5324153 Taxicab Commission, DC - Notice ofProposed Rulemaking- Amending Chapter 5 - Repainting of Vehicles
The District of Columbia Taxicab Commission, pursuant to the authority set forth in Sections 8(c)(2), (5), (19), and 14 of the District of Columbia Taxicab Commission Establishment Act of 1985, effective March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-97; D.C. Official Code §§ 50-307(c)(2),(5),(19), and 50-313 (2014 Repl.)), hereby gives notice of its intent to adopt amendments to Chapter 5 (Taxicab Companies, Associations and Fleets) of Title 31 (Taxicabs and Public Vehicles for Hire) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR).
The proposed rules would require a vehicle to be repainted to the uniform color scheme if the vehicle changes ownership, affiliation, or association, or if the owner is granted an extension in excess of one (1) year of the vehicle’s retirement under § 609. The rulemaking would support the transition of the taxicab fleet to the uniform color scheme, as required by the Act.
The Commission also hereby gives notice of the intent to take final rulemaking action to adopt these proposed rules in not less than thirty (30) days after the publication of this notice of proposed rulemaking in the D.C. Register. Directions for submitting comments may be found at the end of this notice.
Title 31, TAXICABS AND PUBLIC VEHICLES FOR HIRE, of the DCMR is amended as follows:
Chapter 5, TAXICAB COMPANIES, ASSOCIATIONS AND FLEETS, is amended as follows:
Section 503, TAXICAB COLORINGS AND MARKINGS, is amended as follows:
503.1 Uniform color scheme. Each vehicle used as a taxicab shall be in compliance with the uniform color scheme in § 503.3 if:
(a) It is entering service pursuant to:
(1) D.C. Official Code § 50-321(d)(1) and any implementing provisions of this title;
(2) Section 609, as a replacement for a vehicle required to be retired under that section; or
(3) Any other provision of this title or other applicable law;
(b) It is repainted in whole or in part, regardless of the reason;
(c) The ownership, association, or affiliation of the vehicle is changed in any way, regardless of the reason; or
(d) It is required to be repainted in whole or in part pursuant to:
(1) Subsection 609.7, as a condition of the Office’s approval of the owner’s application for an extension in excess of one (1) year of the vehicle’s retirement under §§ 609.2 through 609.5; or
(2) Any other provision of this title or other applicable law.
Copies of this proposed rulemaking can be obtained at www.dcregs.dc.gov or by contacting Juanda Mixon, Secretary to the Commission, District of Columbia Taxicab Commission, 2041 Martin Luther King, Jr., Avenue, S.E., Suite 204, Washington, D.C. 20020. All persons desiring to file comments on the proposed rulemaking action should submit written comments via e-mail to dctc@dc.gov or by mail to the DC Taxicab Commission, 2041 Martin Luther King, Jr., Ave., S.E., Suite 204, Washington, DC 20020, Attn: Juanda Mixon, Secretary to the Commission, no later than thirty (30) days after the publication of this notice in the D.C Register.