corporate applicant, the legal name, trade name, place of incorporation, principal place of business, and the names and addresses of each of the corporation's principal officers, directors, and shareholders holding, directly or beneficially, one percent (1%) or more of its common stock;


    (b)        The name and address of the owner of the establishment for which the registration is sought and the premises where it is located;


    (c)        Whether registration is sought for a cultivation center or dispensary;


    (d)       A certified surveyor’s report setting forth the proximity of the cultivation center or dispensary to the nearest public or private, preschool, primary or secondary school or recreation center, and the name of the school or recreation center;


    (e)        The size and design of the cultivation center or dispensary;


    (f)        A detailed description of the nature of the proposed operation, including the following:


    (1)        The location of all restricted access areas; and


    (2)        The hours during which the cultivation center or dispensary plans to operate;


    (g)        An affidavit that complies with D.C. Official Code § 47-2863(b)(2011 Supp.);


    (h)        Documents or other written statements or evidence establishing to the satisfaction of the Director that the person applying for the registration meets all of the qualifications set forth in § 5400.1;


    (i)         The applicant shall sign a written statement on a form provided by the Director attesting that the applicant assumes any and all risk or liability that may result under District of Columbia and federal laws from the operation of a medical marijuana cultivation center or dispensary.  The applicant shall further acknowledge that it understands that the medical marijuana laws and enforcement thereof of the District of Columbia and the Federal government are subject to change at any time and that the District of Columbia shall not be liable as a result of these changes;  


    (j)         A notarized affidavit attesting to the fact that the applicant is the true and

                actual owner of the business for which the registration is sought; the

                applicant intends to carry on the business for the entity identified in the

    application and not as             the agent of any other individual, partnership, association, or corporation not identified in the application; and the registered establishment will be managed by the applicant in person or by a registered manager approved by the Director;


    (k)       The applicant shall sign a written statement on a form provided by the Director attesting that the applicant understands and is aware that a cultivation center’s or dispensary’s registration may be revoked at any time for the convenience of the District pursuant to § 6103 of this subtitle; and


                            (l)        The applicant shall submit a written and detailed plan for closure of its

    cultivation center or dispensary.   


    5404.2             The applicant shall sign a notarized statement certifying that the application is complete and accurate. Any person who knowingly makes a false statement on an application, or in any accompanying statement under oath that the Department may require, shall be guilty of the offense of making false statements. The making of a false statement, whether made with or without the knowledge or consent of the applicant, shall, in the discretion of the Director, constitute sufficient cause for denial of the application or revocation of the registration. The making of false statements shall also constitute the basis for a criminal offense under D.C. Official Code § 22-2405 (2001).


    5404.3              An applicant for a dispensary or cultivation center registration shall advise the                          Department, in the application, as to the source of the funds used to acquire or

    develop the business for which the registration is sought, and shall provide

    independent documentation concerning the source of such funds and copies of

    closing documents in connection with the purchase of a registered business upon

    request of the Department. 


    5404.4             An application for transfer to a new owner filed with the Department shall contain both a Bill of Sale and a Purchase and Sale Agreement.


    5404.5             An applicant for a cultivation center or dispensary shall also file with the Department plans and specifications for the interior of the building if the building to be occupied is in existence at the time.  If the building is not in existence, the applicant shall file a plot plan and a detailed sketch for the interior and the architect’s drawing of the building to be constructed.


    5404.6             The applications for an operator of either a cultivation center or a dispensary registration shall specifically recite verbatim each of the following notices:


    (a)         Limitation of Liability – The District of Columbia shall not be liable to registrant, its employees, agents, business invitees, licensees, customers, clients, family members or guests for any damage, injury, accident, loss, compensation or claim, based on, arising out of or resulting from registrant's participation in the District of Columbia’s medical marijuana program, including but not limited to the following: arrest and seizure of persons and/or property, prosecution pursuant to federal laws by federal prosecutors, interruption in registrant's ability to operate its medical marijuana cultivation center and/or dispensary; any fire, robbery, theft, mysterious disappearance or any other casualty; the actions of any other registrants or persons within the cultivation center and/or dispensary.  This Limitation of Liability provision shall survive expiration or the earlier termination of this registration if such registration is granted;


    (b)        Indemnification, Hold Harmless and Defense Obligations – Registrant hereby indemnifies and holds the District of Columbia, its officers, directors, employees, affiliates and agents ("Indemnified Parties") harmless and shall defend the Indemnified Parties (with counsel satisfactory to District of Columbia) from and against any and all losses, costs, damages, liabilities, expenses, claims and judgments (including, without limitation, attorneys fees and court costs) suffered by or claimed against the Indemnified Parties, directly or indirectly, based on, arising out of or resulting from:


    (1)        Registrant's establishment and operation of a cultivation center and/or dispensary in the District’s medical marijuana program;


    (2)        The negligence or willful misconduct of registrant or its employees, contractors, agents, licensees, guests or invitees;


    (3)        Any breach or default by registrant in the performance or observance of its covenants or obligations under this registration; or


    (4)        Any violations of law by of registrant or its employees, contractors, agents, licensees, guests or invitees; and


    (c)         Federal Prosecution - The United States Congress has determined that marijuana is a controlled substance and has placed marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substance Act.  Growing, distributing, and possessing marijuana in any capacity, other than as a part of a federally authorized research program, is a violation of federal laws.  The District of Columbia’s law authorizing the District’s medical marijuana program will not excuse any registrant from any violation of the federal laws governing marijuana or authorize any registrant to violate federal laws. 


    5404.7             As part of the registration process, every applicant for either a cultivation center or a dispensary registration shall sign a written statement attesting to the following:


    (a)        The applicant acknowledges receipt and advisement of the notices

                set forth in § 5404.6;


    (b)        The applicant agrees to and accepts the limitation of liability against the

    District, and the requirement to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the

    District, as set forth in § 5404.6;


    (c)        The applicant assumes any and all risk or liability that may result under

                District of Columbia or federal laws arising from the possession, use,

                cultivation, administration, or dispensing of medical marijuana;


    (d)       The applicant understands that the medical marijuana laws and

                enforcement thereof of the District of Columbia and the Federal

                government are subject to change at any time; and


    (e)        The applicant chooses to sign this attestation willingly and without

                reservation and is fully aware of its meaning and effect.


    5404.8             Execution of the attestation set forth in § 5404.7 shall be a required element of each application for a cultivation center or dispensary registration.


    5404.9             The Director shall not permit any applicant for a cultivation center or dispensary to make any additions, changes, alterations, amendments, modifications, corrections, or deletions to the application package once it has been submitted to the Department. 





    5405.1             In addition to the requirements in § 5404, an application for a dispensary shall also contain the following:


                            (a)        A proposed staffing plan;


    (b)        A proposed security plan containing the criteria set forth in § 5405.2;


    (c)        A product safety and labeling plan that covers the information contained in § 5607;


    (d)       A written statement regarding the suitability of the proposed facility; and


    (e)        A notarized written statement from the applicant that he or she has read the Act and this subtitle and has knowledge of the District and federal laws relating to marijuana.


    5405.2             An applicant for a dispensary registration shall file a written security plan with the Department. The written security plan shall address, at a minimum, the following elements:


    (a)        Evidence that the space will comply with all security system requirements set forth in § 5610 of this subtitle;


    (b)        A site plan showing the entire structure the dispensary is house in,

                including the street(s), parking lot(s), other tenants within the facility, and

                any other entities that physically border the dispensary;


    (c)        A floor plan of the dispensary detailing the location of the following:


    (1)               All entrances and exits to the dispensary;


    (2)               The location of any windows, skylights, and roof hatches;


    (3)               The location of all cameras, and their field of view;


    (4)               The location of all alarm inputs (door contacts, motion detectors, duress/hold up devices) and alarm sirens;


    (5)               The location of the digital video recorder and alarm control panel; and


    (6)               Restricted and public areas;


    (d)       The type of security training provided for, and completed by, establishment personnel, including:


    (1)   Conflict resolution training and other security training to be provided by staff; and


    (2)   Procedures for handling violent incidents, other emergencies, and calling the Metropolitan Police Department;


    (e)        The applicant’s procedures for preventing unregistered individuals from

    purchasing marijuana;


    (f)        The establishment's procedures for documenting medical marijuana



    (g)        How the applicant intends to use and maintain an incident log;


    (h)        The establishment’s procedures for preventing the use of medical marijuana on the registered premises;


    (i)         The number and location of cameras used by the establishment;


    (j)         Security measures taken by the applicant to prevent individuals from entering the limited access area portion of the registered premises;


    (k)        The applicant’s closing procedures after the cessation of business each day;


    (l)         The applicant’s plan to prevent theft or the diversion of medical marijuana, including maintaining all medical marijuana in a secure, locked room that is accessible only to authorized persons;


    (m)       The type of alarm system and outdoor lighting to be used by the applicant; and


    (n)        The applicant’s procedures for accepting delivery of medical marijuana at

    the facility, including but not limited to procedures defining how it is

    received, where it is stored, and how the transaction is recorded.


    5405.3             Upon receipt of a written security plan for an initial dispensary application, the Director shall forward the security plan electronically to MPD or its designee for an assessment.  MPD or its designee shall complete its assessment of the security plan within twenty-one (21) days of receipt from the Director.  The Department shall not issue a dispensary registration until MPD’s or its designee’s completion of its security plan assessment and submission of that assessment in writing to the Department.


    5405.4             After completion of the MPD or the designee assessment, the entire application

                            package shall be submitted to the panel.


    5405.5             For purposes of this subsection, the Chief of Police may select a designee

                            from outside of the agency.




    5406.1             In addition to the requirements in § 5404, an application for a cultivation center shall also contain the following:


                            (a)        A proposed staffing plan;


                            (b)        A proposed security plan containing the criteria set forth in § 5406.2;


    (c)        A cultivation plan that covers where medical marijuana will be cultivated and stored;


    (d)       A product safety and labeling plan that covers the information contained in § 5607;


                            (e)        A written statement regarding the suitability of the proposed facility; and


    (f)        A notarized written statement from the applicant that they have read the Act and this subtitle and has knowledge of the District and federal laws relating to marijuana.


    5406.2             An applicant for a cultivation center shall file a written security plan with the Department. The written security plan shall address, at a minimum, the following elements:


    (a)        Evidence that the space will comply with all security system requirements set forth in § 5610 of this subtitle;


    (b)        A site plan showing the entire structure the cultivation center is house in,

                including the street(s), parking lot(s), other tenants within the facility, and

                any other entities that physically border the cultivation center;


    (c)        A floor plan of the cultivation center detailing the location of the following:


    (1)        All entrances and exits to the cultivation center;


    (2)        The location of any windows, skylights, and roof hatches;


    (3)        The location of all cameras, and their field of view;


    (4)        The location of all alarm inputs (door contacts, motion detectors,

                duress/hold up devices) and alarm sirens;


    (5)        The location of the digital video recorder and alarm control panel; and


    (6)        Restricted and public areas;


    (d)       The type of security training provided for, and completed by, establishment personnel, including:


    (1)        Conflict resolution training and other security training to be provided to staff; and


    (2)        Procedures for handling violent incidents, other emergencies, and calling the Metropolitan Police Department;


    (e)        The establishment's procedures for documenting medical marijuana



    (f)        The establishment’s procedures for preventing unregistered businesses from purchasing medical marijuana;


    (g)        How the applicant intends to use and maintain an incident log;


    (h)        The establishment’s procedures for preventing the use of medical marijuana on the registered premises;


    (i)         The number and location of cameras used by the establishment;


    (j)         Security measures taken by the applicant to prevent individuals from entering the limited access area portion of the registered premises;


    (k)        The applicant’s closing procedures after the cessation of business each day;


    (l)         The applicant’s plan to prevent theft or the diversion of medical marijuana, including maintaining all medical marijuana in a secure, locked room that is accessible only to authorized persons;


    (m)       The type of alarm system and outdoor lighting to be used by the applicant; and


    (n)        The applicant’s transportation plan for delivering medical marijuana from the cultivation center to dispensaries.


    5406.3             Upon receipt of a written security plan for an initial cultivation center application, the Director shall forward the security plan electronically to MPD or its designee for an assessment.  MPD or its designee shall complete its assessment of the security plan within twenty-one (21) days of receipt from the Director.  The Department shall not issue a cultivation center registration until MPD’s or its designee’s completion of its security plan assessment and submission of that assessment in writing to the Mayor.


    5406.4             After completion of the MPD or the designee assessment, the entire application

                            package shall be submitted to the panel.


    5406.5             For purposes of this subsection, the Chief of Police may select a designee

                            from outside of the agency.




    5407.1             A registration for a cultivation center or dispensary shall not be issued by the Department until all approvals or assessments required under this title have been obtained from MPD or its designee, DCRA, and the Department.





    5408.1             The application for a director, officer, member, incorporator, or agent registration shall include:


    (a)        Written statements or evidence establishing to the satisfaction of the Department that the applicant meets all of the registration qualifications; and


    (b)        A copy of the applicant's medical marijuana training and education certificate.  The medical marijuana and education certificate requirement shall not take effect until sixty (60) days after the effective date of these regulations. An individual who has been approved by the Department as a director, officer, member, incorporator, or agent shall not also be required to register as an employee or manager.


    5408.2             An applicant for a non-profit or for-profit corporation, partnership, or limited liability company shall identify all of its directors, officers, members, or incorporators on its registration application.  An applicant for a dispensary or cultivation center may submit simultaneously registration applications for individual directors, officers, members, incorporators and agents at the time its dispensary or cultivation center registration application is filed.




    5409.1             The application for an employee registration shall include:


    (a)        Written statements or evidence establishing to the satisfaction of the Department that the applicant meets all of the registration qualifications; and


    (b)        A copy of the applicant's medical marijuana training and education certificate. The medical marijuana and education certificate requirement shall not take effect until sixty (60) days after the effective date of these regulations.




    5410.1             The application for a manager registration shall include:


    (a)        A notarized written statement from the applicant that they have read the Act and this title and have knowledge of District and federal law relating to marijuana;


    (b)        Written statements or evidence establishing to the satisfaction of the Department that the applicant meets all of the registration qualifications; and


    (c)        A copy of the applicant's medical marijuana training and education certificate. 


    5410.2             The medical marijuana and education certificate requirement shall not take effect until sixty (60) days after the effective date of these regulations.  An individual who has been approved by the Department as a manager shall not also be required to register as an employee.


    5411                CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS


    5411.1             Each applicant required to be registered under the Act and this title shall be required to undergo a criminal background check conducted by MPD prior to being registered. In the case of an applicant for a non-profit or for-profit corporation, partnership, or limited liability company, a criminal background check shall be conducted on all of its directors, officers, members, incorporators, or agents.  The criminal background check shall include both a local and FBI investigation. The applicant shall be responsible for paying the applicable fee to MPD.


    5411.2             No director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, manager, or employee of a dispensary or cultivation center who has access to the medical marijuana at the dispensary or cultivation center shall have:


                            (a)        A felony conviction; or


                            (b)        A misdemeanor conviction for a drug-related offense.





    5412.1             No registration shall be issued to a cultivation center or dispensary located in a residential-use district as defined in the Zoning Regulations and shown in the official atlases of the Zoning Commission for the District.





    5413.1             The holder of a cultivation center registration shall not be permitted to register for more than one (1) medical marijuana dispensary. 


    5413.2             No individual, partnership, corporation, entity, or organization shall directly or indirectly hold more than twenty percent (20%) of the cultivation center registrations, which are permissible to be granted under the law and this subtitle at the time of issuance of the registrations.



    5414                RENEWAL PROCESS


    5414.1             The Director shall provide all ANCs in the affected ward with a thirty (30) day comment period prior to renewing a cultivation center and/or dispensary application for a third time.  If proper notice has been given to all ANCs in the affected ward, and no objection to the renewal is filed, the Director shall approve the registration application unless the Director finds the applicant’s record of compliance warrants denying the renewal application or there is another legal basis for denial.


    5414.2             The Director shall consider the applicant’s record of compliance with the Act and this subtitle and the regulations promulgated under this title and any conditions placed on the registration during the period of registration by the Department in deciding whether to approve a registration request.




    5415.1             In evaluating an application to transfer a cultivation center or dispensary registration to a new owner, the Director shall consider the applicant's qualifications pursuant to § 5400 of this subtitle.


    5415.2             A transfer application shall be required for any voluntary or involuntary transaction which results in:


    (a)        The transfer to an individual of one percent (1%) or more of the legal or beneficial ownership of:


    (1)        The registered establishment, or


    (2)        The entity owning or controlling the registered establishment, or


    (b)        A change in stock ownership or partnership interest of one percent (1%) or more, within any twelve (12) month period, shall require application for transfer of the registration to new owners from the Department.


    5415.3             An application to transfer a registration to a new owner shall be filed by the transferee and approved by the Department before the consummation of the transfer.


    5415.4             An applicant requesting the transfer of a registration to a new owner shall submit documents and other written statements and evidence requesting written approval of the transfer and establishing to the satisfaction of the Director that the new owner meets all of the qualifications set forth in § 5400.1 and 5400.2 .


    5415.5             The current and proposed registration holders shall both submit affidavits which comply with D.C. Official Code § 47-2863(b)(2011 Supp.).


    5415.6             If the Director finds that the current or proposed registration holder is in violation of this title or regulations promulgated under this title, the Director shall deny the application for transfer.


    5416                INVOLUNTARY TRANSFERS


    5416.1             The Department may transfer the registration of a cultivation center or dispensary upon the request of a bona fide purchaser of the registration who made the purchase at any of the following:


    (a)        A marshal's sale;


                (b)        A trustee's sale under foreclosure of a chattel deed of trust;


                (c)        A trustee's or receiver's sale in bankruptcy proceedings;


                (d)       Any other sale conducted upon the order of a court of competent                                        jurisdiction;


                (e)        A sale under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code;


    (f)        Upon the death of an individual who is a registration holder or who has a stock ownership or partnership interest of one percent (1%) or more in the registered business; or


                (g)        A tax sale under chapter 13 or 13A of title 47 of the D.C. Official Code.


    5416.2             Bona fide purchasers shall be required to file a transfer of ownership application, pay any outstanding registration fees, and meet all of the requirements of § 5400.1.




    5417.1             The fee for processing an application which has not been selected, denied, or withdrawn shall be fifty percent (50%) of the application fee.  




    5418.1             A second and each subsequent registration application for either a cultivation center or dispensary that has had its registration revoked by the Director shall not be considered for the same person or persons within five (5) years of the Director’s revocation.





    5500                TRADE NAMES AND CORPORATE NAMES


    5500.1             No dispensary or cultivation center registered under the Act shall utilize any name other than that of an individual, including a corporate or trade name, without first obtaining approval from the Department for use of the corporate or trade name.


    5500.2             A dispensary or cultivation center registered under the Act may file a written request with the Department to add an additional trade name at a location currently authorized for the sale of medical marijuana. The Department, in its discretion, may approve the use of an additional trade name. Any additional trade name approved by the Department shall appear on the establishment's written registration.

    5500.3             A dispensary or cultivation center registered under the Act shall not use or display a trade name, corporate name, or sign bearing the words “pharmacy”, “apothecary”, “drug store”, or other phrase that implies that the practice of any health profession occurs on the premises.


    5500.4             Any trade name requested by an applicant shall not be identical or confusingly similar to one currently used under a previously issued or existing registration.


    5500.5             The Mayor shall provide written notice to MPD of any Department approved trade name changes.  Such notice shall contain both the previous and current Department approved trade name.


    5500.6             A dispensary shall be required to provide written notice of any trade name change to all of its registered qualified patients and caregivers within ten (10) days of being notified of Department approval.  The dispensary, law enforcement personnel, and Department investigators shall recognize the qualifying patient’s or caregiver’s registration containing the previous trade name as valid until the qualified patient or caregiver’s current registration expires or a new registration card is issued by the Department.



    5501.1             If there is a change in corporate officers, directors, or persons owning or controlling one percent (1%) or more of the common stock of a corporate registration, the corporation shall submit to the Department within fifteen (15) calendar days the minutes or other instrument giving the names and addresses of any new officer, director, or person holding one percent (1%) or more of the stock.


    5501.2             Within fifteen (15) calendar days of the change, the corporation or partnership shall furnish to the Department any data pertaining to the personal and business history of any new officer, director, stockholder, general or limited partner in a partnership, or other person that the Department may require.


    5501.3             The fee for a change of officer, director, stockholder, or general or limited partner in a partnership shall be one hundred dollars ($100).


    5501.4             If there is a change in the general partners of a limited partnership or in the limited partnership owning or controlling one percent (1%) or more of the partnership interest of a limited partnership registration, the limited partnership shall submit to the Department in a timely manner, but no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the change has occurred, the instruments reflecting the change in partnership interests.

    5502                FILING REQUIREMENTS


    5502.1             If the registration holder fails to adhere to any filing requirements set out in § 5302, the Department may, in its discretion, suspend, revoke, impose a civil fine, or deny the application for transfer.

    5502.2             If the applicant knowingly makes a false statement in its application, the Department may, in its discretion, fine, suspend, revoke, or deny the registration application, or treat the registration holder as a new applicant.




    5600                INSTRUCTIONS TO REGISTRANTS


    5600.1             The Department shall develop and furnish to registrants, at the time of issuance of registration, written information describing the laws and regulations applicable to the dispensary or cultivation center’s day-to-day operations.


    5600.2             Applications shall also be made available on the Department’s website.  To the extent possible, applications shall be posted on the Department’s website in various languages for informational purposes.  Applications submitted to the Department shall be completed in English.




    5601.1             The notice required to be posted by the dispensary shall state that no person shall be sold medical marijuana who does not produce both:


    (a)        A valid registration card issued by the Department; and


    (b)        A valid government issued photo identification document displaying proof of age that matches the name on the registration card.


    5602                HOURS OF OPERATION AND SALE


    5602.1             A registered medical marijuana dispensary may operate and sell medical marijuana on any day and at any time except between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.


    5602.2             A registered cultivation center shall not be open to the public.  In the event that a registered cultivation center and registered dispensary are located in the same building, the portion of the building occupied by the cultivation center shall be closed to the public.  A cultivation center may operate its business twenty-four (24) hours a day.  A registered cultivation center or its contracted agent may deliver to medical marijuana dispensaries on any day and at any time except between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.  A registered cultivation center shall permit only a registered director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, manager, employee, or government or law enforcement official on the registered premises.


    5602.3             The Department may further limit the hours of operation for a cultivation center or dispensary on a case-by-case basis as a condition of registration in response to written comments received from an ANC in the affected ward, or as the result of the dispensary or cultivation center’s failure to comply with the Act, or these regulations.




    5603.1             A registered dispensary or cultivation center shall keep all medical marijuana located on the premises in a separate storage area which is securely closed and locked during all hours when the establishment is prohibited from operating or is closed.  The storage area shall have a volumetric intrusion detection device(s) installed and connected to the facility intrusion detection system. 


    5603.2             A cultivation center or dispensary shall be required to install and use a safe for overnight storage of any processed marijuana, transaction records, and cash on the registered premises.  The safe shall be a UL listed burglar-proof safe with a minimum rating of TL-30.  Safes weighing less than seven hundred fifty pounds (750 lb.) shall be installed in a steel clad concrete block or otherwise securely anchored to a fixed part of the facility structure. 



    5604                MANAGER'S REGISTRATION


    5604.1             In the absence of an owner, a cultivation center or dispensary shall have a Department approved manager present at the registered premises during the hours that the cultivation center or dispensary is open.


    5604.2             An applicant for a Manager's registration shall submit an application to the Department on the prescribed form and pay the required fee.


    5604.3             If a registered cultivation center or dispensary has designated a person to manage the registered business, each manager shall be the holder of a valid Manager's registration which shall be renewable each year.


    5604.4             A Manager's registration shall remain valid until surrendered, expired, suspended, or revoked.


    5604.5             An applicant for a Manager's registration shall be subject to the requirements of § 5409 and the approval of the Department.


    5604.6             Prior to issuance of a Manager's registration, an applicant shall certify that he or she has obtained and read a copy of the Act and this subtitle.


    5604.7             A registered cultivation center or dispensary shall notify the Department within seven (7) calendar days of discovering any manager's arrest or conviction for any crime other than minor traffic violations.


    5604.8             Failure by the applicant to comply with § 5604.7, may, in the discretion of the Department, cause the applicant's registration to be suspended or revoked.


    5604.9             A registered cultivation center or dispensary may file a written request with the Department that an applicant for a Manager's registration who has not completed a medical marijuana training and education certification program be issued a temporary Manager's registration. The written request shall set forth the name of the registered establishment, the trade name, the address of the establishment, the name of the applicant for the Manager's registration, and the reason why the issuance of the temporary Manager's registration is necessary. Such temporary authority shall cease after thirty (30) days or upon the approval or denial of the Manager's registration application.




    5605.1             A cultivation center or dispensary shall destroy or dispose of unused or surplus medical marijuana and its by-products by providing it to MPD for destruction.


    5605.2             All unused or surplus medical marijuana and its by-products shall be weighed and documented and submitted to MPD on a form provided by MPD prior to being delivered to MPD by the cultivation center or dispensary for destruction.


    5605.3             A cultivation center or dispensary that has had its registration renewal denied, or revoked, or is going out of business may obtain approval from the Department by submitting a written request to sell and transport medical marijuana to another cultivation center or dispensary.  The Department shall notify MPD of such approval prior to any medical marijuana being transported to another cultivation center or dispensary.


    5605.4             A cultivation center or dispensary shall report any stolen or lost medical marijuana by filing a police report by calling 911 or in person with the Police District where the registered business resides either in person or in writing within twenty-four (24) hours of becoming aware of the theft or loss.


    5605.5             For purposes of this section, “unused or surplus medical marijuana” shall be defined as any harvested or unharvested marijuana, both processed and unprocessed, which is possessed by a cultivation center or dispensary and includes:


    (a)        Any marijuana plants possessed by a cultivation center in excess of the authorized plant limitation;


    (b)        Any marijuana that has spoiled or is unusable for medical purposes;


    (c)                Any marijuana possessed by a dispensary in excess of the amount needed to supply all of the dispensary’s qualified patients for a one (1) month period; and


    (d)       Any marijuana that has or appears to have been tampered with.


    5605.6             The Department, in its discretion, may allow a dispensary to possess a surplus of medical marijuana for a period of time, if it is shown that there is a likelihood that additional qualifying patients or caregivers will register with the dispensary.




    5606.1             A registered dispensary or cultivation center shall immediately notify the Department in writing if the registration holder discovers that any director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, or employee has at any time prior to or during his or her employment been convicted of a misdemeanor for a drug-related offense or a felony.  For purposes of this section, "immediately" shall mean notifying the Department within seven (7) days of discovering the criminal conviction.




    5607.1             No medical marijuana shall be dispensed or distributed to a qualifying patient or caregiver unless the container in which it is distributed bears a legible label, firmly affixed, stating:

    (a)        The name of the cultivation center where the medical marijuana was produced;


    (b)        The name of the dispensary where the medical marijuana was dispensed;


    (c)                The quantity of medical marijuana contained within;


    (d)               The cannabinoid profile of the medical marijuana contained within, including the THC level;


    (e)        Any other ingredient or ingredients besides medical marijuana contained within;


    (f)        The name of the recommending physician;


    (g)        The dispensing date that the medical marijuana was transferred to the qualified patient or caregiver;


    (h)        The qualifying patient’s name and registration card number; and


    (i)         A statement that the product is for medical use and not for resale or transfer to another person.

    5607.2             All medical marijuana sold or otherwise distributed by a cultivation center shall be packaged and labeled in a manner that advises the purchaser that it contains marijuana, specifies the amount of marijuana in the product, and that the marijuana is intended for medical use solely by the patient to whom it is sold, and that any re-sale or re-distribution of the medical marijuana to a third person is prohibited. 


    5607.3             The label shall include all ingredients contained in the product, in order from most abundant to least abundant.  The label for ingestible items shall identify potential food allergy ingredients, including milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soybeans.  The product shall be packaged in a sealed container that cannot be opened without obvious damage to the packaging. 


    5607.4             The label shall contain the following warning:  “There may be health risks associated with the ingestion or use of this product.”  Please consult your physician if you have any questions or concerns.


    5607.5             All medical marijuana shall be labeled with a list of all chemical additives, including but not limited to non-organic and organic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers that were used in the cultivation and production of the medical marijuana.


    5607.6             A cultivation center may place a trade or product name on the medical marijuana container prior to transporting it to a dispensary.


    5607.7             The label shall not contain any of the following information:

    (a)        Any false or misleading statement or design; or


    (b)        Any seal, flag, crest, coat of arms, or other insignia likely to mislead the qualified patient to believe that the product has been endorsed, made, or used by the District government.


    5607.8             A cultivation center or dispensary shall not alter, obliterate, or destroy any label attached to a medical marijuana container.


    5607.9             A dispensary shall place for transport purposes packaged and labeled medical marijuana in a separate sealed container prior to dispensing medical marijuana to a qualified patient or caregiver.  This separate sealed container shall comply with these regulations and include a label containing the following required information contained in § 5607.1:


    (a)        The dispensing date the medical marijuana was transferred to the qualifying patient or caregiver; and


    (b)        The qualifying patient’s name and registration card number.


    5607.10           A dispensary shall submit its labeling to the Mayor for approval and record. The Mayor shall transmit the final dispensary labeling designs to MPD.


    5608                INGESTIBLE ITEMS


    5608.1             The production of any medical marijuana distributed by a dispensary in an edible form, or other form which is intended to enter the body of a patient, shall be prepared at a cultivation center facility that meets all requirements of a retail food establishment, including any Department licensing and/or certification requirements.  The production of any product containing medical marijuana shall comply with all District of Columbia health regulations relating to the production, preparation, and sale of prepared food items.





    5609.1             Dispensaries and cultivation centers may dispense or distribute medical marijuana in any form deemed safe which allows patients to eat, inhale, or otherwise use medical marijuana for medical purposes.  Medical marijuana shall be subject to testing for quality assurance and safety purposes.




    5610.1             A dispensary or cultivation center shall be required to operate and maintain in good working order a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) days a week, a closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance system on the premises that complies with the following minimum standards:


    (a)        Visually records and monitors all building entrances and exits, all parking lot areas, rear alley areas immediately adjacent to the building, and covers the entire inside of the facility, including all limited access areas, and including all areas where medical marijuana is cultivated, stored, dispensed, or destroyed.  Fixed cameras shall be installed to provide a consistent recorded image of these areas.  The cultivation center or dispensary shall instruct the company or individuals installing the surveillance cameras to maximize the quality of facial and body images and to avoid backlighting and physical obstructions;


    (b)        Cameras installed outdoors and in low-light interior areas shall be day/night cameras  with a minimum resolution of six hundred (600) lines per inch (analog) or D1 (IP) and a minimum light factor requirement of seven tenths (0.7) LUX.  The installation of additional lighting may be required to increase picture clarity and brightness.  Cameras shall be calibrated and focused to maximize the quality of the recorded image;


    (c)        The recording device shall be a digital video recorder that meets the following minimum standards:


    (1)        Displays a date and time stamp on all recorded video; and


    (2)        Can produce a video disc (CD/DVD) directly from the DVR unit

                using an installed media recording drive.  The video on the disc

                shall be viewable on any Windows PC, and include any required

                player software on the disc;


    (d)       A display monitor with a minimum screen size of twelve inches (12 in.) inches shall be connected to the electronic recording security system at all times;


    (e)        Electronic recording security systems are required to be maintained in good working order at all times.  The owner of a cultivation center or dispensary shall instruct each manager, employee, or agent overseeing the functioning of the video recording security system to immediately report any malfunctioning or technical problems with the system;


    (f)         Security recordings shall meet the following minimum requirements:


    (1)        The recorded image resolution shall be at least D1; and


    (2)        The recorded image frame rate shall be at least three (3) frames per

                second during alarm or motion based recording.


    (g)        Security recordings shall be retained by the cultivation center or dispensary for a minimum of thirty (30) days.  The recording system for the security cameras must be located in a locked, tamper-proof compartment.  A cultivation center or dispensary shall be prohibited from taping over existing security video from the last thirty (30) days; and


    (h)        Upon request, the recording shall be turned over to MPD or the Department.


    5610.2             A dispensary or cultivation center shall install, maintain, and use a professionally monitored robbery and burglary alarm system; which meet the following requirements:


                            (a)        The control panel shall be a UL listed burglar alarm control panel;


                            (b)        The system shall report to a UL listed central monitoring station;


    (c)        A test signal shall be transmitted to the central station every twenty-four (24) hours;


    (d)        At a minimum, the system shall provide coverage of all facility entrances and exits, rooms with exterior windows, rooms with exterior walls or walls shared with other facility tenants, roof hatches, skylights, and storage room(s) that contain safe(s);


                            (e)        The system shall include at least one (1) holdup alarm for staff use; and


    (f)        The system shall be inspected and all devices tested annually by a

                qualified alarm vendor.


    5610.3             A dispensary or cultivation center shall maintain for a period of three (3) years

                            reports of incidents that triggered an alarm.  Such reports shall be made available

                            to the Department during any inspection of the facility.  A dispensary or

                            cultivation center shall notify the Department by electronic means within twenty-four (24) hours of any incident in which a theft, burglary, robbery, or break in

                            occurred, whether or not items were actually removed from the facility.  The

                            facility manager shall follow up the initial notice with a written report describing

                            in detail the factual circumstances surrounding the incident and include an

                            inventory of all stolen items, if applicable.


    5611                [RESERVED]




    5612.1             A dispensary shall refuse to sell or deliver medical marijuana to any person who fails to produce both a valid registration card issued by the Department and a valid government issued photo identification document displaying proof of age that matches the name on the registration card.





    5613.1             A registered cultivation center or dispensary that discontinues its operations for any reason shall surrender its registration to the Department for safekeeping within three (3) calendar days of discontinuing its operations.  The Department shall hold the registration for one hundred twenty (120) days or until the establishment resumes business or the registration is transferred to a new owner, whichever occurs first.  If the registrant has not initiated proceedings to resume operations or to transfer the registration within one hundred twenty (120) days, the Department shall deem the registration abandoned and cancel the registration.


    5613.2             The Department may extend the period of safekeeping beyond one hundred twenty (120) days only for good cause, such as fire, flood, other natural disaster; rebuilding or reconstruction; or to complete the sale of the establishment, and only if the extension is not likely to adversely affect the District’s ability to serve the needs of all registered qualifying patients.


    5613.3             This section shall not relieve a registered cultivation center or dispensary from the responsibility for renewing the registration upon its expiration.


    5613.4             If a cultivation center or dispensary notifies the Department that the establishment has ceased to do business under the registration or if the Department cancels the registration under this section, the registration shall be marked as "canceled."


    5613.5             A registration suspended by the Department under this title shall be stored with the Department.


    5614                CO-LOCATION AND INTEGRATION


    5614.1             Nothing in this title shall preclude two (2) or more cultivation centers from locating in the same building, provided that they maintain:


    (a)        Separate books and records; and


    (b)        Their own secure and distinct registered premises that is separated at a

                minimum by a fixed boundary.


    5614.2             A cultivation center and dispensary may be located in the same building provided that they share the same Department approved ownership but shall maintain separate books and records and a separate secure space and provided that qualified patients and caregivers are prohibited from entering any portion of the cultivation center area.


    5615                POINT-OF-SALE SYSTEM


    5615.1             The Department may require a dispensary to purchase and participate in a point-of-sale computer system for purposes of:


    (a)        Verifying that a qualified patient or caregiver is registered;


    (b)        Verifying which dispensary a qualified patient is registered; and


    (c)        Tracking the quantity and date of each medical marijuana sale.


    5616                SIGN REQUIREMENTS


    5616.1             A dispensary shall post at its building entrance in a conspicuous place, a sign from the Department which states the following:


    (a)        Persons under the age of eighteen (18) are precluded from entering the premises unless they are a qualified patient and are in the presence of a parent or guardian; and


    (b)        Smoking, ingesting or consuming marijuana on the premises or in the vicinity of the dispensary is prohibited.  Marijuana shall be used only by the qualifying patient in his or her home, the facility where he or she resides, or a medical facility when receiving medical care for a qualifying medical condition, if permitted by the medical facility.


    5616.2             A dispensary shall post a sign provided by the Department that is either visible

    from the point of entry or the point of sale, which indicates the following:


    (a)        The obligation of the qualified patient or caregiver to produce a valid registration card issued by the Department;


    (b)        The obligation of the qualified patient or caregiver to produce a valid government issued photo identification document displaying proof of age that matches the name on the registration card;


    (c)        The use of medical marijuana may impair a person’s ability to drive a motor vehicle, aircraft, or motorboat, ride a bicycle, or operate heavy machinery; and


    (d)       The sale and use of marijuana and the diversion of marijuana for non-medical purposes, including to a third party, is a crime in violation of District law.


    5616.3             A cultivation center or dispensary shall post a sign provided by the Department at all areas of ingress and egress to limited access areas, which reads: “Access to this area is restricted to persons registered with the Department visibly displaying a registration identification card.”


    5616.4             A dispensary shall conspicuously post a sign in the area of the dispensary that is accessible to registered patients and caregiver, or make a booklet or other document readily available to the dispensary’s registered patients and caregivers, containing the current retail prices of all items available for sale within the dispensary.





    5617.1             A cultivation center or dispensary shall be required for security purposes to have sufficient lighting outside of the registered business each day between sunset and sunrise that adequately illuminates the cultivation center or dispensary and its immediate surrounding area, including storage areas, parking lots, entry areas such as the front façade, and any adjoining public sidewalk.


    5617.2             Outdoor lighting shall be hooded or oriented so as to deflect light away from adjacent properties.


    5618                MINIMUM STAFFING LEVELS


    5618.1             A dispensary shall be staffed with at least two (2) persons during its hours of                                 operation.


    5618.2             A cultivation center shall be staffed with at least two (2) persons when employees are present inside of the cultivation center.


    5619                LIMITED ACCESS AREAS


    5619.1             Medical marijuana shall only be grown, cultivated, stored, weighed, displayed, packaged, sold, or possessed for sale, only in a limited access area under the control of the cultivation center or dispensary.  A cultivation center or dispensary shall permit only those persons registered with the Department to enter the limited access area.


    5619.2             A limited access area, including all areas of ingress and egress, shall be designated by the cultivation center or dispensary on its application.  The limited access area shall be either a building, room, or other contiguous area upon the registered premises.


    5619.3             A cultivation center or dispensary shall post a sign provided by the Department at all areas of ingress and egress identifying the limited access area.


    5619.4             Persons registered by the Department shall wear their registration identification issued by the Mayor at all times while working or entering the limited access area.


    5619.5             It shall be a violation of this title for a registered or non-registered person to be located within a limited access area unless the person’s registration identification is visibly displayed.


    5620                MANUFACTURING STANDARDS


    5620.1             In the course of producing and growing medical marijuana, a cultivation center is forbidden from using any of the following substances or techniques:


    (a)        Synthetic pesticides (for example defoliants and desiccants, fungicides, insecticides and rodenticides), or wood preservatives (such as arsenate);


    (b)        Fertilizer or composted plant and animal material that contains a substance prohibited by this section;


    (c)        Sewage sludge, in any form, as a soil amendment;


    (d)       Synthetic growth regulators;


    (e)                Synthetic allopathic veterinary drugs, including antibiotics and parasiticides;


    (f)        Synthetic processing substances, aids and ingredients, and food additives and processing aids including sulphates, nitrates and nitrites;


    (g)        Equipment, packaging materials and storage containers, or bins that contain synthetic fungicide, preservative or fumigant;

    (h)        Any pesticide, fungicide, fertilizer, rodenticides, or drugs banned by the Department of Agriculture or Food and Drug Administration; or


    (i)         Any other substances or techniques deemed unlawful by the Department.

    5620.2             In the course of harvesting medical marijuana, a cultivation center shall not harvest medical marijuana before the plant is sixty (60) days old starting from the day the seed or clone is planted.


    5620.3             The prohibition on “synthetic growth regulators” shall not preclude a cultivation center from using artificial lighting or lighting equipment.


    5621                TRANSPORT OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA


    5621.1             A cultivation center shall obtain from the Department a transport permit to transport within the District of Columbia medical marijuana to registered dispensaries.  An original transport permit shall be required for each vehicle being designated by the cultivation center or its contracted agent to be authorized to deliver medical marijuana to registered dispensaries. 


    5621.2             A cultivation center or its contracted agent shall not transport medical marijuana within the District of Columbia without an original transport permit.  A cultivation center shall permit only an employee, director, officer, member, incorporator, or agent registered with the Department or its contracted agent to transport medical marijuana to a registered dispensary.


    5621.3             Upon demand by an MPD officer or Department investigator, the registered person in charge of the transportation for the cultivation center or its contracted agent shall exhibit to the MPD officer or Department investigator an original transport permit.




    5700                SALE AND PURCHASE OF MEDICIAL MARIJUANA BY                                                  DISPENSARIES

    5700.1             It shall be unlawful for a registered medical marijuana dispensary to receive or purchase medical marijuana from a source other than a cultivation center registered in the District of Columbia.


    5700.2             A dispensary shall not be permitted to offer for sale, sell, or solicit an order for medical marijuana in person except within the registered premises.  Nothing in this subsection shall preclude a dispensary from providing (1) educational information regarding medical marijuana to a physician or (2) necessary information to qualifying patients over the telephone or on-line including the availability at the dispensary of particular types of medical marijuana recommended by the qualifying patient’s physician.


    5700.3             A dispensary shall not be permitted to receive or purchase medical marijuana from a person other than a cultivation center registered in the District.




    5701.1             A cultivation center shall not be permitted to sell medical marijuana to qualified patients or caregivers.  It shall be a violation of this subtitle for a cultivation center to sell medical marijuana to qualified patients or caregivers.


    5701.2             It shall be unlawful for a cultivation center to sell or distribute medical marijuana to a person or entity other than a dispensary registered in the District of Columbia.


    5701.3             It shall be unlawful for a cultivation center to sell medical marijuana from plants not grown at a registered location in the District of Columbia.



    5702.1             No driver of a commercial or public vehicle in the District of Columbia shall have in his or her possession, while in or on the vehicle, any opened or unsealed package containing medical marijuana.


    5703                DELIVERY OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA


    5703.1             A dispensary shall not be permitted to transport or deliver medical marijuana to a qualified patient or caregiver or from a cultivation center. It shall be a violation of this subtitle for a dispensary to transport or deliver medical marijuana to either a qualified patient or caregiver or from a cultivation center. 


    5703.2             A cultivation center shall not be permitted to deliver medical marijuana to any premises other than the specific registered premises of the dispensary where the medical marijuana is to be sold.


    5704                PLANT LIMITATIONS


    5704.1             A cultivation center shall be permitted to possess and cultivate up to ninety-five (95) living marijuana plants at any one (1) time for the sole purpose of producing medical marijuana in a form permitted under this subtitle. A dispensary shall not be permitted to possess or sell marijuana plants.  It shall be a violation of this subtitle for a dispensary to possess or sell marijuana plants or for a cultivation center to sell marijuana plants to a dispensary.




    5705.1             A cultivation center or dispensary shall not permit the consumption of medical marijuana at the registered premises in any form.  The dispensary or cultivation center shall dispense or distribute medical marijuana in a closed container that shall not be opened after sale, or the contents consumed, on the premises where sold.  A dispensary may exhibit for display purposes only clear jars of medical marijuana to assist qualified patients in making informed purchase making decisions.


    5705.2             It shall be a violation of this subtitle for a cultivation center or dispensary to have on the registered premises any medical marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia that shows evidence of the medical marijuana having been consumed or partially consumed.

    5706                TIE-IN PURCHASES PROHIBITED


    5706.1             A cultivation center shall not require, directly or indirectly, a dispensary to purchase any type of medical marijuana or other commodity in order to purchase any other medical marijuana product.




    5707.1             A person under twenty-one (21) years of age shall not be employed by a dispensary to sell or dispense medical marijuana. 


    5707.2             A person under twenty-one (21) years of age shall not be employed by a cultivation center to grow or cultivate medical marijuana.


    5707.3             A person under the age of eighteen (18) shall be precluded from purchasing medical marijuana from a dispensary unless he or she is a qualified patient and is in the presence of a parent or guardian. 


    5707.4             A dispensary may prohibit an individual who is not a qualifying patient, caregiver, or on official government business from entering or remaining on the registered premises.




    5708.1             It shall be a violation of this subtitle for a cultivation center or dispensary, or a director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, or employee of a cultivation center or dispensary to provide financial compensation, an office, or anything of value to a physician who recommends the use of medical marijuana.  


    5708.2             A cultivation center shall not be permitted to hold educational seminars, classes, or discussions regarding medical marijuana for physicians.




    5709.1             A dispensary shall not provide a qualified patient or caregiver more than two (2) ounces of dried medical marijuana either at one (1) time or within a thirty (30) day period.


    5709.2             A dispensary shall dispense medical marijuana and distribute paraphernalia only to a qualifying patient or caregiver, if the qualifying patient is registered to receive medical marijuana from that dispensary. 


    5710                VISIBILITY


    5710.1             A dispensary or cultivation center shall not permit medical marijuana or paraphernalia to be visible from any public or other property not owned by the dispensary or cultivation center.


    CHAPTER 58           ADVERTISING


    5800                SIGN ADVERTISING


    5800.1             Advertisements relating to the prices of medical marijuana shall not be displayed in the window of a registered establishment.


    5800.2             Advertisements relating to medical marijuana shall not be displayed on the exterior of any window or on the exterior or interior of any door.


    5800.3             No sign advertising medical marijuana on the exterior or visible from the exterior of any registered establishment or elsewhere in the District shall be illuminated at any time.


    5801                PROHIBITED STATEMENTS


    5801.1             A registered cultivation center or dispensary shall not use any picture or illustration that depicts a child or immature person, or objects (such as toys), suggestive of the presence of a child, and any statement, design, device, picture, or illustration designed to be especially appealing to children or immature persons.

    5801.2             A statement that is known by the dispensary or cultivation center to be false or misleading with respect to advertised price charged to the qualified patient, ingredients of medical marijuana, source of manufacturer, or statements as to health benefits, shall be prohibited.


    5801.3             A statement that encourages the use or purchase of medical marijuana without a registration card shall be prohibited.






    5900.1             Each registered cultivation center shall keep and maintain upon the registered premises true, complete, legible, and current books and records, including the following:

    (a)        The date of each sale to a dispensary;

    (b)        The name, address, and registration number of the dispensary;

    (c)        The quantity of medical marijuana and paraphernalia sold to the      dispensary;

    (d)       The price charged and the amount received for the medical marijuana from the dispensary;


    (e)        The quantity and form of medical marijuana maintained at the cultivation center on a daily basis; and


    (f)        The amount of plants being grown at the cultivation center on a daily



    5900.2             These books and records shall be maintained by the cultivation center for a period of four (4) years.



    5901                CULTIVATION CENTER INVOICES


    5901.1             With each sale of medical marijuana, the cultivation center shall cause to be made in duplicate an invoice of the sale showing the following information:

    (a)        The date of each sale to a dispensary;

    (b)        The name, address, and registration number of the dispensary;

    (c)        The form and quantity of medical marijuana and paraphernalia in each        sale;

    (d)       The price of each item in each sale with the total price; and


    (e)        A true, accurate, legible, and complete statement of the terms and conditions on which the sale is made.


    5901.2             With each sale, the invoice shall be prepared in duplicate, and shall be consecutively numbered.

    5901.3             All invoices and delivery slips shall be systematically filed and maintained for a period of four (4) years from date of delivery.


    5902                DISPENSARY BOOKS AND RECORDS


    5902.1             Each registered dispensary shall keep and maintain upon the registered premises, true, complete, and current books and records which include invoices that adequately and fully reflect all purchases and sales of medical marijuana made to and by the dispensary.


    5902.2             Records shall include and distinctly show the following information:


    (a)        The quantity, form, and price of medical marijuana and paraphernalia purchased from a cultivation center in each purchase;


    (b)        The date and time of delivery of each purchase from a cultivation center;


    (c)        The date and time of each sale to a qualified patient or caregiver;


    (d)       The quantity, form, and price of medical marijuana distributed or dispensed to the qualified patient or caregiver;


    (e)        The consideration given by the qualified patient or caregiver for the medical marijuana;


    (f)        The name, address, and card number of the qualified patient or caregiver of the medical marijuana;


    (g)        The name, initials, or employee identification number of the person who dispensed or sold the medical marijuana; and


    (h)        The quantity of medical marijuana still available for sale at the dispensary.


    5902.3             All invoices and delivery slips shall be systematically filed and maintained for a period of four (4) years from date of delivery and shall show a true, accurate, legible, and complete statement of terms and conditions on which each purchase was made.


    5903                CULTIVATION CENTER REPORTS


    5903.1             This section shall apply to registered cultivation centers.


    5903.2             Registration holders subject to this section shall, on or before the thirtieth (30th) day of July and January, furnish to the Department on a form to be prescribed by the Department a statement under oath showing the following information:


    (a)        The quantity of each medical marijuana product manufactured by the cultivation center during the preceding six (6) months;


    (b)        The quantity of each medical marijuana product sold by the cultivation center during the preceding six (6) months;

    (c)        The quantity of paraphernalia manufactured by the cultivation center during the preceding six (6) months;


    (d)       The quantity and price of paraphernalia sold by the cultivation center during the preceding six (6) months;


    (e)        The amount of medical marijuana destroyed or disposed of during the preceding six (6) months;


    (f)        Certification from MPD that medical marijuana that was cultivated was relinquished for destruction or disposal;


    (g)        The cultivation’s center’s total expenditures for manufacturing medical marijuana during the preceding six (6) months;


    (h)        The cultivation center’s total amount of sales of medical marijuana during the preceding six (6) months;


    (i)         The cultivation center’s gross revenue based upon its medical marijuana sales during the preceding six (6) months;


    (j)         The amount of sales tax reported by the cultivation center to Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) during the preceding six (6) months;


    (k)        The quantity of medical marijuana still available for sale at the cultivation center to a dispensary on the date the report is filed with the Mayor;


    (l)         The name, address, home telephone number, and date of birth of each current employee; and


    (m)       An affidavit executed by an individual registrant, partner of an applicant partnership, or the appropriate officer of an applicant corporation, attesting to the truth of the submitted report.


    5903.3             The making of a false statement on a submitted report, with the knowledge of the registered cultivation center, shall constitute grounds on which the Department may deny the renewal of the registration, or subsequently revoke the registration, when the renewal of the registration is based wholly or in part on the contents of the false statement.


    5904                DISPENSARY REPORTS


    5904.1             This section shall apply to registered dispensaries.


    5904.2             On or before the thirtieth (30th) day of July and January, furnish to the Department on a form to be prescribed by the Department a statement under oath showing the following information:


    (a)        The quantity and price of medical marijuana distributed or dispensed to qualified patients and caregivers during the preceding six (6) months;


    (b)        The dispensary’s total expenditures for distributing or dispensing medical marijuana during the preceding six (6) months;


    (c)        The dispensary’s total amount of receipts for the sale of medical marijuana;


    (d)       The quantity of paraphernalia sold by the dispensary during the preceding six (6) months;


    (e)        The dispensary’s gross revenue based upon its medical marijuana and paraphernalia sales during the preceding six (6) months;


    (f)        The amount of sales tax reported by the dispensary to OTR during the preceding six (6) months;


    (g)        The amount of medical marijuana that was destroyed or disposed of during the preceding six (6) months;


    (h)        Certification from MPD that the medical marijuana was relinquished for destruction or disposal;


    (i)         The quantity of medical marijuana still available for sale at the dispensary on the date the report is filed with the Mayor;

    (j)         The name, address, home telephone number, and date of birth of each current employee; and


    (k)        An affidavit executed by an individual registrant, partner of an applicant partnership, or the appropriate officer of an applicant corporation, attesting to the truth of the submitted report.


    5904.3             The making of a false statement on a submitted report, with the knowledge of the registered dispensary, shall constitute grounds on which the Department may deny the renewal of the registration, or subsequently revoke the registration, when the renewal of the registration is based wholly or in part on the contents of the false statement.


    5905                [RESERVED]




    5906.1             The books and records referred to in this chapter, including the original and duplicate invoices, shall be open to inspection by the Department or its designated agent, and the OTR, during the establishment's approved hours of operation.


    5906.2             A cultivation center shall keep and maintain all books and records referred to in this chapter on the registered premises for a period of four (4) years after the latest transaction recorded in those books and records.


    5906.3             A dispensary shall keep and maintain all book and records referred to in this chapter on the registered premises for a period of four (4) years after the latest transaction recorded in those books and records.




    5907.1             A cultivation center or dispensary shall notify the Mayor within ten (10) days after a registered director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, employee, or manager ceases to work at, manage, own, or otherwise be associated with the operation.  The director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, employee, or manager shall surrender his or her identification card to the Mayor within ten (10) days of ceasing to work at, manage, own, or otherwise be associated with the operation.







    6000.1             No registration application shall be approved until the Director has determined

                            that the applicant has complied with the requirements of § 5400.1 or, in the case

                            of a renewal, in compliance with the legal requirements of the Act and this

                            subtitle.  The Department shall also have considered, in the case of a third renewal

                            for a cultivation center or dispensary, any timely comments filed by an ANC

                            located in the affected ward.


    6000.2             The Director may deny an application for good cause.  For purposes of this section, “good cause” shall include, but not be limited to, a finding by the Department that either:


    (a)        The applicant does not meet the requirements or has failed to comply with any of the provisions of the Act or this subtitle;


    (b)        The registered premises has been operated in a manner that adversely affects the public health or welfare of the neighborhood in which the establishment is located; or


    (c)        In the case of a third year renewal, timely comments received from an ANC located in the affected ward regarding the proposed or current location warrant denying the application.


    6000.3             Within sixty (60) days of receiving the final proposed selections from the panel,

                            the Director shall notify the applicant and the ANCs located in the affected ward

                            of the approval or denial of the application.





    6001.1             Denial by the Director of an application or renewal application for any registration under this subtitle shall be deemed a final Department action.


    6001.2             An initial applicant whose Letter of Intent was not accepted by the Department, who submitted an application that was determined to be non-responsive, or that received a score of less than one hundred fifty (150) by the panel prior to the ANC review, may seek review of the Director’s final decision in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia within twenty (20) days after receipt of the notice or twenty (20) days after August 12, 2011, whichever is later.  The review shall be an on the record review of the decision, and not a de novo review.


    6001.3             An initial applicant who has been denied registration for a dispensary or cultivation center, provided that the applicant received a score of one hundred fifty (150) or more by the panel prior to the ANC review, may file a request with OAH for a protest hearing of that denial within ten (10) days after service of the notice of denial (receipt required for proof of delivery).


    6001.4             A request for a protest hearing under § 6001.3 means a written objection by an unsuccessful applicant for a registration for a dispensary or cultivation center.


    6001.5             The written objection shall include a clear and concise statement of the legal and factual grounds of the protest, including copies of relevant documents, citations to statutes, or regulations claimed to be violated. 


    6001.6             Upon receipt of a request for a protest hearing, the OAH shall notify the Department which shall no later than sixty (60) calendar days after service of the notification, file a report with the OAH, and serve the same upon the protester at the address listed in the protestor’s application by first class U.S. mail postage prepaid, and upon the applicant whose registration is in jeopardy pursuant to § 6002, which shall include:


    (a)                The application submitted by the protester;


    (b)               The applications that were selected by the department instead of the protester;      


    (c)                Tabulation sheets or proposal selection reports, evaluation reports, workpapers, and scoring sheets prepared by the panel;


    (d)               The basis of the Director’s decision to adopt or reject the panel’s final proposed selections, including consideration of the ANC comments;


    (e)                The Department’s position and defense for each ground of the protest, including the facts, legal principles, and precedents supporting its position;


    (f)                Notice to the applicant whose registration is in jeopardy of the applicant’s right to be joined as a party in the action; and


    (g)               Any other documents and exhibits that are relevant to the protest.


    6001.7             The applicant whose registration is in jeopardy pursuant to § 6002, may at the applicant’s option, seek to be joined as a party to the action.


    6001.8             An applicant that requests to be joined as a party to the action pursuant to § 6001.7 of this subtitle shall be permitted to join in the action if:


                            (a)        The applicant files with OAH a request to join within fifteen (15) calendar

                                        days after receipt of the Department’s Report and Notice of the Action;



    (b)        The applicant claims an interest relating to the subject of the action and is

                so situated that the disposition of the action in the applicant’s absence may

                impair or impede the person's ability to protect that interest.


    6001.9             Within fifteen (15) calendar days after service of the Department’s Report, the protester may file with the OAH a response, which shall state the protester’s factual and legal agreement or opposition to the Department’s Report and serve the same on the Department and upon any applicant that has sought to be joined as a party, (an intervenor).


    6001.10           Any intervenor who wishes to file a response to the Department’s Report and the protestor’s response shall do so within fifteen (15) calendar days of service of the protestor’s response or of the order granting intervention, whichever is later.


    6001.11           Any protest hearing shall be a review of the record materials filed by the Department and shall not be a contested case hearing. 


    6001.12           Upon receipt of any protester’s response within the allotted time, or if no response has been filed and the allotted time has expired, the OAH shall render a decision upholding or denying the protest within a reasonable time not to exceed ninety (90) days after the filing of the Department’s Report.  OAH shall deny the protest unless the protestor shows that the Department’s decision was arbitrary and capricious or otherwise not in accordance with the law.


    6001.13           If a protest is denied, the protester may seek review of the OAH’s final decision in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia within twenty (20) days after the date on which the final decision was issued, which review shall be an on the record review of the decision of the OAH, and not a de novo review.


    6001.14           If the OAH upholds the protest, the Department shall conduct a new review process of the protester’s application and the lowest ranked successful applicant selected by the Director.  If the basis of a successful protest is that another applicant, or applicants, was improperly ranked, the new review process shall also include that applicant(s).


    6001.15           A registrant that has been denied the renewal of a registration for a dispensary or cultivation center may file a request for a hearing with OAH within thirty (30) days after service of the notice of denial by delivering, within thirty (30) days of service of the notice, a certified letter addressed to OAH containing a request for a hearing or hand delivery of same to OAH (receipt required for proof of delivery);


    6001.16           The decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings in a matter filed

                            pursuant to § 6001.15 shall be the Final Order in the matter, and that either party

                            may seek review of OAH’s decision by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals

                            in accordance with the District of Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C.

                            Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511 (2011 Repl.).


    6001.17           The timely filing of a request for review in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, a protest, or a petition for review to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals shall not stay the decision of the Director or prohibit the Director from issuing registrations to the selected applicants.





    6002.1            The Department may revoke a cultivation center’s or dispensary’s registration if

                            the Department determines a revocation is in the District’s interest following a

                            successful protest and final decision of the denial of cultivation center or

                            dispensary registration application, if there are no further cultivation center or

                            dispensary registrations permitted by law available to be awarded to the

                            successful protest applicant. 


    6002.2             Pursuant to § 6001.6, the registrant or successful applicant shall receive notice of a protest action which places the registrant’s or successful applicant’s registration in jeopardy, and be provided an opportunity to intervene in the matter pursuant to § 6001.7.  If after receiving notice of a protest action, the registrant or successful applicant fails to intervene in the matter within the allotted time period, the registrant or successful applicant shall have no further right of appeal or administrative review of a final action which results in the revocation or non-issuance of his or her registration.


    6002.3            The Department shall terminate a cultivation center’s or dispensary’s

                            registration for the District’s convenience by delivering to the holder of the

                            registration a Notice of Revocation specifying the reason for the revocation and

                            the effective date of the revocation.


    6002.4             Upon receipt of a Notice of Revocation, a cultivation center or dispensary shall



    (a)                Stop all activities authorized by the registration;


    (b)               Begin the transfer all forms medical marijuana in accordance with its closure plan, which shall be completed within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of the Notice of Revocation;


    (c)        Surrender its registration to the Department within twenty-four (24) hours

                after receipt of the Notice of Revocation, or after the cultivation center or dispensary has transferred all medical marijuana from its premises, whichever comes first; and


    (d)       Notify the Department, the DCRA, and the MPD of the completion of the transfers and closure of the cultivation center and dispensary pursuant to its closure plan.


    6002.5             A cultivation center’s or dispensary’s registration does not create a contractual

                            relationship with the District of Columbia government. 







    6100.1             The Department shall revoke or suspend the registration of any registration holder who is found by the Department or a District or Federal Court, to have willfully violated any provision specifically contained in the Act to be in violation of this subtitle.


    6100.2             The Department shall revoke the registration of a registration holder as a result of any of the following events during the period for which the registration was issued:


    (a)        The registration holder has been convicted in a court of law of one (1) or more violations of the Act or the regulations issued under this subtitle and the penalties set forth in chapter 61 of this subtitle require revocation;


    (b)        Except for the sale of medical marijuana or drug paraphernalia related to the sale of medical marijuana, the registration holder has knowingly engaged, permitted, or condoned inside or outside of the establishment:


    (1)        The illegal sale, or negotiations for sale, or the use, of any controlled substance identified in the District of Columbia Controlled Substances Act; or


    (2)        The possession or sale, or negotiations for sale, of drug paraphernalia in violation of the Controlled Substances Act or chapter 11 of title 48 of the District of Columbia Code. Successive sales, or negotiations for sale, over a continuous period of time shall be deemed evidence of knowledge; or


                            (c)        The registration holder has been convicted of a felony, or any drug-related



    6100.4             A cultivation center may request that a Department investigator put on protective gear prior to entering a cultivation center.


    6100.5             The Department shall mandatorily suspend the registration of a cultivation center or dispensary upon a finding that a director, officer, member, incorporator, agent manager or employee of a cultivation center or dispensary has willfully violated any provision specifically contained in the Act.  The Department shall remove the suspension once the Department is satisfied that the director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, manager or employee is no longer affiliated or employed with the cultivation center or dispensary.






    6200.1             The Department shall receive, at any time during the registration period, complaints from any person, or an ANC in the affected ward, alleging a violation by a cultivation center or dispensary, or employee, officer or affiliate thereof. Complaints shall be in writing and set forth enough information to allow the Department staff to investigate the matter, which shall include at a minimum:


    (a)        The facts or circumstances that form the basis of the

                complaint, including the date(s), time(s), and location(s) of

                the incident(s);


    (b)        Clear identification of the dispensary, cultivation center, or registered individual that is the subject of the complaint;


    (c)        The name(s), and contact information (if known) of any witnesses to the



    (d)       Any supporting documentation or photos; and


    (e)        The contact information for the complainant.


    6200.2             In addition to written complaints identifying the complainant, any person may make an anonymous complaint in writing to the Department or orally to any Department investigator. Anonymous complaints shall be investigated to the best of the Department's ability, but may result in no action being taken if the anonymous complainant fails to provide the Department or the investigator with adequate information.


    6200.3             Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the Department from initiating an investigation sua sponte if it finds that there exists a reasonable basis to believe that there is a violation of the regulations or Act.


    6200.4             Upon receiving a complaint, the Department may, in its discretion, request that the cultivation center or dispensary complained of answer the complaint within ten (10) days of receipt of the complaint. The Department shall attach a copy of the complaint to the request or shall describe the acts alleged in the complaint. The cultivation center or dispensary may respond either personally or through a legal representative.


    6200.5             If the Department receives a written response from a cultivation center or dispensary, it may, in its discretion, send a copy of the response to the complainant and request a written reply within a time period determined by the Department.


    6200.6             At any point during the course of the investigation or inquiry into the complaint,

    the Department may determine that there is not and will not be sufficient evidence to warrant further proceedings. In such event, the Department shall dismiss the complaint.


    6200.7             If the Department determines, after investigation, that there is otherwise reason to

    believe that the acts alleged occurred and constitute a violation of the regulations

    or the Act, the Department  may fine the registration holder pursuant to the Civil

    Infractions Act, or initiate an action to suspend or revoke the registration.


    6200.8             All written complaints as set forth under § 6200.1, which identify the complainant by name and address, shall be acknowledged in writing by the Department within thirty (30) days of receipt of the complaint.  At the conclusion of the matter, the Department shall advise the complainant of the action that the Department has taken on the matter.


    6200.9             The Department shall maintain records documenting complaints received and the action taken in response to the complaint.





    6201.1             Except in the case of a summary suspension action, the Department shall not revoke or suspend a registration until the holder of the registration has been given an opportunity to be heard in his or her defense.


    6201.2             If a registration is revoked or suspended, no part of the registration fee shall be returned.


    6201.3             If the Department revokes a registration for a cultivation center or dispensary, no registration shall be issued to the same person or persons whose registration is so revoked for the same or any other location for five (5) years following the revocation, except as provided below.


    6201.4             If the Department revokes a manager's registration or a registration for a person other than a cultivation center or dispensary, a manager's registration or individual registration shall not be issued to the same person for two (2) years.


    6201.5             This section shall not apply to registrations revoked by the Department for the convenience of the District.


    6201.6             The Department may fine, suspend, or revoke the registration of any registration holder during the registration period if:


    (a)        The registration holder violates any of the provisions of the Act or this        subtitle;


    (b)        The registration holder allows the registered establishment to be used for any unlawful or disorderly purpose;


    (c)        The registration holder fails to supervise in person, or through a manager approved by the Department, the business for which the registration was issued;


    (d)       The registration holder fails or refuses to allow a Department investigator, a designated agent of the Department, or a member of MPD to enter or inspect without delay the registered premises or examine the books and records of the business, or otherwise interferes with an investigation; or


    (e)        The registration holder fails to follow its security plan.


    6201.7             The Department may revoke the registration of a registration holder as a result of any of the following events during the period for which the registration was issued:


    (a)        The registration holder knowingly or recklessly sells or distributes medical marijuana to an unregistered patient;


    (b)        The registration holder knowingly or recklessly purchases marijuana from an unregistered cultivation center or dispensary;


    (c)        The registration holder knowingly or recklessly makes a false or misleading statement to the Department or in any affidavit or application that they submit to the Mayor;


    (d)       The registration holder unlawfully interferes or impedes in an inspection of their premises conducted by a Department investigator or MPD; or


    (e)        The registration holder permits or encourages the consumption of medical marijuana on their premises.  Repeated violations for permitting the consumption of medical marijuana on the registered premises shall be considered evidence of encouragement.


    6201.8             The Department of Health (Department) may impose sanctions and civil fines under the Civil Infractions Act for any infraction under this subtitle, not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) per first offense violation.




    6202.1             Violation of any provision of the Act or this subtitle may result in a notice of intent to suspend or revoke the registration of a dispensary, cultivation center, director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, employee, or manager.


    6202.2             Except in the case of a summary suspension, the Director shall give a registrant written notice and an opportunity to have a hearing before the Office of Administrative hearings prior to taking any final action which would:


    (a)        Suspend registration; or


    (b)        Revoke registration.


    6202.3             A notice of intent to suspend or revoke shall contain the following:


    (a)        A statement of the proposed action;


    (b)        A statement setting forth the reasons for the proposed action, including a specification of any specific violation complained of;


    (c)        Reference to any particular section of the Act or rules allegedly



    (d)       A statement that the registrant may request a hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings to contest the proposed action by delivering, within thirty (30) days of service of the notice, a certified letter addressed to OAH containing a request for a hearing or hand delivery of same to OAH (receipt required for proof of delivery);


    (e)        A statement that the decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final Order in this matter, and that either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by the District of Columbia court of Appeals in accordance with the District of Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Code §§ 2-501- 2-511 (2011 Repl.); and


    (f)        A statement that if the registrant does not request a hearing within thirty (30) days after service of the notice of the proposed action, the Director may take the proposed action without further notice, and the suspension or revocation shall be final without a hearing.


    6202.4             A notice, order, decision, or pleading required by this chapter to be served upon a party shall be served upon the party or upon the representative designated by the party or by law to receive service of papers.  If a party has appeared through counsel, service may be made upon the counsel of record.  


    6202.5             Service on a registrant shall be directed to the last known address of the registrant on file with the Director or the registrant’s resident agent or attorney, and shall be completed by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Personal delivery;


    (b)        Leaving it at the party’s place of business or with the party’s registered

                agent; or


    (c)        Certified mail, return receipt requested.


    6202.6             Proof of service, stating the name and address of the person on who service is made and the manner and date of service, may be shown by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Written acknowledgement by the party or other person served in accordance with § 6202.5 or by the party’s counsel;


    (b)        The certificate of the serving party or that party’s counsel; or


    (c)        A return receipt if service is made by certified mail.


    6202.7             If service is by personal delivery, it shall be deemed to have been served at the time when delivery is made to the party or other person served in accordance with § 6202.5.


    6202.8             If service is by certified mail, it shall be deemed to have been made on the date shown on the return receipt showing delivery of the notice to the party or refusal of the party to accept delivery.


    6202.9             If the party is no longer at the last known address as shown by the records of the Director, and no forwarding address is available, service shall be deemed to have been made on the date the return receipt bearing that notification is received by the Director.


    6202.10           A registrant that has received a notice of intent to take action to suspend or revoke, may request a hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings to contest the proposed action by delivering, within thirty (30) days of service of the notice, a certified letter addressed to OAH containing a request for a hearing or hand delivery of same to OAH (receipt required for proof of delivery).


    6202.11           Unless otherwise authorized by the Director, any notice from or to the Director shall be made by personal delivery or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.


    6202.12           A request for a hearing under this chapter shall include the following:


    (a)        A statement of the facts relevant to the review of the action;


    (b)        A statement of the arguments that the respondent considers relevant to the review of the action; and


    (c)        Any other evidence considered relevant.


    6202.13           If the registrant does not mail or submit a written request for a hearing within the time and in the manner specified in the notice, the Director may, without a hearing, take the action contemplated in the notice, and shall notify the registrant in writing of the final action taken.


    6202.14           If a hearing is timely requested, the proceedings shall thereafter be conducted pursuant to the Office of Administrative Hearings Act, and all further correspondences and notices shall be communicated directly between the Office of Administrative Hearings and the respondent, including notice of the date, time and location of the hearing and the name of the hearing officer.


    6202.15           Nothing in this subchapter shall be deemed to supersede the service, procedural

                            rules, or other proceedings of a matter that has been filed with and is pending

                            before the Office of Administrative Hearings.


    6202.16           The decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final

                            Order in this matter.  Either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by

                            the District of Columbia court of Appeals in accordance with the District of

                            Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511

                            (2011 Repl.).





    6203.1             Violation of the Act or this subtitle may result in the summary suspension of a cultivation center or dispensary’s registration.


    6203.2             If the Department determines, after investigation, that the operations of a cultivation center or dispensary present an imminent danger to the health and safety of the public, the Department may summarily suspend, or restrict, without a hearing, the registration of the cultivation center or the dispensary.


    6203.3             The Department may also summarily suspend or restrict a cultivation center or dispensary registration when:


    (a)        The establishment has been the scene of an assault on a police officer, government inspector or investigator, or other governmental official, who was acting in his or her official capacity;


    (b)        The establishment is in violation of the District of Columbia Controlled Substances Act or chapter 11 of title 48 of the District of Columbia Official Code; or


    (c)        A registered person from the dispensary assaults a qualified patient or caregiver at the registered premises. 


    6203.4             A notice of summary suspension shall contain the following:


    (a)        A statement that operations must cease immediately, with the exception of

                necessary tending requirements by cultivation centers;


    (b)        A statement that the dispensary or cultivation center must submit to an

                immediate inventory of all medical marijuana items on the premises by

                Department inspectors;


    (c)        A statement that the dispensary or cultivation center must surrender all registration cards and permits associated with the dispensary or cultivation center to the Director within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving the summary suspension notice;


    (d)       A statement setting forth the reasons for the summary action, including a specification of any specific violation complained of;


    (e)        Reference to any particular section of the Act or rules allegedly



    (f)        A statement that the registrant may request an immediate hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings for the purpose of determining whether the suspension shall continue.  The registrant shall file the request with the Office of Administrative Hearings within seventy-two (72) hours after service of the notice (receipt required for proof of delivery).  The hearing shall be held within seventy-two (72) hours after receiving the request unless otherwise agreed by the parties to be held at a later date; and


    (g)        A statement that the decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final Order in this matter, and that either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by the District of Columbia court of Appeals in accordance with the District of Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511 (2011 Repl.).


    6203.5             A notice, order, decision, or pleading required by this chapter to be served upon a party shall be served upon the party or upon the representative designated by the party or by law to receive service of papers.  If a party has appeared through counsel, service may be made upon the counsel of record.  


    6203.6             Service on a registrant shall be directed to the last known address of the registrant on file with the Director or the registrant’s resident agent or attorney, and shall be completed by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Personal delivery;


    (b)        Leaving it at the party’s place of business or with the party’s registered

                agent; or


    (c)        Certified mail, return receipt requested.


    6203.7             Proof of service, stating the name and address of the person on who service is made and the manner and date of service, may be shown by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Written acknowledgement by the party or other person served in accordance with § 6203.6 or by the party’s counsel;


    (b)        The certificate of the serving party or that party’s counsel; or


    (c)        A return receipt if service is made by certified mail.


    6203.8             If service is by personal delivery, it shall be deemed to have been served at the time when delivery is made to the party or other person served in accordance with § 6203.6.


    6203.9             If service is by certified mail, it shall be deemed to have been made on the date shown on the return receipt showing delivery of the notice to the party or refusal of the party to accept delivery.


    6203.10           If the party is no longer at the last known address as shown by the records of the Director, and no forwarding address is available, service shall be deemed to have been made on the date the return receipt bearing that notification is received by the Director.


    6203.11           A registrant whose registration has been summarily suspended may request an immediate hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings for the purpose of determining whether the suspension shall continue.  The registrant shall file the request with the Office of Administrative Hearings within seventy-two (72) hours after receiving the notice (receipt required for proof of delivery).  The hearing shall be held within seventy-two (72) hours after receiving the request unless otherwise agreed by the parties to be held at a later date.


    6203.12           Unless otherwise authorized by the Director, any notice from or to the Director shall be made by personal delivery or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.


    6203.13           A request for a hearing under this chapter shall include the following:


    (a)        A statement of the facts relevant to the review of the action;


    (b)        A statement of the arguments that the respondent considers relevant to the review of the action; and


    (c)        Any other evidence considered relevant.


    6203.14           If the registrant fails to request a hearing within the time and in the manner specified in the notice, the summary suspension shall continue until after a finding by the Department that the imminent danger no longer exists, or until after a decision on a notice of intent to revoke or suspend the registration becomes final under § 6202.13 or 6202.16.


    6203.15           If a hearing is timely requested, the proceedings shall thereafter be conducted pursuant to the Office of Administrative Hearings Act, and all further correspondences and notices shall be communicated directly between the Office of Administrative Hearings and the respondent, including notice of the date, time and location of the hearing and the name of the hearing officer.


    6203.16           Nothing in this subchapter shall be deemed to supersede the service, procedural

                            rules, or other proceedings of a matter that has been filed with and is pending

                            before the Office of Administrative Hearings.


    6203.17           The decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final

                            Order in this matter.  Either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by

                            the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in accordance with the District of

                            Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511

                            (2011 Repl.).





    6204.1             The Chief of Police may request the suspension or revocation of a cultivation center or dispensary registration if the Chief of Police determines that there is a correlation between increased incidents of crime within one thousand feet (1,000 ft.) of the establishment and the operation of the establishment. The determination shall be based on objective criteria, including incident reports, arrests, and reported crime, occurring within the preceding eighteen (18) months and within one thousand feed (1,000 ft.) of the establishment.


    6204.2             The Chief of Police may close a cultivation center or dispensary for up to forty-eight (48) hours or two (2) business days, if he or she finds that:


    (a)        There is an imminent danger to the health and welfare of the public by not doing so; and


    (b)        There is no immediately available measure to ameliorate the finding in paragraph (a) of this subsection.


    6204.3             The Chief of Police shall notify the Director in writing of a closure pursuant to § 6204.2  within twenty-four (24) hours or one (1) business day after taking the action.


    6204.4             Within twenty-four (24) hours or one (1) business day after receipt of notification from the Chief of Police of a closure, the Department shall review the matter and  determine whether the imminent danger no longer exists and the facility may be reopened, or whether the issuance of a summary suspension action is warranted.  In the absence of good cause, the Department shall reopen the cultivation center or dispensary or issue a summary suspension not less than forty-eight (48) hours or two (2) business days following a closure by the Chief of Police.


    6204.5             A notice, order, decision, or pleading required by this chapter to be served upon a party shall be served upon the party or upon the representative designated by the party or by law to receive service of papers.  If a party has appeared through counsel, service may be made upon the counsel of record.  


    6204.6             Service on a registrant shall be directed to the last known address of the registrant on file with the Director or the registrant’s resident agent or attorney, and shall be completed by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Personal delivery;


    (b)        Leaving it at the party’s place of business or with the party’s registered

                agent; or


    (c)        Certified mail, return receipt requested.


    6204.7             Proof of service, stating the name and address of the person on who service is made and the manner and date of service, may be shown by one (1) of the following methods:


    (a)        Written acknowledgement by the party or other person served in accordance with § 6204.6 or by the party’s counsel;


    (b)        The certificate of the serving party or that party’s counsel; or


    (c)        A return receipt if service is made by certified mail.


    6204.8             If service is by personal delivery, it shall be deemed to have been served at the time when delivery is made to the party or other person served in accordance with § 6204.6.


    6204.9             If service is by certified mail, it shall be deemed to have been made on the date shown on the return receipt showing delivery of the notice to the party or refusal of the party to accept delivery.


    6204.10           If the party is no longer at the last known address as shown by the records of the Director, and no forwarding address is available, service shall be deemed to have been made on the date the return receipt bearing that notification is received by the Director.


    6204.11           A registrant whose cultivation center or dispensary has been closed by the Chief

                            of Police and subsequently summarily suspended by the Department may request

                            an immediate hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings for the

                            purpose of determining whether the suspension shall continue.  The registrant

                            shall file the request with the Office of Administrative Hearings within seventy-

                            two (72) hours after service of the summary suspension notice (receipt required

                            for delivery).  The hearing shall be held within seventy-two (72) hours after

                            receiving the request unless otherwise agreed by the parties to be held at a later



    6204.12           Unless otherwise authorized by the Director, any notice from or to the Director shall be made by personal delivery or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.


    6204.13           A request for a hearing under this chapter shall include the following:


    (a)        A statement of the facts relevant to the review of the action;


    (b)        A statement of the arguments that the registrant considers relevant to the review of the action; and


    (c)        Any other evidence considered relevant.


    6204.14           If a hearing is timely requested, the proceedings shall thereafter be conducted pursuant to the Office of Administrative Hearings Act, and all further correspondences and notices shall be communicated directly between the Office of Administrative Hearings and the registrant, including notice of the date, time and location of the hearing and the name of the hearing officer.


    6204.15           Nothing in this subtitle shall be deemed to supersede the service, procedural

                            rules, or other proceedings of a matter that has been filed with and is pending

                            before the Office of Administrative Hearings.


    6204.16           The decision rendered by the Office of Administrative Hearings shall be the Final

                            Order in this matter.  Either party may seek review of OAH’s decision by

                            the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in accordance with the District of

                            Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, D.C. Official Code §§ 2-501- 2-511

                            (2011 Repl.).


    6204.17           If the registrant fails to request a hearing, the summary suspension shall continue until the Department finds that the imminent danger no longer exists, or until after a decision on a notice of intent to revoke or suspend the registration becomes final under § 6202.13 or 6202.16.

    6205                NOTICE TO DISTRICT AGENCIES


    6205.1             The Department shall provide written notice to MPD and DCRA of any decision that results in the suspension or revocation of the cultivation center’s or dispensary’s registration. 


    6205.2             The Department shall provide written notice to MPD and DCRA of any Department decision to transfer a registered dispensary to a new location.  Such notice shall contain both the previous and current Department approved location. 


    6205.3             A dispensary shall be required to provide written notice of any location change to

    all of its registered qualified patients and caregivers within ten (10) days of being

    notified of Department approval. 




    6206.1             If a cultivation center or dispensary registration is revoked or suspended, the Department shall post a notice in a conspicuous place at or near the main street entrance of the outside of the establishment.


    6206.2             The posted notice shall state that the registration has been suspended, the period of the suspension, and that the suspension is ordered because of a violation of the Act or this title.


    6206.3             Any person willfully removing, obliterating, or defacing the notice shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter.


    6206.4             The Department shall notify, in writing, the qualifying patients and caregivers of a registered dispensary that either:


    (a)        Has its registration revoked; or


    (b)        Is required to serve a suspension of longer than seven (7) calendar days.





    6207.1             A cultivation center or dispensary shall allow any Department investigator, or member of the Metropolitan Police Department a full opportunity to investigate, inspect, and examine, at any time during business hours and other times of apparent activity:


    (a)        The premises, including restricted access areas, where medical marijuana is grown, cultivated, stored, displayed, dispensed or sold; and


    (b)        The books, records, and video recordings of the cultivation center or dispensary required to be maintained under the Act and this subtitle.


    6207.2             In those circumstances where a part of the registered premises consists of a locked area, upon demand to the registration holder, such area shall be made available for inspection without delay.


    6207.3             All books and records required to be maintained by the cultivation center or dispensary shall be maintained at the registered premises. 



    CHAPTER 99           DEFINITIONS


    9900                DEFINITIONS


    9900.1             When used in this subtitle, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed:

    – means the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative of 1999 (Act), effective, effective July 27, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-210; D.C. Official Code §§ 7-1671.01, et seq.(2011 Supp.)).


    Administer or Administration – means the direct introduction of medical marijuana, whether by inhalation, ingestion, or any other means, into the body of a person.


    ANC – means Advisory Neighborhood Commission.

    Bona fide physician-patient relationship- means a relationship between a physician and patient in which the physician:


    (a)        Has completed a full assessment of the patient’s medical history and                                   current medical condition, including a personal physical examination; and


    (b)        Has responsibility for the ongoing care and treatment of the patient.

    Business applicant – means a person who has made an application to register a cultivation center, dispensary, or medical marijuana certification provider permit and who has an application pending before the Department.


    Caregiver – means a person who:


    (a)        Is designated by a qualifying patient as the person authorized, on the qualifying patient’s behalf, to possess, obtain from a dispensary, dispense and assist in the administration of medical marijuana;


    (b)        Is registered with the Department as the qualifying patient’s caregiver;


    (c)        Is not currently serving as the caregiver for another qualifying patient; and


    (d)       Is at least eighteen (18) years of age.

    Civil Infractions Act- means Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Civil Infractions Act of 1985, effective October 5, 1985 (D.C. Law 6-42; D.C. Official Code §§ 2-1801.01, et seq. (2007 Repl. & 2011 Supp.))


    Controlled Substances Act – means the District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 1981, effective August 5, 1981 (D.C. Law 4-29; D.C. Official Code §§ 48-901.02, et seq. (2009 Repl. & 2011 Supp.)).


    Cultivation Center- means a facility operated by an organization or business registered with the Mayor pursuant to section 6 of the Act from or at which medical marijuana is cultivated, possessed, manufactured, and distributed in the form of medical marijuana, and paraphernalia is possessed and distributed to dispensaries.


    Day – means calendar day unless specifically stated otherwise.


    DCRA – means the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs


    Department – means the Department of Health.


    Director- means the Director of the Department of Health or his or her designee or designees.


    Dispensary- means a facility operated by an organization or business registered with the Mayor pursuant to section 6 of the Act from or at which medical marijuana is possessed and dispensed and paraphernalia is possessed and distributed to a qualifying patient or a caregiver.


    Dispense – means to distribute medical marijuana to a qualifying patient or caregiver pursuant to the Act and the rules issued pursuant to section 14 of the Act.


    Distribute – means the actual, constructive, or attempted transfer from one person to another.


    Drug-related offense- means any conviction occurring in the District of Columbia, or in any State or Territory for the possession, use, sale, transfer, manufacture, or distribution of a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia.


    Federal Poverty Level- means the income level, which varies by household size, under which families in the continental United States are formally considered to be in poverty. The Secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services publishes a revised poverty level each year in the Federal Register.


    Individual Applicant – means an individual who has made an application for a manager’s registration or for registration as a director, officer, member, incorporator, agent, or employee and who has an application pending before the Department.

    Letter of information – means a written request from the Department for further factual information in response to a request for an advisory opinion.

    Location – means a particular parcel of land that is defined by an address or other descriptive means.


    Manager – means an individual who has obtained a manager’s registration from the Department and who is designated by the cultivation center or dispensary to manage the registered premises in the absence of a registered owner.


    Manufacture – means the production, preparation, propagation, compounding, conversion, or processing of marijuana, either directly or indirectly by extraction from substances of natural origin, or independently by means of chemical synthesis, or by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis, and includes any packaging or repackaging of the substance or labeling or re-labeling of its container.


    Marijuana- shall have the same meaning as provided in section 102(3)(A) of the Controlled Substances Act.


    Medical Marijuana- means marijuana cultivated, manufactured, possessed, distributed, dispensed, obtained, or administered in accordance with the Act and  the rules issued pursuant to section 14 of the Act.


    Minor- means any person under eighteen (18) years of age, but does not include an emancipated minor.


    MPD – means the Metropolitan Police Department.


    OAG – means the Office of the Attorney General.


    OAH-  means the Office of Administrative Hearings.

    OTR – means the Office of Tax and Revenue.

    Panel- means the six (6) member, composite board appointed by the Mayor

    responsible for evaluating, rating and scoring applications for cultivation center and dispensary registrations.


    Paraphernalia – means:


    (a)        Objects used, intended for use, or designated for use in preparing, storing, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing medical marijuana into the human body; and


    (b)        Kits, objects, devices, or equipment used, intended for use, or designated for use in planting, propagating, manufacturing, cultivation, growing, harvesting, processing, or preparing medical marijuana.


    Person – means a natural person, partnership, association, company, corporation, limited liability company, or organization, or a manager, agent, owner, director, officer, or employee thereof.


    Physician – means an individual who is licensed and in good standing to practice medicine or osteopathy under District law.


    Placards – means a written notices posted at an establishment for the purpose of notifying the public of action involving a registration application for either a cultivation center or dispensary.


    Premises – means a distinct and definite location, which may include a building, a part of a building, a room, or any other definite contiguous area.


    Program- means the medical marijuana program established by section 6 of the Act.


    Qualifying medical condition-means:


    (a)        Human immunodeficiency virus;


    (b)        Acquired immune deficiency syndrome;


    (c)        Glaucoma;


    (d)       Conditions characterized by severe and persistent muscle spasm, such as multiple sclerosis;


    (e)        Cancer; or


    (f)        Any other condition, as determined by rulemaking, that is:


    (1)        Chronic or long lasting;


    (2)        Debilitating or interferes with the basic functions of life; and


    (3)        A serious medical condition for which the use of medical     marijuana is beneficial:


    (A)       That cannot be effectively treated by any ordinary medical or surgical measure; or


    (B)       For which there is scientific evidence that the use of             medical marijuana is likely to be significantly less addictive   than the ordinary medical treatment for that condition.


    Qualifying medical treatment- means:


    (a)        Chemotherapy;


    (b)        The use of azidothymidine or protease inhibitors;


    (c)        Radiotherapy; or


    (d)       Any other treatment, as determined by rulemaking, whose side effects require treatment through the administration of medical marijuana in the same manner as a qualifying medical condition.


    Qualifying patient – means a resident of the District who has a qualifying medical condition or is undergoing a qualifying medical treatment.


    Registration period – means the period of time between the authorized beginning and expiration dates for each registration.


    Residence- means a dwelling or dwelling unit in which a person lives in a particular locality with the intent to make it a fixed and permanent home.

    Useable medical marijuana – means the dried leaves and flowers of the marijuana plant, and any mixture of preparation thereof, and does not include seeds, stems, stalks or roots of the plant.