5877247 ACR 21-166, Pastors Brian and Ruth Hamilton 20-Year Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2016  







    February 2, 2016



    To recognize and congratulate Reverend Brian Hamilton and Reverend Ruth Hamilton on the occasion of their 20th anniversary as pastors of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, located at 401 I Street, S.W.


    WHEREAS, Pastor Brian and Pastor Ruth have shared the duties of preaching throughout their 20 years as pastors at Westminster Presbyterian Church (“Westminster”);


    WHEREAS, beginning in 1996, the church’s physical structure was altered from a Council System and replaced with a more open and flexible space to serve as ministry areas;


    WHEREAS, the pastors’ vision of community ministry was created after much discussion and resulted in a strong commitment to community service by both pastors;


    WHEREAS, during their second year at Westminster, a son, Roman, was born to grace their lives;


    WHEREAS, in 1998, Pastor Ruth joined the Board of the Southwest Community House and Pastor Brian provided leadership for the opening of the Southwest Renaissance Development Corporation (“SWRDC”);


    WHEREAS, on January 22, 1999, the Friday Night Jazz program began and has grown into a Southwest tradition known and supported by performers and audiences from all parts of the District;


    WHEREAS, the SW Catering Company was created under the SWRDC, employing community members to fulfill outside contracts as well as an in-house catering service supported by various church events;


    WHEREAS, Pastor Ruth served as co-chair of the Presbytery Anti-Racism team and served as an active member of the Congregational Development Committee of the Presbytery;


    WHEREAS, in 2004, Pastor Ruth served as Chair on the South Washington Family Strengthening Collaborative, the Board of More Light Open Doors Chapter, the Presbytery’s social justice committee and the SW Group Ministry;


    WHEREAS, in 2004, Pastor Brian served on the Wiley Branton Community Development Corporation and the Presbytery’s Mission Committee, with particular concern for urban churches;


    WHEREAS, in 2005, Pastor Ruth became interim chair of the Near Southwest/Southeast Community Benefits Coalition, later named the Near Southeast/Southwest Community Benefits Coordinating Council;


    WHEREAS, in September 2007, Monday Blues Night was launched, complementing the Friday Night Jazz program;


    WHEREAS, Westminster church supported the START program, a 501C(3) harm reduction program involving needle exchange and condom distribution;


    WHEREAS, Pastor Ruth worked for the New Beginnings discernment process;


    WHEREAS, Pastor Ruth worked to temporarily house the Domestic Violence clinic and support group in the last few years;


    WHEREAS, Pastor Brian led the effort to start the Ward Six Health Initiative and also served as the church’s liaison to Black Presbyterian United; and


    WHEREAS, Pastor Brian and Pastor Ruth have shared – and continue to share – their commitment to community service, ministry, and social justice with the Westminster Presbyterian Church, the Southwest community, and the District.


               RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Pastors Brian and Ruth Hamilton 20-Year Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2016”.


    Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia recognizes Pastor Brian Hamilton and Pastor Ruth Hamilton for their many contributions to the community welfare and ministerial services in the Southwest community over the past 20 years.


                 Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.