5863764 ACR 21-155, 30th Annual Black History Invitational Swim Meet Recognition Resolution of 2016  




    January 5, 2016


    To honor and recognize the 30th Annual Black History Invitational Swim Meet.


    WHEREAS, the Black History Invitational Swim Meet is a 2-day swimming competition attracting nearly 800 minority competitors, ages 5 to 18 years, each year;


    WHEREAS, the invitational was founded in 1987 by the District of Columbia’s Department of Parks and Recreation and the United Black Fund, Inc., in honor of Black History Month;


    WHEREAS, the invitational was established with the goals of creating a positive outlet for urban youth nationwide, providing exposure to strong competition, and offering youth the unique opportunity to visit the nation’s capital;


    WHEREAS, the invitational has grown from a small, local competition to one now hailed by USA Swimming, the national governing body for the sport of swimming, as the premier minority swim competition in the United States;


    WHEREAS, since 1989, the Black History Invitational Swim Meet Steering Committee has identified notable African-Americans in history or in the field of swimming, whose contributions and achievements have played a central role in U.S. history, to be recognized during the weekend’s events;


    WHEREAS, former honorees include Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Eleanor Holmes Norton, Dr. Dorothy I. Height, Cullen Jones, Harriet Tubman, and Dr. Calvin Rolark;


    WHEREAS, last year this historic swim meet hosted 762 swimmers from 27 teams hailing from Washington, D.C., Delaware, Georgia, Michigan, Maryland, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, and St. Lucia; and


    WHEREAS, this year, February 12-14, 2016, marks the 30th Annual Black History Invitational Swim Meet, which will be hosted by the DC Wave Swim Team, the District of Columbia’s only nationally competitive public youth swim team.


    RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “30th Annual Black History Invitational Swim Meet Recognition Resolution of 2016”.

    Sec. 2. The Council honors and recognizes the significance of the Black History Invitational Swim Meet and pledges to provide a home for this historic meet each year to ensure that our youth have the opportunity to engage in competitive swimming.

    Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.