5877344 ACR 21-167, Steven Kehoe Recognition Resolution of 2016  







    February 2, 2016



    To recognize and honor Steven Kehoe for his dedicated service to the residents of the District of Columbia, upon the occasion of his retirement from the District Department of Transportation.

    WHEREAS, Steven Kehoe moved from Iowa and became a resident of Ward 6 in 1998;

    WHEREAS, Steven Kehoe joined the District of Columbia government in June, 2001;

    WHEREAS, the Council of the District of Columbia passed the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Establishment Act, creating a cabinet level agency responsible for the management of transportation, and in May 2002, Steven Kehoe was one of the original employees of the new agency;

    WHEREAS, during his many years as a resident and as a public servant, Steven Kehoe has been a tireless advocate for his community and for the District at large, working to preserve street trees, sidewalks, and public spaces for the use and enjoyment of all and to protect and enhance the public spaces we share in common;

    WHEREAS, through his quiet, thoughtful, and deliberate work on complex regulatory matters, such as work zone safety, public space user fee adjustments, curb cut and driveway policies, and creation of an electronic permit system and database, Steven Kehoe has tirelessly protected the public realm and streamlined DDOT operations, resulting in significant savings and income for the District;

    WHEREAS, Steven Kehoe has been an invaluable resource to coworkers on a wide range of issues, from land ownership to right-of-way distribution, and from public space permit conditions to GIS‑based data searches;

    WHEREAS, Steven Kehoe has been a tireless steward and champion for the preservation of public space maps and records dating to the 1930s;

    WHEREAS, Steve Kehoe championed pedestrian and bicycle safety and resident concerns about private uses of public space through regulations for covered walkways for construction projects, traffic control plans, and the temporary use of public space;

    WHEREAS, many of the public realm elements that contribute to the comfort and grandeur of the District of Columbia have been promoted, protected, and strengthened as a result of Steven Kehoe’s public service; and

    WHEREAS, the residents of the District of Columbia will long benefit from the work Steven Kehoe has done on their behalf to protect and preserve the special nature of the public spaces in the District of Columbia.

    RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Steven Kehoe Recognition Resolution of 2016″.         

    Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia recognizes Steven Kehoe for his dedicated service to the residents of the District of Columbia upon the occasion of his retirement from the District Department of Transportation.


                 Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.