4768828 Resolution 20-421, “Kenilworth Section of the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail Contract Emergency Approval Resolution of 2014”  







    February 4, 2014



    To approve, on an emergency basis, a contract with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation for the lease of certain property owned by the National Railroad Passenger Corporation needed for the Kenilworth section of the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail.



                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Kenilworth Section of the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail Contract Emergency Approval Resolution of 2014”.


                Sec. 2.  Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves the contract under which the District will lease certain property owned by the National Railroad Passenger Corporation critical for the Kenilworth section of the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail, across Parcel 180/5 for an initial term of 50 years, with options for renewal terms, and provide for  a contingency fund of $2 million for 7 years.    


    Sec. 3.  Transmittal.

    The Secretary to the Council shall transmit a copy of this resolution, upon its adoption, to the Mayor.


                Sec. 4.  Fiscal impact statement.

                The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(3)).


    Sec. 5.  Effective date.

    This resolution shall take effect immediately.