5481972 Zoning Commission - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Case No. 08-06, Comprehensive Zoning Rewrite: General Parking, Bicycle Parking, and Loading Regulations
Z.C. Case No 08-06
(Comprehensive Zoning Regulations Rewrite: Chapters B-15, General Parking Regulations; B-16, Bicycle Parking Regulations; & B-17, Loading Regulations)
The Zoning Commission for the District of Columbia (the “Commission”), pursuant to its authority under § 1 of the Zoning Act of June 20, 1938 (52 Stat. 797; D.C. Official Code § 6-641.01), hereby gives notice of its intent to amend Title 11 if the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations. If adopted, the amendments will change the Zoning Regulations in relation to the regulation of motor vehicle parking, bicycle parking, and loading. The proposed parking chapter provides general rules for the provision of parking spaces. This includes the creation of new rules for parking maximums and requirements for car share spaces. Since the number of minimum parking spaces required will vary by zone, the actual numbers of required spaces will be located in the zone subtitles. The loading and bicycle parking chapters contain both general requirements and a table of the number of spaces required since requirements will not vary by zone.
More detailed information, discussion, and analysis for the proposed text can be found in the accompanying report prepared by OP. This document can be viewed by clicking on “Parking, Bicycle Parking, and Loading report” at www.dczoningupdate.org/documentcenter.asp.
These new chapters would be part of a revised Title 11. The Commission has already approved a codification format that would divide the revised Title 11 into ten (10) subtitles. A description of this codification can be found at www.dczoningupdate.org/codereorganization.asp. The proposed chapters that are the subject of this notice would be included within a new Subtitle B entitled “General Regulations.”
The public should assume that the text advertised in this notice will only apply to buildings constructed pursuant to building permits issued after the effective date of the revised Title 11.
Italicized terms will be defined. The bracketed citations are to provisions contained in the current Title 11. The provision will be re-codified and, in all likelihood rephrased in the revised Title 11.
Final rulemaking action shall be taken in not less than thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the D.C. Register. The immediate result of such a final action would be the issuance of a final order that states the approved text. However, the Commission is not likely to simultaneously authorize the issuance of a notice of final rulemaking. Rather the Commission will likely wait until it has reviewed all portions of the ten (10) subtitles and issued final orders for all approved text. At that point the Office of Planning, the Office of the Attorney General, and the Office of Zoning will make any editorial changes needed to achieve consistency within the approved text and then present a final consolidated version to the Commission. The Commission will then decide whether to authorize the publication of a notice of final rulemaking that will make the revised Title 11 effective, subject to whatever transitional measures the Commission may adopt.
The following new Chapter 15, GENERAL PARKING REGULATIONS, is proposed to be included within a proposed Subtitle B, GENERAL REGULATIONS, of a revised Title 11 DCMR
Chapter 15 General parking regulations
1500 Introduction to General Parking Chapter
1501 Relationship to Land Use Subtitles
1502 Minimum Parking Requirements
1503 Maximum Parking Requirements
1504 Car-share Parking Space Requirements
1505 Rules of Calculation
1506 Location Restrictions
1507 Access Requirements
1508 Size and Layout Requirements
1509 Maintenance Requirements
1510 Landscaping, Screening, and Lighting Requirements for Parking
1511 Drive-through Queuing Lanes
1512 Exceptions from Parking Requirements
1513 Special Exceptions from Parking Requirements
1500.1 This chapter provides general parking regulations for motor vehicles that apply regardless of zone.
1500.2 The purpose of this chapter is to:
(a) Ensure an adequate supply of off-street parking;
(b) Prevent an over-supply of off-street parking that would contribute to traffic congestion and the inefficient use of land;
(c) Ensure that parking areas are located, accessed, and designed to minimize negative impacts on adjacent property, urban design, the pedestrian environment, and public spaces;
(d) Ensure that parking areas are safe and accessible; and
(e) Ensure that parking areas are planted and landscaped to be compatible with their surroundings, and to reduce environmental impacts.
1500.3 Any building permit application for new construction or addition to an existing building shall be accompanied by a detailed parking plan demonstrating full compliance with this Title.
1500.4 The Zoning Administrator may, at his discretion, request DDOT review and make a recommendation regarding any item on the parking plan prior to approving the building permit application.
1500.5 No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless the parking spaces have been constructed in accordance with the approved parking plans.
1501 Relationship to land Use Subtitles
1501.1 The parking regulations of this chapter apply to all zones in all land use subtitles. Each land use subtitle also includes a Parking Regulations chapter, containing parking regulations specific to that subtitle.
1501.2 Parking Regulations chapters in land use subtitles may include:
(a) Parking standards tables, with minimum and maximum parking requirements for each use category in each land use subtitle regardless of permission; and
(b) Regulations for parking specific to that land use subtitle, including location and access requirements and permission to provide car-share spaces.
1501.3 Additional use-related conditions that impose additional parking requirements may be located in the use permissions chapters of the land use subtitles.
1501.4 Commercial Parking, as defined in B § 206.9, is regulated as a use in each land use subtitle and also subject to the regulations of this chapter and the parking chapter in each land use subtitle.
1502 Minimum Parking Requirements
1502.1 The minimum parking requirements set forth in the land use subtitles of this Title shall be met when a new building is constructed.
1502.2 An addition to an existing building, or the expansion of a use within a building, triggers additional parking requirements only when the gross floor area of the building or use is expanded or enlarged by twenty-five percent (25%) or more beyond the gross floor area on [effective date of amendment], or in the case of a new building, the gross floor area used to calculate the initial parking requirement. The additional minimum parking required shall be calculated based upon the entire gross floor area added. A different rule applies to historic resources and is stated in § 1502.3.
1502.3 Additions to historic resources shall be required to provide additional parking spaces only for the addition’s gross floor area and only where:
(a) The addition results in at least a fifty percent (50%) increase in gross floor area beyond the gross floor area existing on [effective date of amendment]; and
(b) The resulting requirement is at least four (4) parking spaces.
1502.4 Special exception relief from additional parking requirements for historic resources is provided for in § 1513.5.
1502.5 Any expansion, regardless of size, of a use that operates outside of a building shall conform to the applicable parking standards.
1502.6 When a property changes or adds a use category, the following shall apply:
(a) Additional parking spaces shall be required only when the minimum number of parking spaces required for the new use category exceeds the number of spaces required for the prior use category that occupied the same gross floor area;
(b) When determining the required number of additional required parking spaces, it shall be assumed that the previous use provided the minimum number of spaces required; and
(c) Historic resources shall not be required to provide additional parking spaces for a change in use without expansion.
1502.7 If the minimum parking requirement for a use exceeds the maximum parking limits of § 1503, the maximum parking limits shall be used.
1502.8 Uses governed by a campus plan are subject to the minimum parking requirement approved by the Zoning Commission and are not subject to the parking requirements otherwise applicable.
1502.9 When there is more than one (1) use on a lot, the number of parking spaces provided must equal the total required for all uses. If a single use falls into more than one (1) use category for which different parking minimums apply, the standard that requires the greater number of parking spaces shall apply.
1502.10 When two (2) or more uses are located on a single lot or in a single building and the applicable parking standard for such uses exempts an initial floor area (for example, the first three thousand square feet (3,000 sq. ft.) of gross floor area), only one (1) exempt floor area may be deducted from the total combined parking requirements for the uses and the exempt floor area shall be pro-rated among uses.
1502.11 Required parking spaces may be shared among more than one (1) use, whether the uses are on the same lot or on separate lots. Required parking spaces that are shared among more than one (1) use shall be subject to the conditions of § 1502.13 (b) through (d).
1502.12 Required parking spaces shall be located either:
(a) On the same lot as the use or structure they are meant to serve; or
(b) On another lot, if any portion of that lot is within four hundred feet (400 ft.) of the use or structure that the parking spaces serve, as measured from the nearest lot line.
1502.13 Required parking spaces provided in accordance with § 1502.11(b) shall be s subject to the following conditions:
(a) The spaces shall not serve as required parking for any other use during the days and times each use they serve is in operation;
(b) Unless under common ownership, a written agreement shall remain in effect between the owner of the parking area and the owner of the use for which the parking spaces are required (the “use”), and shall include the obligation set forth in § 1502.13(a);
(c) The original written agreement shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the use and any amendment or successor agreement must be filed no later than ten (10) days following execution by the parties; and
(d) The Zoning Administrator should maintain a file of all written agreements and amendments for the lot where the use is located and the lot providing the required parking spaces.
1502.14 Required parking spaces may be used as Commercial Parking when it is permitted as a use category.
1502.15 The number of required parking spaces shall not be reduced below the minimum required as long as the use that generated that requirement remains in existence.
1502.16 Car-share parking spaces may be counted toward fulfillment of a minimum parking requirement.
1503 Maximum Parking requirements
1503.1 The following maximums apply to all newly constructed or expanded parking areas, or parking areas expanded in number of parking spaces or land area by twenty-five percent (25%) or more, in zones within subtitles D, E, G, and J; in addition to any parking maximums specified in the land use subtitles:
(a) No above-grade parking area shall be built or expanded to exceed one hundred thousand square feet (100,000 sq. ft.) in land area;
(b) No parking area shall be built or expanded to have more than [Reserved for parking numbers] parking spaces; and
(c) No parking area associated with a use or uses shall be built or expanded to have [Reserved for parking numbers].
1503.2 The following maximums apply to all newly constructed or expanded parking areas, or parking areas expanded in number of parking spaces or land area by twenty-five percent (25%) or more, in zones within subtitles F, H, and I; in addition to any parking maximums specified in the land use subtitles:
(a) No above-grade parking area shall be built or expanded to exceed one hundred thousand square feet (100,000 sq. ft.) in land area;
(b) No parking area shall be built or expanded to have more than [Reserved for parking numbers] parking spaces; and
(c) No parking area associated with a use or uses shall be built or expanded to have [Reserved for parking numbers].
1503.3 Special exception relief from the parking maximum standards is provided for in § 1513.6.
1504 car-sharE parking space requirements
1504.1 The intent of this section is to support car-sharing as an alternative to individual automobile ownership, thereby reducing traffic congestion and the inefficient use of land for excessive parking, and to create a publicly accessible record of car-share locations. Any new parking area with fifty (50) or more parking spaces, whether required or not, shall include car-share spaces as follows:
Number of parking spaces to be built
Number of car-share spaces required
50 to 149
No less than 1
150 to 249
No less than 2
250 or more
No less than 3, plus 1 space for each additional 100 spaces.
1504.2 The required car-share spaces shall be made available to any car-share organization with a valid business license, for purposes of providing car-share services for its subscribers.
1504.3 The spaces shall be offered at no cost to any licensed car-share organization, unless there is more than one (1) request received for the space, in which case the owner may provide the space to the car share organization that offers the most advantageous terms.
1504.4 Required car-share spaces shall be accessible at all times to subscribers who may or may not be residents or employees of uses on the lot, except as provided in § 1504.5. Reasonable security measures, such as keyless entry devices, may be used.
1504.5 The owner of a building with tenants that are offices of the federal government or contractors with the federal government, and therefore have unusually high security needs, may be exempted from the requirements of § 1504.4 at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator. An owner requesting exemption from § 1504.4 shall provide the Zoning Administrator with an alternative accessibility plan that provides the maximum access to required car-share spaces consistent with the building’s security needs.
1504.6 The following information shall be provided to the Zoning Administrator and all car-sharing organizations with a valid business license by any property owner of a proposed parking area required to provide car-share spaces no later than ten (10) days after the issuance of a building permit:
(a) Written notice of the number and location of car-share spaces that will be available;
(b) A floor plan or site plan of the parking area clearly identifying the required car-share spaces;
(c) The square and lot number, address, property owner contact information; and
(d) Any other pertinent information as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
1504.7 The property owner may use required car-share spaces to provide general parking spaces, provided that no licensed car-sharing organization provides the property owner with written notice of intent to use the car-share spaces.
1504.8 No later than ninety (90) days after receipt of written notice from a licensed car-sharing organization, the property owner shall terminate any non car-sharing leases for such spaces and shall make those spaces available to the car-share organization.
1504.9 If a required car-share space claimed by a car-share organization is not used for car-sharing services for a period of more than thirty (30) days, the car-share organization’s claims to that space shall be void, and may not be reclaimed by the same organization for at least one (1) year. Any such parking space may be claimed by a different car-share organization or used by the owner as general parking pursuant to § 1504.8.
1504.10 The Zoning Administrator should maintain an online and publicly-accessible file of all projects approved with required car-share parking spaces containing the information required by § 1504.
1505 rules of calculation
1505.1 All parking standards shall be calculated on the basis of gross floor area, except for Residential uses, for which minimum parking standards shall be calculated based on the number of dwelling units.
1505.2 For purposes of calculating off-street parking requirements, gross floor area shall not include floor area devoted to off-street parking or loading facilities, including aisles, ramps, and maneuvering space.
1505.3 Calculations of parking spaces that result in a fractional number of one-half (0.5) or more shall be rounded up to the next consecutive whole number. Any fractional result of less than one-half (0.5) shall be rounded down to the previous consecutive whole number.
1506 location restrictions
1506.1 The intent of this section is to prevent negative impacts on neighboring property from excessive parking, prevent conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians, respect the pedestrian environment, foster good urban design, and provide space for active uses to line parking structures.
1506.2 Parking spaces shall not be located between a front setback line or building restriction line and a street lot line.
1506.3 Parking spaces shall not be located between a street lot line and the more restrictive of either a building façade or a line extending from and parallel to a building façade, except in a PDR zone. A building used solely as a parking attendant shelter shall not trigger this restriction.
Illustration of differences between restrictions in § 1506.2 and §1506.3
Illustration of § 1506.3 applied on an interior lot and a corner lot
1506.4 Parking spaces provided within a structure shall be located at least twenty feet (20 ft.) from all lot lines that abut public streets, unless the surface of the parking spaces is at least ten feet (10 ft.) below grade, at all points along the building frontage.
§ 1506.4 applied on interior lot
§ 1506.4 applied on corner lot
1507 Access requirements
1507.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that driveways and entrances to parking areas provide safe access and do not degrade the pedestrian environment. This section is not intended to regulate curb cuts in public space, which are separately regulated by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and are subject to separate public space considerations.
1507.2 Approval of a driveway under this Title shall not be interpreted to imply permission for a curb cut in public space. An applicant for a driveway with a curb cut in public space shall have the responsibility to obtain all other necessary approvals and permissions.
1507.3 All parking spaces, driveways, and entrances that provide access to parking areas, shall conform to the requirements of this section.
1507.4 All parking spaces, other than those discussed in § 1507.5, shall be accessible at all times from a driveway accessing either:
(a) An improved street, subject to the limitation of § 1507.6; or
(b) An improved alley or alley system with a minimum width of ten feet (10 ft.).
1507.5 Parking spaces provided within a mechanized parking system need not meet the accessibility requirement of § 1507.4 as long as the mechanized parking system does.
1507.6 A driveway opening on a street shall be:
(a) At least sixty feet (60 ft.) from a street intersection as measured from the intersection of the extended curb lines;
(b) At least thirty-two feet (32 ft.) from another driveway opening; and
(c) At least thirty-six feet (36 ft.) from an alley opening on the same street.
§ 1507.6
1507.7 A driveway providing access to parking spaces serving a dwelling with three (3) or fewer residential units, or that serves only one (1) parking space for any use, shall be at least eight feet (8 ft.) wide; and not more than ten feet (10 ft.) wide. These width requirements apply within twenty feet (20 ft.) of all street lot lines.
1507.8 Within twenty feet (20 ft.) of all street lot lines, a driveway other than as described in § 1507.7 shall be:
(a) At least twelve feet (12 ft.) wide for one-way traffic or twenty feet (20 ft.) wide for two-way traffic; and
(b) Not more than twenty-four feet (24 ft.) wide.
1507.9 When parking spaces are provided within a building or structure, all vehicular entrances or exits shall be set back at least twelve feet (12 ft.) from the center line of any adjacent alley.
§ 1507.9
1507.10 Adjacent lots may provide access to parking spaces on each lot from a single driveway. The width of the driveway shall not exceed seven feet (7 ft.) on each lot.
1507.11 A driveway that provides access to parking spaces shall:
(a) Have a maximum grade of twelve percent (12%) with a vertical transition at the property line; and
(b) Be constructed with an all-weather surface that may be permeable.
1508 size and layout requirements
1508.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that parking spaces are adequately sized to allow safe and convenient access, to allow mechanized parking, and to allow flexibility to meet parking needs for smaller motor vehicles.
1508.2 Except as provided in § 1508.3 and § 1512, all parking spaces and parking aisles shall conform to the dimension requirements of this section.
1508.3 Mechanized parking systems are exempted from the requirements of this section.
1508.4 At least fifty percent (50%) of the parking spaces in any parking area must meet the minimum full-sized parking space standards, except as provided in § 1508.5. All other spaces must meet the minimum compact parking space standards in § 1508.7.
1508.5 Parking spaces provided on the same lot as a historic resource shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of § 1508.7.
1508.6 The minimum dimensions for full-sized parking spaces and aisles are:
Depth of Stalls
To Aisle (Feet)
Drive Aisle
Drive Aisle
§ 1508.6
1508.7 The minimum dimensions for compact parking spaces and aisles are:
Depth of Stalls
To Aisle (Feet)
§ 1508.7
1508.8 All parking spaces and access ways to and from spaces shall have a minimum vertical clearance of six feet, six inches (6 ft., 6 in.).
1508.9 Above grade parking areas shall be designed so that no vehicle shall project over any lot line, front setback line, or building restriction line.
1508.10 Except on a lot that only has one (1) or two (2) dwelling units, wheel bumper guards, curbs, guard rails, or screening shall be installed between the property line and the perimeter of the parking area.
1508.11 Except on a lot that only has one (1) or two (2) dwelling units, all parking areas and spaces shall be designed and operated so that sufficient access and maneuvering space is available to permit the parking and removal of any vehicle without moving any other vehicle onto public space.
1509 Maintenance requirements
1509.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that parking spaces are constructed durably, that they are maintained over time, and that they do not create health or safety problems.
1509.2 All parking areas, including access aisles, driveways, and ramp areas, shall be surfaced and maintained with an all-weather surface. In addition to traditional impervious surfaces, allowable all-weather surfaces include porous (or pervious) concrete, porous asphalt, and mechanically-reinforced grass. Gravel and grass that is not mechanically reinforced are not allowed as surface materials required under this subsection. Areas for landscaping and tree planting are exempt from this requirement.
1509.3 All parking spaces shall be clearly striped according to the dimensions specified in § 1508. Durable all-weather materials shall be used for striping. Striping shall be maintained for as long as the parking spaces are in use.
1509.4 A parking area serving a use in the Retail or Food and Alcohol Services use category shall provide at least one (1) litter receptacle within the parking area.
1510 Landscaping, screening, and Lighting requirements for parking
1510.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that parking areas are compatible with their surroundings, and to reduce environmental impacts.
1510.2 Surface parking areas with ten (10) or more parking spaces shall conform to the landscaping, tree canopy cover, screening, and lighting requirements of this section.
1510.3 Landscaped area planted with trees and shrubs shall cover a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total area devoted to parking, including aisles and driveways.
1510.4 The landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition. Dead or dying landscaping shall be replaced.
1510.5 All end islands of parking rows and all areas otherwise not used for ingress and egress, aisles, and parking spaces shall be landscaped.
1510.6 Landscaping around the perimeter of the parking area may count toward the area requirement of § 1510.3 up to a distance of six feet (6 ft.) from the pavement.
1510.7 The parking area shall be provided with the equivalent of one (1) canopy tree per five (5) parking spaces subject to the following requirements:
(a) Trees of the species listed in Appendix X – “Suggested List of Tree Species for Parking Lot Canopy Requirements” shall be planted with the following conditions:
(1) For every tree planted from a list of small species in [Appendix X], a tree from a list of large species in [Appendix X], or a substitute approved by the Urban Forestry Administration (UFA), shall be planted;
(2) Species not on the list in Appendix X may be planted if determined by the UFA to be equivalent to species from the list; and
(3) The Zoning Administrator may accept any written communication from the UFA as approval of a tree species;
(b) Trees may be planted in areas that are included in the landscaped areas required by § 1510.3;
(c) All newly planted trees shall have a minimum diameter of two and one-half inches (2.5 in.);
(d) New trees or existing trees that are retained shall count toward the tree requirement based on the following table:
Within perimeter of paved parking area
Outside perimeter of paved parking area and within 10 ft. of pavement edge
2.5 - 6 in. diameter
6.1-10 in. diameter
More than 10 in. diameter
(e) All trees shall be planted or retained in a space that provides a minimum of five hundred (500) cubic feet of soil volume per tree;
(f) Dead or dying trees shall be replaced;
(g) Trees shall be planted a minimum of four feet (4 ft.) from any protective barrier, such as curbs or wheel stops; and
(h) When tree planting areas are located adjacent to vehicle overhangs, trees shall be planted within one (1) foot of lines extending from the stripes between parking spaces.
1510.8 A surface parking area shall have screening around its entire perimeter, subject to the standards of § 1510.9 and § 1510.10, when the parking area is either:
(a) Within a zone other than a PDR zone; or
(b) In a PDR zone and abutting property in a zone in Subtitle D (Residential House).
1510.9 The screening required by § 1510.8 shall be either:
(a) A solid brick or stone wall at least twelve inches (12 in.) thick and forty-two inches (42 in.) high; or
(b) Evergreen hedges or evergreen growing trees that are thickly planted and maintained, and that are at least forty-two inches (42 in.) in height when planted.
1510.10 Gaps in the screening are allowed only to provide driveways and pedestrian exits or entrances that open directly onto a street. No individual gap may exceed twenty-four feet (24 ft.) in width.
1510.11 Any lighting used to illuminate a parking area or its accessory buildings shall be arranged so that all direct light rays are confined to the surface of the parking area.
1511 Drive-through queuing lanes
1511.1 The intent of this section is to prevent negative visual impacts or encroachments on the use of public space.
1511.2 A driveway serving as a motor vehicle queuing lane shall conform to the standards in this section.
1511.3 The queuing lane shall provide a minimum of five (5) queuing spaces before the first service location and one (1) queuing space after the last service location before entering public space.
1511.4 No queuing space may be located within twenty feet (20 ft.) of any street lot line.
1511.5 Each queuing space shall be a minimum of ten feet (10 ft.) in width by nineteen feet (19 ft.) in length and shall constitute an exclusive queuing lane.
Possible configurations complying with §1511.3, §1511.4, and §1511.5
1511.6 The queuing lane shall not be the only entry or exit lane on the premises.
1511.7 Any lighting used to illuminate the queuing lane shall be so arranged that all direct light rays are confined to the surface of the queuing lane.
1512 exceptions from parking Requirements
1512.1 The intent of this section is to allow exceptions from parking requirements under certain conditions, such as when attendant parking is provided.
1512.2 In a Mixed-Use or Downtown zone, the Zoning Administrator shall waive the parking space dimensional, size, design, and striping requirements stated in §§ 1508.4, 1508.5, 1508.6, 1508.7, and 1509 for a parking area located within a building if:
(a) The area devoted to parking is at least twenty-thousand square feet (20,000 sq. ft.);
(b) A minimum of two hundred eighty-five square feet (285 ft.) of parking area will be provided for each parking space;
(c) Residential uses will occupy no more than twenty percent (20%) of the gross floor area of the building or structure;
(d) The parking area will be managed from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. by employed attendants who park the vehicles using the parking area; and
(e) No individual area where the lesser dimension is less than seven feet (7 ft.) or where the greater dimension is less than fourteen feet (14 ft.), exclusive of column obstructions, shall be used to park motor vehicles.
1512.3 The request for a waiver under § 1512.2 must be accompanied by:
(a) A parking plan on a medium acceptable to the Zoning Administrator that demonstrates how parking shall be provided if attendant parking is discontinued; and
(b) A certification by the building owner that the parking area will be operated in conformance with § 1512.4.
1512.4 A parking area granted a waiver pursuant to § 1512.2 shall be operated in conformance with the following conditions:
(a) A permanent sign shall be posted at each entrance in full view of the public that states: “Attendant assisted parking is required by the District of Columbia Zoning Regulations,” and that states the hours during which attendant parking is provided;
(b) The sign shall have a white background, with black lettering that is at least two inches (2 in.) in height;
(c) All parking areas and spaces provided under this subsection shall be designed and operated so that sufficient access and maneuvering space is available to permit the parking and removal of any vehicle without moving any other vehicle onto public space;
(d) Where aisles are provided, they shall meet the design requirements stipulated in §§ 1509.6 and 1509.7; and
(e) If attendant parking discontinued, the parking spaces shall thereafter conform to §§ 1508.4, 1508.5, 1508.6, 1508.7, and 1509 and the parking area shall be operated in conformance with the parking plan required by § 1512.3(a). The purpose of the parking plan is to demonstrate that all unattended parking spaces will meet the size and layout requirements of these subsections, and that any minimum parking requirement will be met.
1513 special exceptions from parking Requirements
1513.1 This section provides flexibility from parking requirements when providing the number of parking spaces required is impractical or contrary to other District regulations, or when it is unnecessary due to a lack of demand for parking, lack of space, or proximity to transit.
1513.2 The Office of Zoning shall refer any application filed for a special exception established by this section to the Office of Planning and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) for review and report.
1513.3 The Board may grant a full or partial reduction in the minimum parking required for a use, subject to the general special exception requirements of [§ 3104], the limitations of § 1513.4, and the applicant’s demonstration of any of the following:
(a) It is physically unable to provide the required parking spaces on the lot or within four hundred feet (400 ft.) or a combination of the two;
(b) The use or structure is within one-quarter (1/4) mile of a Metrorail station entrance, a streetcar line currently in operation, or a high-frequency bus corridor; or
(c) The use or structure will generate demand for less parking than the minimum parking standards require, as a result of either:
(1) The nature of the use or structure; or
(2) A transportation demand management plan approved by DDOT, the implementation of which shall be a condition of the Board’s approval.
1513.4 A reduction in parking granted under § 1513.3(a) shall only be for the amount that the applicant is physically unable to provide, and a reduction in parking granted under § 1513.3(c) shall be proportionate to the reduction in parking demand demonstrated by the applicant.
1513.5 The Board may grant, by special exception, a full or partial reduction of the minimum parking required for a use or structure if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the applicant demonstrates that:
(a) The only means by which a motor vehicle could access the lot is from an improved public street; and
(b) A curb cut permit for the property has been denied by DDOT; or
(c) Any driveway that could access an improved public street from the property would violate any regulation in this chapter, in the parking provisions of any other subtitle in the Zoning Regulations, or in Chapters 6 or 11 of Title 24 DCMR.
1513.6 The Board may grant, by special exception, a full or partial reduction of the minimum parking required for an addition to a historic resource if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the applicant demonstrates that:
(a) As a result of the nature or location of the historic resource, providing the required parking would result in significant architectural or structural difficulty in maintaining the integrity and appearance of the historic resource; and
(b) At least one (1) of the following applies:
(1) The use or structure is within one-quarter (1/4) mile of a Metrorail station entrance, a streetcar line currently in operation, or a high-frequency bus corridor; or
(2) The applicant agrees to implement a transportation demand management program approved by DDOT.
1513.7 The Board may grant, by special exception, an increase in the maximum number of parking spaces or maximum size of parking area allowed under § 1503.3 or the maximum parking standards of a land use subtitle if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the applicant demonstrates that a transportation demand management plan approved by DDOT will be implemented. The Board may impose as a condition of its approval of the special exception established by § 1513.6, requirements as to screening, landscaping, setbacks, fences, the location of entrances and exits, or any other requirement it deems necessary to protect adjacent or nearby property.
1513.8 The Board may grant, by special exception, a waiver from the driveway location requirements of § 1507.6 if, in addition to the general requirements of [§ 3104], the Board finds that it is impractical to locate the driveway following these requirements. In evaluating a special exception request under this subsection, the Board shall consider:
(a) Whether the lot has unusual topography, grades, shape, size, or dimensions; and
(b) The impact of driveway location on design, landscaping, safer ingress or egress, and traffic patterns.
1513.9 The Board may grant, by special exception, a modification or waiver of the screening requirements of §§ 1510.8 and 1510.9. In granting a modification or waiver, the Board shall find that the parking area meets the general requirements of [§ 3104], and shall consider:
(a) The adequacy of protective and screening walls located on adjacent property;
(b) Impacts on the pedestrian environment within adjacent streets, sidewalks, and other public areas; and
(c) Topographic and traffic conditions.
The Board may require any special treatment of the premises that it deems necessary to prevent adverse impacts on neighboring properties or the general public.The following new Chapter 16, BICYCLE PARKING REGULATIONS, is proposed to be included within a proposed Subtitle B, GENERAL REGULATIONS, of a revised Title 11 DCMR.
Chapter 16 General bicycle parking regulations
1600 Introduction to General Bicycle Parking Chapter
1601 Relationship to Land Use Subtitles
1602 General Requirements
1603 Minimum Bicycle Parking Spaces
1604 Rules of Calculation
1605 Short-term Bicycle Parking Space Requirements
1606 Long-term Bicycle Parking Space Requirements
1607 Requirements for Changing Facilities
1608 Special Exceptions from Bicycle Parking Requirements
1600 Introduction to general Bicycle parking chapter
1600.1 This chapter provides general parking regulations for bicycles that apply regardless of zone.
1600.2 The purpose of this chapter is to:
(a) Ensure an adequate supply of bicycle parking;
(b) Ensure that bicycle parking facilities are located and designed to maximize convenience and to minimize negative impacts on adjacent property, urban design, the pedestrian environment, and public spaces; and
(c) Ensure that bicycle parking areas are safe and accessible.
1600.3 Any building permit application for new construction or addition to an existing building shall be accompanied by a bicycle parking plan, which shall be depicted on detailed site plans and building plans and demonstrate full compliance with this chapter.
1600.4 The Zoning Administrator may at his discretion, request that DDOT review and make a recommendation regarding any item on the bicycle parking plan prior to approving the building permit application.
1600.5 No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless the bicycle parking spaces have been constructed in accordance with the approved bicycle parking plan.
1601 Relationship to land Use Subtitles
1601.1 The general bicycle parking regulations of this chapter apply to all land use subtitles.
1601.2 Additional use-related conditions that impose additional bicycle parking requirements may be located in the use permissions chapters of the land use subtitles.
1602 general requirements
1602.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that bicycle parking spaces are usable and accessible.
1602.2 When bicycle parking spaces are required, signs shall be posted in a prominent place at each entrance to the building or structure stating where bicycle parking spaces are located.
1602.3 A property owner shall provide and maintain all required bicycle parking spaces so long as the structure that the bicycle parking spaces are designed to serve exists. Maintenance of required bicycle parking spaces shall include keeping all racks and spaces clear of snow, ice, and any other obstructions.
1602.4 Where required bicycle parking is provided as racks, the racks must meet the following standards:
(a) The bicycle frame and one wheel can be locked to the rack with a high security U-shaped shackle lock if neither wheel is removed from the bicycle;
(b) A bicycle six feet (6 ft.) long can be securely held with its frame supported in at least two (2) places so that it cannot be pushed over or fall in a manner that would damage the wheels or components;
(c) Racks shall be placed apart from one another, and any other obstructions, a minimum of thirty inches (30 in.), and provide a minimum clearance width of twelve inches (12 in.) for each bicycle; and
(d) The rack shall be securely anchored.
1602.5 Each required bicycle parking space shall be accessible without moving another bicycle.
1603 Minimum bicycle parking spaces
1603.1 All residential uses with ten (10) or more dwelling units and non-residential uses with four thousand square feet (4,000 sq. ft.) or more of gross floor area shall provide bicycle parking spaces according the rules of this chapter and the following table:
Long-Term Spaces
Short-Term Spaces
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 40,000 sq. ft.
2 spaces
Animal Sales, Care and Boarding
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
Arts Design and Creation
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 20,000 sq. ft.
Basic Utilities
1 space for each 20,000 ft.2
1 space for each 5,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 40,000 sq. ft.
Commercial Parking
Community-Based Institutional Facility
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
Daytime Care
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 7,500 sq. ft.
1 space for each 2,000 sq. ft.
Emergency Shelter
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
Entertainment, Assembly, and Performing Arts
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
Firearm Sales
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft. but no less than 2 spaces.
1 space for each 3,500 sq. ft.
Food and Alcohol Services
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 3,500 sq. ft.
Health Care
1 space for each 10,000 ft.2
1 space for each 40,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 7,500 sq. ft.
1 space for each 2,500 sq. ft. but no less than 8 spaces
Local Government
1 for each 7,500 sq. ft.
1 space for each 40,000 sq. ft. but no less than 6 spaces
1 space for each 3,500 ft.2
Motor Vehicle-related
1 space for each 20,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 for each 2,500 sq. ft.
1 space for each 40,000 sq. ft.
Parks and Recreation
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft. but no less than 6 spaces
Production, Distribution, & Repair
1 space for each 20,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each dwelling unit
1 space for each 20 dwelling units
1 for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 3,500 sq. ft.
1 for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 3,500 sq. ft.
Sexually-based Business Establishment
1 for each 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft.
Transportation Infrastructure
Waste-related Services
1 space for each 20,000 ft.2.
1603.2 Notwithstanding § 1603.1, no property shall be required to provide more than one hundred (100) short-term bicycle parking spaces. All properties with a long-term bicycle parking requirement shall provide at least two (2) long-term spaces, and all properties with a short-term requirement shall provide at least two (2) short-term spaces.
1603.3 The bicycle parking standards of this chapter apply to all newly constructed buildings.
1603.4 When a property changes use categories or adds a use category, the property shall add any bicycle parking spaces necessary to meet the requirements for the new use. However, historic resources shall not be required to provide additional bicycle parking spaces for a change in use when the gross floor area of the building is not expanded.
1603.5 An addition to an existing building, or the expansion of a use within a building, triggers additional bicycle parking requirements only when the gross floor area of the building or use is expanded or enlarged by twenty-five percent (25%) or more beyond the gross floor area on [enactment date of amendment], or in the case of a new building, the gross floor area used to calculate the initial parking requirement. The additional minimum parking required shall be calculated based upon the entire gross floor area added. A different rule applies to historic resources and is stated in § 1603.5.
1603.6 Additions to historic resources shall be required to provide additional bicycle parking spaces only for the addition’s gross floor area and only when the addition results in at least a fifty percent (50%) increase in gross floor area beyond the gross floor area existing on [enactment date of amendment].
1603.7 Special exception relief from additional parking requirements for historic resources is provided for in § 1608.4.
1603.8 Any expansion, regardless of size, of a use that operates outside of a building shall conform to applicable bicycle parking standards.
1603.9 Uses governed by a campus plan are subject to the bicycle parking requirements approved by the Zoning Commission and are not subject to the bicycle parking requirements otherwise applicable.
1603.10 When there is more than one (1) use on a lot, the number of bicycle parking spaces provided must equal the total required for all uses. If a single use falls into more than one (1) use category for which different bicycle parking minimums apply, the standard that requires the greater number of bicycle parking spaces shall apply.
1604 rules of calculation
1604.1 All bicycle parking standards shall be calculated on the basis of gross floor area, except for Residential uses, which base bicycle parking standards on the number of dwelling units.
1604.2 For purposes of calculating bicycle parking standards, gross floor area does not include floor area devoted to off-street parking or loading facilities, including aisles, ramps, and maneuvering space.
1604.3 Calculations of bicycle parking spaces that result in a fractional number of one half (0.5) or more shall be rounded up to the next consecutive whole number. Any fractional result of less than one half (0.5) shall be rounded down to the previous consecutive whole number.
1605 Short-term bicycle parking space requirements
1605.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that required short-term bicycle parking spaces will be conveniently located and safely accessed.
1605.2 Required short-term bicycle parking spaces shall be located either on the same lot as the use they are intended to serve or on public space within twenty feet (20 ft.) of the lot. A use providing short-term bicycle parking on adjacent public space must receive approval of a public space application under Title 24 DCMR.
1605.3 Required short-term bicycle parking spaces shall be located within fifty feet (50 ft.) of a primary entrance to the building they serve.
1605.4 Areas devoted to short-term bicycle parking on private property shall be surfaced and maintained with an all-weather surface conforming to the requirements of § 1509.2 in the General Parking Chapter.
1605.5 Required short-term bicycle parking spaces shall be provided as bicycle racks that meet the standards of § 1602.4.
1605.6 An aisle at least five feet (5 ft.) wide between rows of bicycle parking spaces and the perimeter of the area devoted to bicycle parking shall be provided. Aisles shall be kept clear of obstructions at all times. Where the bicycle parking is on or adjacent to a sidewalk, the aisle may extend into the right-of-way.
1605.7 Required short-term bicycle parking spaces shall be provided in a convenient, well-lit location that can be viewed from building the spaces are intended to serve. Required short-term bicycle parking spaces shall be available for shoppers, customers, commuters, messengers, and all other visitors to the site.
1606 Long-term bicycle parking space requirements
1606.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that required long-term bicycle parking spaces are provided for the use of building residents, tenants, and employees.
1606.2 All required long-term bicycle parking spaces shall be located within the building of the use requiring them.
1606.3 Required long-term bicycle parking spaces shall be located no lower than the first cellar level or the first complete parking level below grade, and no higher than the first above-grade level. Spaces shall be available to employees, residents, and other building occupants.
1606.4 Required long-term bicycle parking shall be provided as racks or lockers. Bicycle racks for required long-term parking shall be provided in a parking garage or a bicycle storage room.
1606.5 Where required long-term bicycle parking is provided in a garage, it shall be clearly marked and be separated from adjacent motor vehicle parking spaces by wheel stops or other physical automobile barrier.
1606.6 Where required long-term bicycle parking is provided in a bicycle room, the room shall have either solid walls or floor-to-ceiling fencing. The room shall have locked doors.
1606.7 For any bicycle room with solid walls, the entirety of the interior of the bicycle room shall be visible from the entry door. A motion-activated security light enclosed in a tamper-proof housing shall be provided in each bicycle room.
1606.8 Where required long-term bicycle parking is provided in lockers, the lockers shall be securely anchored and meet the following minimum dimensions:
(a) Twenty-four inches (24 in.) in width at the door end;
(b) Eight inches (8 in.) in width at the opposite end;
(c) Seventy-two inches (72 in.) in length; and
(d) Forty-eight inches (48 in.) in height.
1606.9 Each required long-term bicycle parking space
sshall be directly accessible by means of an aisle of a minimum width of forty-eight inches (48 in.) and have a minimum vertical clearance of seventy-five inches (75 in.). Aisles shall be kept clear of obstructions at all times.1606.10 A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the required long-term bicycle parking spaces shall allow the bicycles to be placed horizontally on the floor or ground. Vertical bicycle space racks shall support the bicycle without the bicycle being suspended.
1606.11 Each required long-term bicycle parking space shall be a minimum width of twenty-four inches (24 in.), and shall be:
(a) A minimum of seventy-two inches (72 in.) in length if the bicycles are to be placed horizontally; or
(b) A minimum of forty inches (40 in.) in length if the bicycles are to be placed vertically.
1607.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that long-term bicycle parking spaces are usable by the long-term occupants, especially employees, of non-residential uses.
1607.2 The requirements of this section shall apply to:
(a) Newly constructed buildings; and
(b) Buildings that expand in gross floor area by more than twenty-five percent (25%).
1607.3 A non-residential use that requires long-term bicycle parking spaces and that occupies more than twenty-five thousand square feet (25,000 sq. ft.) in gross floor area shall provide a minimum of two (2) showers. An additional two (2) showers shall be installed for every fifty thousand square feet (50,000 sq. ft.) of gross floor area above the first twenty-five thousand square feet (25,000 sq. ft.), up to a maximum requirement of six (6) showers.
1607.4 A non-residential use that requires long-term bicycle parking spaces and that occupies more than twenty-five thousand square feet (25,000 sq. ft.) in gross floor area shall provide a minimum number of clothing lockers equal to six tenths (0.6) times the minimum number of required long-term bicycle parking spaces. Each locker required by this subsection shall be a minimum of twelve inches (12 in.) wide, eighteen inches (18 in.) deep, and thirty-six inches (36 in.) high.
1607.5 Showers and lockers required by this section shall be accessible to employees and other long-term occupants of the use requiring them. Showers and lockers shall be located within the same building as the use requiring them.
1608 special exceptions from Bicycle parking Requirements
1608.1 This section provides flexibility from the requirements of this chapter when providing the number of bicycle parking spaces or showers and changing facilities required is impractical or contrary to other District regulations, or when it is unnecessary due to a lack of demand for bicycle parking.
1608.2 The Office of Zoning shall refer any application under this section to the Office of Planning (OP) and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) for review and report.
1608.3 The Board may grant, by special exception, a reduction in the minimum number of long-term bicycle parking spaces required for a use or structure, subject to the general requirements of [§ 3104], the limitations of § 1608.6, and the applicant’s demonstration of either of the following:
(a) All of the required bicycle parking spaces cannot physically be provided on the lot; or
(b) The use or structure will generate demand for less long-term bicycle parking than the minimum bicycle parking standards require, as a result of either:
(1) The nature of the use or structure; or
(2) A transportation demand management plan approved by DDOT, the implementation of which shall be a condition of the Board’s approval.
1608.4 The Board may grant, by special exception, a reduction in the minimum number of short-term bicycle parking spaces required for a use or structure if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the owner demonstrates that:
(a) All of the required bicycle parking spaces cannot physically be provided on the lot, and that it will be impossible to provide any required bicycle parking spaces on abutting public space;
(b) The neighborhood or area in which the use or structure is located will generate demand for less short-term bicycle parking than the minimum bicycle parking standards require; or
(c) A transportation demand management plan approved by DDOT, the implementation of which shall be a condition of the Board’s approval, will result in demand for less short-term bicycle parking than the minimum bicycle parking standards require.
1608.5 A reduction in parking granted under §§ 1608.3(a) or 1608.4(a) shall only be for the amount that the applicant is physically unable to provide, and a reduction in bicycle parking granted under §§ 1608.3(b), 1608.4(b), or 1608.4(c) shall be proportionate to the reduction in bicycle parking demand demonstrated by the applicant
1608.6 The Board may grant, by special exception, a reduction in the number of minimum bicycle parking spaces required for an addition to a historic resource if in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the applicant demonstrates that as a result of the nature or location of the historic resource, providing the required bicycle parking will result in significant architectural or structural difficulty in maintaining the historic integrity and appearance of the historic resource.
1608.7 The Board may grant, by special exception, modifications or waivers to the requirements for showers and changing facilities in §§ 1607.3, 1607.4, and 1607.5 if in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the applicant demonstrates that:
(a) The intent of § 1607 is met; and
(b) Either:
(1) The use will not generate the demand for the full number of showers and changing facilities required; or
(2) The property owner has an arrangement to make use of showers and changing facilities off-site, and that the showers and changing facilities will be reasonably available to long-term occupants of the use requiring the facilities.
The following new Chapter 17, LOADING REGULATIONS, is proposed to be included within a proposed Subtitle B, GENERAL REGULATIONS, of a revised Title 11 DCMR.
Chapter 17 general Loading regulations
1700 Introduction to General Loading Chapter
1701 Relationship to Land Use Subtitles
1702 Loading Requirements
1703 Rules of Measurement and Interpretation
1704 Location Restrictions
1705 Access Requirements
1706 Size and Layout Requirements
1707 Maintenance Requirements
1708 Trash Receptacles
1709 Screening and Lighting Requirements
1710 Special Exceptions from Loading Requirements
1700 introduction to general Loading Chapter
1700.1 This chapter provides general regulations for loading berths, loading platforms, and service and delivery loading spaces that apply regardless of zone.
1700.2 The purpose of this chapter is to:
(a) Ensure an adequate supply of off-street loading facilities;
(b) Prevent on-street loading that would contribute to traffic congestion;
(c) Ensure that loading facilities are located, accessed, and designed to minimize negative impacts on adjacent properties, urban design, the pedestrian environment, and public spaces;
(d) Ensure the loading facilities are safe and accessible; and
(e) Ensure that loading facilities are screened and kept free of any obstructions.
1700.3 Any building permit application for new construction or addition to an existing building shall be accompanied by a detailed loading plan demonstrating full compliance with this Title.
1700.4 The Zoning Administrator may at his discretion, request that DDOT review and make a recommendation regarding any item on the loading plan prior to approving the building permit application.
1700.5 No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless the loading facilities have been constructed in accordance with the approved loading plans.
1701 relationship to land use subtitles
1701.1 The loading regulations of this chapter apply to all land use subtitles.
1701.2 Additional use-related conditions may be located in the use permissions chapters of the land use subtitles.
1702 LOADING REquirements
1702.1 All buildings or structures shall be provided with loading berths and service/delivery spaces according to the regulations of this chapter and the following table:
Minimum Number of Loading Berths Required
Minimum Number of Service/Delivery Spaces Required
Animal Sales, Care and Boarding
5,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 20,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
Arts Design and Creation
5,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 20,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
Basic Utilities
20,000 to 50,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 50,000 to 200,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 200,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
Commercial Parking
Community-Based Institutional Facility
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
Daytime Care
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
Emergency Shelter
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
Entertainment, Assembly, and Performing Arts
50,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 100,000 to 500,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
More than 500,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Firearm Sales
5,000 to 20,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 20,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Food and Alcohol Services
5,000 to 20,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 20,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Government, Large-Scale
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Government, Local
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Health Care
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
10,000 to 50,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 50,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 to 500,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 500,000 sq. ft gross floor area
30,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Motor Vehicle-related
5,000 to 20,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 20,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
20,000 to 50,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 50,000 to 200,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 200,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Parks and Recreation
More than 30,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Production, Distribution, and Repair
5,000 to 25,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 25,000 sq. ft gross floor area
For each 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area more than 50,000 sq. ft
More than 50 dwelling units
5,000 to 20,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 20,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
5,000 to 20,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 20,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Sexually-oriented Business Est.
5,000 to 20,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 20,000 to 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area
Transportation Infrastructure
Waste-related Services
5,000 to 25,000 sq. ft gross floor area
More than 25,000 sq. ft gross floor area
For each 100,000 sq. ft gross floor area more than 50,000 sq. ft
1702.2 The loading requirements must be met when a new building or structure is constructed.
1702.3 No loading berths are required for buildings or structures with a gross floor area less than the minimum sizes specified in the schedule in § 1702.1.
1702.4 When a property changes use categories or adds a use category, the following shall apply:
(a) Additional loading berths and service spaces shall be required only when the minimum number of loading spaces required for the new use category exceeds the number of spaces required for the prior use category that occupied the same floor area;
(b) When determining the amount of additional required loading, it shall be assumed that the previous use provided the minimum number of spaces required; and
(c) Historic resources shall not be required to provide additional loading for a change in use without expansion.
1702.5 An addition to an existing building, or the expansion of a use within a building triggers additional loading requirements only when the gross floor area of the building or use is expanded or enlarged by twenty-five percent (25%) or more beyond the gross floor area on [enactment date of amendment], or in the case of a new building, the gross floor area used to calculate the initial parking requirement. The additional minimum loading berths and service/delivery spaces required shall be calculated based upon the entire gross floor area added. A different rule applies to historic resources and is stated in § 1702.7.
1702.6 Additions to historic resources shall be required to provide additional loading berths, loading platforms, and service/delivery spaces only for the addition’s gross floor area and only when the addition results in at least a fifty percent (50%) increase in gross floor area beyond the gross floor area existing on [enactment date of amendment].
1702.7 Each loading berth, whether required or not, shall be accompanied by one (1) adjacent loading platform that meets the requirements of § 1706.4.
1702.8 Where two (2) or more uses share a building or structure, the uses may share loading as long as internal access is provided from all shared uses requiring loading.
1703 Rules of Measurement and Interpretation
1703.1 The intent of this section is to provide rules of measurement and interpretation that will be used to meet loading requirements, standards, and conditions.
1703.2 When two (2) or more non-residential uses in the same use category share a building or structure, all of the uses in the same use category shall be added together to derive the total gross floor area, or other unit of measurement in the table in § 1702.1, to determine the required number of berths and spaces for that use category.
1703.3 When two (2) or more uses in different use categories share a building or structure, the building or structure is only required to provide enough berths and spaces to meet the requirement for the use category with the highest requirement, and not the combination of requirements for all use categories provided that all uses that require loading have access to the loading area.
1703.4 At least one (1) loading berth shall be provided when the sum of the gross floor area of the separate uses exceeds the minimum gross floor area requiring loading berths for any one of the separate uses.
1703.5 For purposes of calculating loading requirements for non-residential uses, gross floor area does not include floor area devoted to off-street parking or loading facilities, including aisles, ramps, and maneuvering space.
1704 location restrictions
1704.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that loading facilities:
(a) Are located conveniently to the uses they serve;
(b) Do not interfere with the functioning of other uses;
(c) Are compatible with their surroundings;
(d) Generally result in loading at rear entrances to buildings, rather than front entrances; and
(e) Do not create conflicts with the pedestrian environment or vehicular and bicycle traffic.
1704.2 Except as provided in this section, all loading berths and service/delivery loading spaces shall be located as follows:
(a) Within the building or structure the berths or spaces are designed to serve;
(b) Within the rear yard of the building they are intended to serve; or
(c) Within a side yard of the building they are intended to serve, provided that on a lot that is within or adjacent to a [Subtitle D, E, or F zone], the loading berths and service/delivery loading spaces shall be at least six feet (6 ft.) from any side lot line.
1704.3 Loading facilities in PDR zones are not subject to the requirements of § 1704.2.
1704.4 All loading platforms shall be located contiguous and with unobstructed access to the loading berth and shall have unobstructed access to an entrance to the building or structure.
1704.5 All uses in the building shall have direct access to required loading platforms or access through a common interior space or corridor.
1704.6 All loading berths shall be designed so that no vehicle or any part thereof shall project over any lot line, front setback line, or building restriction line.
1704.7 Required loading berths may be provided in facilities designed to serve jointly two (2) or more adjoining buildings or structures on lots that share a party wall or lot line or are separated only by an alley within a single square; provided:
(a) The number of berths in the joint facilities shall not be less than that required for the total combined requirement in § 1702.1; and
(b) A binding covenant that is acceptable to the Zoning Administrator, ensuring the joint use of the loading berths and entered into by all property owners concerned, shall be recorded in the land records of the District of Columbia for the affected properties. A certified true copy of the recorded covenant shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator. Joint use of the loading berths by all parties involved shall continue in effect so long as the binding agreement remains in force. If the agreement becomes legally ineffective or inoperable, the loading berths shall be provided as otherwise required by § 1702.1.
1705 Access requirements
1705.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that loading facilities are safe and accessible, and that driveways do not conflict with the pedestrian environment or with vehicular and bicycle traffic.
1705.2 All loading berths and service/delivery loading spaces shall be accessible at all times from a driveway meeting the requirements of B § 1507.3 and §§ 1507.5 through 1507.7.
1705.3 A driveway or access aisle leading to a loading berth or service/delivery loading space shall have a minimum width of twelve feet (12 ft.), a maximum width of twenty-four feet (24 ft.), and a maximum slope of twelve percent (12%).
1705.4 No driveway providing access to a loading berth or service/delivery loading space shall be located in such a way that a vehicle entering or exiting from the loading berth blocks any street intersection.
1705.5 A loading berth or service/delivery loading space shall be designed so that it is usable and accessible by the vehicles that it is intended to serve.
1706 size and layout requirements
1706.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that loading facilities are adequately sized and capable of performing their intended functions.
1706.2 All loading berths shall be a minimum of twelve feet (12 ft.) wide, have a minimum depth of thirty feet (30 ft.) and have a minimum vertical clearance of fourteen feet (14 ft.).
1706.3 All service/delivery loading spaces shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20 ft.) deep and ten feet (10 ft.) wide and have a minimum vertical clearance of ten feet (10 ft.).
1706.4 All loading berths shall be accompanied by one (1) adjacent loading platform that meets the following requirements:
(a) A loading berth that is less than fifty-five feet (55 ft.) deep shall have a platform that is at least one hundred square feet (100 sq. ft.) and at least eight feet (8 ft.) wide;
(b) A loading berth that is fifty-five feet (55 ft.) deep or greater shall have a platform that is at least two hundred square feet (200 sq. ft.) and at least twelve feet (12 ft.) wide;
(c) Loading platforms shall have a minimum vertical clearance of ten feet (10 ft.); and
(d) A loading platform floor shall consist of one (1) horizontal level.
1706.5 The dimensions specified in this section for service/delivery spaces and loading berths are exclusive of access aisles, maneuvering space, and loading platforms.
1707 Maintenance requirements
1707.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that facilities are maintained over time and are safe and clean.
1707.2 All loading berths and service/delivery spaces including access aisles, driveways, and maneuvering areas shall be surfaced and maintained with an all-weather surface.
1707.3 No other use shall be conducted from or upon the loading berth or service/delivery space or any portion thereof.
1707.4 Each service/delivery space shall be clearly marked “For Service and Delivery Vehicles Only” and used exclusively for such vehicles.
1707.5 All parts of the loading berth or service/delivery space including access aisles, driveways, and maneuvering areas shall be kept free of refuse, debris, and other obstructions of any kind.
1708 Trash Receptacles
1708.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that facilities for trash collection are provided and clearly shown on building plans.
1708.2 Buildings requiring loading must have at least one (1) trash room within the building and within or immediately adjacent to the loading area, or within an accessory building immediately adjacent to the loading area.
1708.3 All new development over two thousand square feet (2,000 sq. ft.) of gross floor area other than one- or two-family structures must clearly show the area for the building’s trash receptacles on the building plans.
1708.4 Trash receptacles external to a building shall be screened and or covered.
1709 screening and lighting requirements
1709.1 The intent of this section is to ensure that facilities are compatible with surroundings.
1709.2 When loading berths or service/delivery spaces are not enclosed within a building, the loading area shall have screening around its entire perimeter, subject to the standards of §§ 1709.4 and 1709.5, when the loading area is either:
(a) Within a zone other than a PDR zone; or
(b) In a PDR zone and abutting property in a zone in Subtitle D (Residential).
1709.3 Screening is not required if the loading area is in a rear yard and separated from all contiguous property by at least twenty-five feet (25 ft.).
1709.4 The screening required by § 1709.2 shall be a solid masonry wall at least twelve inches (12 in.) thick and seventy-two inches (72 in.) high. The wall shall harmonize with the main structure in architectural character, material, and color.
1709.5 Gaps in the screening are allowed only to provide driveways and pedestrian exits or entrances that open directly onto a street. No individual gap may exceed twenty feet (20 ft.) in width.
1709.6 Any lighting used to illuminate a loading berth, loading platform or service/delivery loading space shall be arranged so that all direct light rays are confined to the surface of the berth, platform, or space.
1710 special exceptions from loading requirements
1710.1 This section provides flexibility from the loading requirements when providing the number of spaces required is impractical or contrary to other District regulations.
1710.2 The Office of Zoning shall refer any application under this section to the Office of Planning and the District Department of Transportation for review and report.
1710.3 The Board may grant, by special exception, a reduction or elimination of the number of loading berths or service/delivery spaces required by § 1702.1 if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the applicant demonstrates that:
(a) The only means by which a motor vehicle could access the lot is from a public street, and provision of a curb cut or driveway on the street would violate any regulation in this chapter, or in Chapters 6 or 11 of Title 24 DCMR; or
(b) The loading berths or service/delivery spaces are required for an addition to a historic resource, and providing the required loading facilities would result in significant architectural or structural difficulty in maintaining the integrity and appearance of the historic resource.
1710.4 The Board may grant, by special exception, a waiver of the driveway location requirements of § 1705.4 if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the applicant demonstrates that:
(a) The lot has unusual topography, grades, shape, size, or dimensions; or
(b) An alternate driveway location would improve site design, landscaping, or traffic patterns or provide safer ingress or egress.
1710.5 The Board may grant, by special exception, modifications to the access requirements of § 1705.8 if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the applicant demonstrates that the resulting loading berths and approaches to the berths are usable by the type of vehicles they are designed to serve.
1710.6 The Board may grant, by special exception, modifications or waivers of the screening requirements of §1709 if, in addition to meeting the general requirements of [§ 3104], the applicant demonstrates that:
(a) Existing protective and screening walls on the lot or on adjacent property are adequate to prevent adverse impacts on adjacent property; or
(b) Provision of protective screening walls would result in the removal of healthy trees or other landscaping, or architectural features determined by the Board to be worthy of protection or to provide equal screening benefits.
1710.7 When granting a special exception under this section, the Board may impose conditions as to screening, lighting, coping, setbacks, fences, location of entrances and exits, widening of abutting alleys, loading management or transportation demand management practices, or any other requirement it deems necessary to protect adjacent or nearby property and promote the public health, safety, and welfare.
All persons desiring to comment on the subject matter of this proposed rulemaking action should file comments, in writing, no later than thirty (30) days after the date of publication of this notice in the D.C. Register. Comments should be filed with Sharon Schellin, Secretary to the Zoning Commission, Office of Zoning, 441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 200-S, Washington, D.C. 20001. Copies of this proposed rulemaking action may be obtained, at cost, by writing to the above address.